defmodule Explorer.Factory do use ExMachina.Ecto, repo: Explorer.Repo alias Explorer.Chain.{Address, Block, Data, Hash, InternalTransaction, Log, Receipt, Transaction} alias Explorer.Market.MarketHistory alias Explorer.Repo @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, fields_for: 1} def address_factory do %Address{ hash: address_hash() } end def address_hash do {:ok, address_hash} = "address_hash" |> sequence(& &1) |> Hash.Truncated.cast() address_hash end def block_factory do %Block{ number: sequence("block_number", & &1), hash: block_hash(), parent_hash: block_hash(), nonce: sequence("block_nonce", & &1), miner_hash: insert(:address).hash, difficulty: Enum.random(1..100_000), total_difficulty: Enum.random(1..100_000), size: Enum.random(1..100_000), gas_limit: Enum.random(1..100_000), gas_used: Enum.random(1..100_000), timestamp: DateTime.utc_now() } end def block_hash do {:ok, block_hash} = "block_hash" |> sequence(& &1) |> Hash.Full.cast() block_hash end def data(sequence_name) do unpadded = sequence_name |> sequence(& &1) |> Integer.to_string(16) unpadded_length = String.length(unpadded) padded = case rem(unpadded_length, 2) do 0 -> unpadded 1 -> "0" <> unpadded end {:ok, data} = Data.cast("0x#{padded}") data end def internal_transaction_factory do type = internal_transaction_type() internal_transaction_factory(type) end # TODO add call, reward, and suicide def internal_transaction_type do Enum.random(~w(create)a) end def log_factory do %Log{ address_hash: insert(:address).hash, data: data(:log_data), first_topic: nil, fourth_topic: nil, index: 0, second_topic: nil, third_topic: nil, transaction_hash: insert(:transaction).hash, type: sequence("0x") } end def public_key do data(:public_key) end def market_history_factory do %MarketHistory{ closing_price: price(), opening_price: price(), date: Date.utc_today() } end def receipt_factory do %Receipt{ cumulative_gas_used: Enum.random(21_000..100_000), gas_used: Enum.random(21_000..100_000), status: Enum.random(0..1) } end def transaction_factory do %Transaction{ from_address_hash: insert(:address).hash, gas: Enum.random(21_000..100_000), gas_price: Enum.random(10..99) * 1_000_000_00, hash: transaction_hash(), input: transaction_input(), nonce: Enum.random(1..1_000), public_key: public_key(), r: sequence(:transaction_r, & &1), s: sequence(:transaction_s, & &1), standard_v: Enum.random(0..3), to_address_hash: insert(:address).hash, v: Enum.random(27..30), value: Enum.random(1..100_000) } end def transaction_hash do {:ok, transaction_hash} = "transaction_hash" |> sequence(& &1) |> Hash.Full.cast() transaction_hash end def transaction_input do data(:transaction_input) end @doc """ Validates the pending `transaction`(s) by add it to a `t:Explorer.Chain.Block.t/0` and giving it a `receipt` """ def validate(transactions) when is_list(transactions) do, &validate/1) end def validate(%Transaction{hash: hash} = transaction) do block = insert(:block) index = 0 block_transaction = transaction |> Explorer.Chain.Transaction.changeset(%{block_hash: block.hash, index: index}) |> Repo.update!() insert(:receipt, transaction_hash: hash, transaction_index: index) Repo.preload(block_transaction, [:block, :receipt]) end defp internal_transaction_factory(:create = type) do gas = Enum.random(21_000..100_000) gas_used = Enum.random(0..gas) block = insert(:block) transaction = insert(:transaction, block_hash: block.hash, index: 0) receipt = insert(:receipt, transaction_hash: transaction.hash, transaction_index: transaction.index) %InternalTransaction{ created_contract_code: data(:internal_transaction_created_contract_code), created_contract_address_hash: insert(:address).hash, from_address_hash: insert(:address).hash, gas: gas, gas_used: gas_used, index: 0, # caller MUST suppy `index` init: data(:internal_transaction_init), trace_address: [], transaction_hash: receipt.transaction_hash, type: type, value: sequence("internal_transaction_value", & } end defp price do 1..10_000 |> Enum.random() |> |> Decimal.div( end end