defmodule EthereumJSONRPC do @moduledoc """ Ethereum JSONRPC client. ## Configuration Configuration for parity URLs can be provided with the following mix config: config :ethereum_jsonrpc, url: "", trace_url: "", http: [recv_timeout: 60_000, timeout: 60_000, hackney: [pool: :ethereum_jsonrpc]] Note: the tracing node URL is provided separately from `:url`, via `:trace_url`. The trace URL and is used for `fetch_internal_transactions`, which is only a supported method on tracing nodes. The `:http` option is passed directly to the HTTP library (`HTTPoison`), which forwards the options down to `:hackney`. """ require Logger alias Explorer.Chain.Block alias EthereumJSONRPC.{Blocks, Parity, Receipts, Transactions} @typedoc """ Truncated 20-byte [KECCAK-256]( hash encoded as a hexadecimal number in a `String.t`. """ @type address :: String.t() @typedoc """ Binary data encoded as a single hexadecimal number in a `String.t` """ @type data :: String.t() @typedoc """ A full 32-byte [KECCAK-256]( hash encoded as a hexadecimal number in a `String.t` ## Example "0xe670ec64341771606e55d6b4ca35a1a6b75ee3d5145a99d05921026d1527331" """ @type hash :: String.t() @typedoc """ 8 byte [KECCAK-256]( hash of the proof-of-work. """ @type nonce :: String.t() @typedoc """ A number encoded as a hexadecimal number in a `String.t` ## Example "0x1b4" """ @type quantity :: String.t() @typedoc """ A logic block tag that can be used in place of a block number. | Tag | Description | |--------------|--------------------------------| | `"earliest"` | The first block in the chain | | `"latest"` | The latest collated block. | | `"pending"` | The next block to be collated. | """ @type tag :: String.t() @typedoc """ Unix timestamp encoded as a hexadecimal number in a `String.t` """ @type timestamp :: String.t() @doc """ Fetches configuration for this module under `key` Configuration can be set a compile time using `config` config :ethereume_jsonrpc, key, value Configuration can be set a runtime using `Application.put_env/3` Application.put_env(:ethereume_jsonrpc, key, value) """ def config(key) do Application.fetch_env!(:ethereum_jsonrpc, key) end @doc """ Fetches balance for each address `hash` at the `block_number` """ @spec fetch_balances([%{required(:block_quantity) => quantity, required(:hash_data) => data()}]) :: {:ok, [ %{ required(:fetched_balance) => non_neg_integer(), required(:fetched_balance_block_number) => Block.block_number(), required(:hash) => quantity } ]} | {:error, reason :: term} def fetch_balances(params_list) when is_list(params_list) do id_to_params = id_to_params(params_list) with {:ok, responses} <- id_to_params |> get_balance_requests() |> json_rpc(config(:trace_url)) do get_balance_responses_to_addresses_params(responses, id_to_params) end end @doc """ Fetches blocks by block hashes. Transaction data is included for each block. """ def fetch_blocks_by_hash(block_hashes) do block_hashes |> get_block_by_hash_requests() |> json_rpc(config(:url)) |> handle_get_blocks() |> case do {:ok, _next, results} -> {:ok, results} {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason} end end @doc """ Fetches blocks by block number range. """ def fetch_blocks_by_range(_first.._last = range) do range |> get_block_by_number_requests() |> json_rpc(config(:url)) |> handle_get_blocks() end @doc """ Fetches block number by `t:tag/0`. The `"earliest"` tag is the earlist block number, which is `0`. iex> EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_block_number_by_tag("earliest") {:ok, 0} ## Returns * `{:ok, number}` - the block number for the given `tag`. * `{:error, :invalid_tag}` - When `tag` is not a valid `t:tag/0`. * `{:error, reason}` - other JSONRPC error. """ @spec fetch_block_number_by_tag(tag()) :: {:ok, non_neg_integer()} | {:error, reason :: :invalid_tag | term()} def fetch_block_number_by_tag(tag) when tag in ~w(earliest latest pending) do tag |> get_block_by_tag_request() |> json_rpc(config(:url)) |> handle_get_block_by_tag() end @doc """ Fetches internal transactions from client-specific API. """ def fetch_internal_transactions(params_list) when is_list(params_list) do