defmodule EthereumJSONRPCTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true doctest EthereumJSONRPC describe "fetch_balances/1" do test "with all valid hash_data returns {:ok, addresses_params}" do assert EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_balances([ %{block_quantity: "0x1", hash_data: "0x8bf38d4764929064f2d4d3a56520a76ab3df415b"} ]) == {:ok, [ %{ fetched_balance: 1, fetched_balance_block_number: 1, hash: "0x8bf38d4764929064f2d4d3a56520a76ab3df415b" } ]} end test "with all invalid hash_data returns {:error, reasons}" do assert EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_balances([%{block_quantity: "0x1", hash_data: "0x0"}]) == {:error, [ %{ "blockNumber" => "0x1", "code" => -32602, "hash" => "0x0", "message" => "Invalid params: invalid length 1, expected a 0x-prefixed, padded, hex-encoded hash with length 40." } ]} end test "with a mix of valid and invalid hash_data returns {:error, reasons}" do assert EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_balances([ # start with :ok %{ block_quantity: "0x1", hash_data: "0x8bf38d4764929064f2d4d3a56520a76ab3df415b" }, # :ok, :ok clause %{ block_quantity: "0x34", hash_data: "0xe8ddc5c7a2d2f0d7a9798459c0104fdf5e987aca" }, # :ok, :error clause %{ block_quantity: "0x2", hash_data: "0x3" }, # :error, :ok clause %{ block_quantity: "0x35", hash_data: "0x8bf38d4764929064f2d4d3a56520a76ab3df415b" }, # :error, :error clause %{ block_quantity: "0x4", hash_data: "0x5" } ]) == {:error, [ %{ "blockNumber" => "0x2", "code" => -32602, "hash" => "0x3", "message" => "Invalid params: invalid length 1, expected a 0x-prefixed, padded, hex-encoded hash with length 40." }, %{ "blockNumber" => "0x4", "code" => -32602, "hash" => "0x5", "message" => "Invalid params: invalid length 1, expected a 0x-prefixed, padded, hex-encoded hash with length 40." } ]} end end describe "json_rpc/2" do # regression test for test "transparently splits batch payloads that would trigger a 413 Request Entity Too Large" do block_numbers = 0..13000 payload = block_numbers |> Stream.with_index() |> assert_payload_too_large(payload) url = EthereumJSONRPC.config(:url) assert {:ok, responses} = EthereumJSONRPC.json_rpc(payload, url) assert Enum.count(responses) == Enum.count(block_numbers) block_number_set = response_block_number_set = Enum.into(responses,, fn %{"result" => %{"number" => quantity}} -> EthereumJSONRPC.quantity_to_integer(quantity) end) assert MapSet.equal?(response_block_number_set, block_number_set) end end defp assert_payload_too_large(payload) do json = Jason.encode_to_iodata!(payload) headers = [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}] url = EthereumJSONRPC.config(:url) assert {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{body: body, status_code: 413}} =, json, headers, EthereumJSONRPC.config(:http)) assert body =~ "413 Request Entity Too Large" end defp get_block_by_number_request({block_number, id}) do %{ "id" => id, "jsonrpc" => "2.0", "method" => "eth_getBlockByNumber", "params" => [EthereumJSONRPC.integer_to_quantity(block_number), true] } end end