defmodule EthereumJSONRPCTest do use EthereumJSONRPC.Case, async: true import EthereumJSONRPC.Case import Mox setup :verify_on_exit! @moduletag :capture_log describe "fetch_balances/1" do test "with all valid hash_data returns {:ok, addresses_params}", %{ json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments } do expected_fetched_balance = case Keyword.fetch!(json_rpc_named_arguments, :variant) do EthereumJSONRPC.Geth -> 0 EthereumJSONRPC.Parity -> 1 variant -> raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported variant (#{variant}})" end if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options -> {:ok, [%{id: 0, result: EthereumJSONRPC.integer_to_quantity(expected_fetched_balance)}]} end) end hash = "0x8bf38d4764929064f2d4d3a56520a76ab3df415b" assert EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_balances( [ %{block_quantity: "0x1", hash_data: hash} ], json_rpc_named_arguments ) == {:ok, [ %{ address_hash: hash, block_number: 1, value: expected_fetched_balance } ]} end test "with all invalid hash_data returns {:error, reasons}", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do variant = Keyword.fetch!(json_rpc_named_arguments, :variant) expected_message = case variant do EthereumJSONRPC.Geth -> "invalid argument 0: json: cannot unmarshal hex string of odd length into Go value of type common.Address" EthereumJSONRPC.Parity -> "Invalid params: invalid length 1, expected a 0x-prefixed, padded, hex-encoded hash with length 40." _ -> raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported variant (#{variant}})" end if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options -> {:ok, [ %{ id: 0, error: %{ code: -32602, message: expected_message } } ]} end) end assert {:error, [ %{ code: -32602, data: %{"blockNumber" => "0x1", "hash" => "0x0"}, message: ^expected_message } ]} = EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_balances([%{block_quantity: "0x1", hash_data: "0x0"}], json_rpc_named_arguments) end test "with a mix of valid and invalid hash_data returns {:error, reasons}", %{ json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments } do if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options -> { :ok, [ %{ id: 0, result: "0x0" }, %{ id: 1, result: "0x1" }, %{ id: 2, error: %{ code: -32602, message: "Invalid params: invalid length 1, expected a 0x-prefixed, padded, hex-encoded hash with length 40." } }, %{ id: 3, result: "0x3" }, %{ id: 4, error: %{ code: -32602, message: "Invalid params: invalid length 1, expected a 0x-prefixed, padded, hex-encoded hash with length 40." } } ] } end) end assert {:error, reasons} = EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_balances( [ # start with :ok %{ block_quantity: "0x1", hash_data: "0x8bf38d4764929064f2d4d3a56520a76ab3df415b" }, # :ok, :ok clause %{ block_quantity: "0x34", hash_data: "0xe8ddc5c7a2d2f0d7a9798459c0104fdf5e987aca" }, # :ok, :error clause %{ block_quantity: "0x2", hash_data: "0x3" }, # :error, :ok clause %{ block_quantity: "0x35", hash_data: "0x8bf38d4764929064f2d4d3a56520a76ab3df415b" }, # :error, :error clause %{ block_quantity: "0x4", hash_data: "0x5" } ], json_rpc_named_arguments ) assert is_list(reasons) assert length(reasons) > 1 end end describe "fetch_block_number_by_tag" do @tag capture_log: false test "with earliest", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options -> {:ok, %{"number" => "0x0"}} end) end log_bad_gateway( fn -> EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_block_number_by_tag("earliest", json_rpc_named_arguments) end, fn result -> assert {:ok, 0} = result end ) end @tag capture_log: false test "with latest", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options -> {:ok, %{"number" => "0x1"}} end) end log_bad_gateway( fn -> EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_block_number_by_tag("latest", json_rpc_named_arguments) end, fn result -> assert {:ok, number} = result assert number > 0 end ) end @tag capture_log: false test "with pending", %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do if json_rpc_named_arguments[:transport] == EthereumJSONRPC.Mox do expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn _json, _options -> {:ok, %{"number" => "0x2"}} end) end log_bad_gateway( fn -> EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_block_number_by_tag("pending", json_rpc_named_arguments) end, fn result -> assert {:ok, number} = result assert number > 0 end ) end end end