Parity.fetch_internal_transactions(params_list) end def fetch_transaction_receipts(hashes) when is_list(hashes) do Receipts.fetch(hashes) end @doc """ Assigns an id to each set of params in `params_list` for batch request-response correlation """ def id_to_params(params_list) do params_list |> Stream.with_index() |> Enum.into(%{}, fn {params, id} -> {id, params} end) end @doc """ 1. POSTs JSON `payload` to `url` 2. Decodes the response 3. Handles the response ## Returns * Handled response * `{:error, reason}` if POST failes """ def json_rpc(payload, url) when is_list(payload) do chunked_json_rpc(url, [payload], config(:http), []) end def json_rpc(payload, url) do json = encode_json(payload) case post(url, json, config(:http)) do {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{body: body, status_code: code}} -> body |> decode_json(code, json, url) |> handle_response(code) {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: reason}} -> {:error, reason} end end @doc """ Converts `t:nonce/0` to `t:non_neg_integer/0` """ @spec nonce_to_integer(nonce) :: non_neg_integer() def nonce_to_integer(nonce) do quantity_to_integer(nonce) end @doc """ Converts `t:quantity/0` to `t:non_neg_integer/0`. """ @spec quantity_to_integer(quantity) :: non_neg_integer() def quantity_to_integer("0x" <> hexadecimal_digits) do String.to_integer(hexadecimal_digits, 16) end @doc """ Converts `t:non_neg_integer/0` to `t:quantity/0` """ @spec integer_to_quantity(non_neg_integer) :: quantity def integer_to_quantity(integer) when is_integer(integer) and integer >= 0 do "0x" <> Integer.to_string(integer, 16) end @doc """ A request payload for a JSONRPC. """ @spec request(%{id: term, method: String.t(), params: list()}) :: %{String.t() => term} def request(%{id: id, method: method, params: params}) do %{ "id" => id, "jsonrpc" => "2.0", "method" => method, "params" => params } end @doc """ Converts `t:timestamp/0` to `t:DateTime.t/0` """ def timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp) do timestamp |> quantity_to_integer() |> Timex.from_unix() end defp chunked_json_rpc(_url, [], _options, decoded_response_bodies) when is_list(decoded_response_bodies) do list = decoded_response_bodies |> Enum.reverse() |> List.flatten() {:ok, list} end defp chunked_json_rpc(url, [batch | tail] = chunks, options, decoded_response_bodies) when is_list(batch) and is_list(tail) and is_list(decoded_response_bodies) do json = encode_json(batch) case post(url, json, options) do {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 413} = response} -> rechunk_json_rpc(url, chunks, options, response, decoded_response_bodies) {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{body: body, status_code: status_code}} -> decoded_body = decode_json(body, status_code, json, url) chunked_json_rpc(url, tail, options, [decoded_body | decoded_response_bodies]) {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: reason}} -> {:error, reason} end end defp rechunk_json_rpc(url, [batch | tail], options, response, decoded_response_bodies) do case length(batch) do # it can't be made any smaller 1 -> Logger.error(fn -> "413 Request Entity Too Large returned from single request batch. Cannot shrink batch further." end) {:error, response} batch_size -> split_size = div(batch_size, 2) {first_chunk, second_chunk} = Enum.split(batch, split_size) new_chunks = [first_chunk, second_chunk | tail] chunked_json_rpc(url, new_chunks, options, decoded_response_bodies) end end defp get_balance_requests(id_to_params) when is_map(id_to_params) do, fn {id, %{block_quantity: block_quantity, hash_data: hash_data}} -> get_balance_request(%{id: id, block_quantity: block_quantity, hash_data: hash_data}) end) end defp get_balance_request(%{id: id, block_quantity: block_quantity, hash_data: hash_data}) do request(%{id: id, method: "eth_getBalance", params: [hash_data, block_quantity]}) end defp get_balance_responses_to_addresses_params(responses, id_to_params) when is_list(responses) and is_map(id_to_params) do {status, reversed} = responses |>, id_to_params)) |> Enum.reduce( {:ok, []}, fn {:ok, address_params}, {:ok, address_params_list} -> {:ok, [address_params | address_params_list]} {:ok, _}, {:error, _} = acc_error -> acc_error {:error, reason}, {:ok, _} -> {:error, [reason]} {:error, reason}, {:error, acc_reason} -> {:error, [reason | acc_reason]} end ) {status, Enum.reverse(reversed)} end defp get_balance_response_to_address_params(%{"id" => id, "result" => fetched_balance_quantity}, id_to_params) when is_map(id_to_params) do %{block_quantity: block_quantity, hash_data: hash_data} = Map.fetch!(id_to_params, id) {:ok, %{ fetched_balance: quantity_to_integer(fetched_balance_quantity), fetched_balance_block_number: quantity_to_integer(block_quantity), hash: hash_data }} end defp get_balance_response_to_address_params(%{"id" => id, "error" => error}, id_to_params) when is_map(id_to_params) do %{block_quantity: block_quantity, hash_data: hash_data} = Map.fetch!(id_to_params, id) annotated_error = Map.merge(error, %{"blockNumber" => block_quantity, "hash" => hash_data}) {:error, annotated_error} end defp get_block_by_hash_requests(block_hashes) do for block_hash <- block_hashes do get_block_by_hash_request(%{id: block_hash, hash: block_hash, transactions: :full}) end end defp get_block_by_hash_request(%{id: id} = options) do request(%{id: id, method: "eth_getBlockByHash", params: get_block_by_hash_params(options)}) end defp get_block_by_hash_params(%{hash: hash} = options) do [hash, get_block_transactions(options)] end defp get_block_by_number_requests(range) do for current <- range do get_block_by_number_request(%{id: current, quantity: current, transactions: :full}) end end defp get_block_by_number_request(%{id: id} = options) do request(%{id: id, method: "eth_getBlockByNumber", params: get_block_by_number_params(options)}) end defp get_block_by_tag_request(tag) do # eth_getBlockByNumber accepts either a number OR a tag get_block_by_number_request(%{id: tag, tag: tag, transactions: :hashes}) end defp get_block_by_number_params(options) do [get_block_by_number_subject(options), get_block_transactions(options)] end defp get_block_by_number_subject(options) do case {Map.fetch(options, :quantity), Map.fetch(options, :tag)} do {{:ok, integer}, :error} when is_integer(integer) -> integer_to_quantity(integer) {:error, {:ok, tag}} -> tag {{:ok, _}, {:ok, _}} -> raise ArgumentError, "Only one of :quantity or :tag can be passed to get_block_by_number_request" {:error, :error} -> raise ArgumentError, "One of :quantity or :tag MUST be passed to get_block_by_number_request" end end defp get_block_transactions(%{transactions: transactions}) do case transactions do :full -> true :hashes -> false end end defp encode_json(data), do: Jason.encode_to_iodata!(data) defp decode_json(response_body, response_status_code, request_body, request_url) do Jason.decode!(response_body) rescue Jason.DecodeError -> Logger.error(fn -> """ failed to decode json payload: request: url: #{inspect(request_url)} body: #{inspect(request_body)} response: status code: #{inspect(response_status_code)} body: #{inspect(response_body)} """ end) raise("bad jason") end defp handle_get_blocks({:ok, results}) do {blocks, next} = Enum.reduce(results, {[], :more}, fn %{"result" => nil}, {blocks, _} -> {blocks, :end_of_chain} %{"result" => %{} = block}, {blocks, next} -> {[block | blocks], next} end) elixir_blocks = Blocks.to_elixir(blocks) elixir_transactions = Blocks.elixir_to_transactions(elixir_blocks) blocks_params = Blocks.elixir_to_params(elixir_blocks) transactions_params = Transactions.elixir_to_params(elixir_transactions) {:ok, next, %{ blocks: blocks_params, transactions: transactions_params }} end defp handle_get_blocks({:error, _} = error), do: error defp handle_get_block_by_tag({:ok, %{"number" => quantity}}) do {:ok, quantity_to_integer(quantity)} end defp handle_get_block_by_tag({:error, %{"code" => -32602}}), do: {:error, :invalid_tag} defp handle_get_block_by_tag({:error, _} = error), do: error defp handle_response(resp, 200) do case resp do %{"error" => error} -> {:error, error} %{"result" => result} -> {:ok, result} end end defp handle_response(resp, _status) do {:error, resp} end defp post(url, json, options) do, json, [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}], options) end end