defmodule Indexer.BlockFetcherTest do # `async: false` due to use of named GenServer use Explorer.DataCase, async: false import ExUnit.CaptureLog import EthereumJSONRPC.Case alias Explorer.Chain.{Address, Block, Log, Transaction, Wei} alias Indexer.{ AddressBalanceFetcher, AddressBalanceFetcherCase, BlockFetcher, BufferedTask, InternalTransactionFetcher, InternalTransactionFetcherCase, Sequence } @tag capture_log: true # First block with all schemas to import # 37 is determined using the following query: # SELECT MIN(blocks.number) FROM # (SELECT blocks.number # FROM internal_transactions # INNER JOIN transactions # ON transactions.hash = internal_transactions.transaction_hash # INNER JOIN blocks # ON blocks.hash = transactions.block_hash # INTERSECT # SELECT blocks.number # FROM logs # INNER JOIN transactions # ON transactions.hash = logs.transaction_hash # INNER JOIN blocks # ON blocks.hash = transactions.block_hash) as blocks @first_full_block_number 37 setup do %{variant: EthereumJSONRPC.config(:variant)} end describe "start_link/1" do test "starts fetching blocks from latest and goes down" do {:ok, latest_block_number} = EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_block_number_by_tag("latest") default_blocks_batch_size = BlockFetcher.default_blocks_batch_size() assert latest_block_number > default_blocks_batch_size assert Repo.aggregate(Block, :count, :hash) == 0 start_supervised!({Task.Supervisor, name: Indexer.TaskSupervisor}) AddressBalanceFetcherCase.start_supervised!() InternalTransactionFetcherCase.start_supervised!() start_supervised!(BlockFetcher) wait_for_results(fn ->!(from(block in Block, where: block.number == ^latest_block_number)) end) assert Repo.aggregate(Block, :count, :hash) >= 1 previous_batch_block_number = latest_block_number - default_blocks_batch_size wait_for_results(fn ->!(from(block in Block, where: block.number == ^previous_batch_block_number)) end) assert Repo.aggregate(Block, :count, :hash) >= default_blocks_batch_size end end describe "handle_info(:debug_count, state)" do setup :state setup do block = insert(:block), fn _ -> transaction = :transaction |> insert() |> with_block(block) insert(:log, transaction: transaction) insert(:internal_transaction, transaction: transaction, index: 0) end) :ok end @tag :capture_log @heading "persisted counts" test "without debug_logs", %{state: state} do start_supervised!({Task.Supervisor, name: Indexer.TaskSupervisor}) AddressBalanceFetcherCase.start_supervised!() InternalTransactionFetcherCase.start_supervised!() wait_for_tasks(InternalTransactionFetcher) wait_for_tasks(AddressBalanceFetcher) refute capture_log_at_level(:debug, fn -> Indexer.disable_debug_logs() BlockFetcher.handle_info(:debug_count, state) end) =~ @heading end @tag :capture_log test "with debug_logs", %{state: state} do start_supervised!({Task.Supervisor, name: Indexer.TaskSupervisor}) AddressBalanceFetcherCase.start_supervised!() InternalTransactionFetcherCase.start_supervised!() wait_for_tasks(InternalTransactionFetcher) wait_for_tasks(AddressBalanceFetcher) log = capture_log_at_level(:debug, fn -> Indexer.enable_debug_logs() BlockFetcher.handle_info(:debug_count, state) end) assert log =~ @heading assert log =~ "blocks: 1" assert log =~ "internal transactions: 3" assert log =~ "logs: 3" assert log =~ "addresses: 16" end end describe "import_range/3" do setup :state setup do start_supervised!({Task.Supervisor, name: Indexer.TaskSupervisor}) AddressBalanceFetcherCase.start_supervised!() InternalTransactionFetcherCase.start_supervised!() {:ok, state} = BlockFetcher.init([]) %{state: state} end test "with single element range that is valid imports one block", %{state: state, variant: variant} do {:ok, sequence} = Sequence.start_link(first: 0, step: 1) %{address_hash: address_hash, block_hash: block_hash} = case variant do EthereumJSONRPC.Geth -> %{ address_hash: %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 20, bytes: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> }, block_hash: %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 32, bytes: <<212, 229, 103, 64, 248, 118, 174, 248, 192, 16, 184, 106, 64, 213, 245, 103, 69, 161, 24, 208, 144, 106, 52, 230, 154, 236, 140, 13, 177, 203, 143, 163>> } } EthereumJSONRPC.Parity -> %{ address_hash: %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 20, bytes: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> }, block_hash: %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 32, bytes: <<91, 40, 193, 191, 211, 161, 82, 48, 201, 164, 107, 57, 156, 208, 249, 166, 146, 13, 67, 46, 133, 56, 28, 198, 161, 64, 176, 110, 132, 16, 17, 47>> } } _ -> raise ArgumenrError, "Unsupported variant (#{variant})" end log_bad_gateway( fn -> BlockFetcher.import_range(0..0, state, sequence) end, fn result -> assert {:ok, %{ addresses: [^address_hash], blocks: [^block_hash], logs: [], transactions: [] }} = result wait_for_tasks(InternalTransactionFetcher) wait_for_tasks(AddressBalanceFetcher) assert Repo.aggregate(Block, :count, :hash) == 1 assert Repo.aggregate(Address, :count, :hash) == 1 address = Repo.get!(Address, address_hash) assert address.fetched_balance == %Wei{value:} assert address.fetched_balance_block_number == 0 end ) end test "can import range with all synchronous imported schemas", %{state: state, variant: variant} do {:ok, sequence} = Sequence.start_link(first: 0, step: 1) case variant do EthereumJSONRPC.Geth -> block_number = 48230 assert {:ok, %{ addresses: [ %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 20, bytes: <<55, 52, 203, 24, 116, 145, 237, 231, 19, 174, 91, 59, 45, 18, 40, 74, 244, 107, 129, 1>> } = first_address_hash, %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 20, bytes: <<89, 47, 120, 202, 98, 102, 132, 20, 109, 56, 18, 133, 202, 0, 221, 145, 179, 117, 253, 17>> } = second_address_hash, %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 20, bytes: <<187, 123, 130, 135, 243, 240, 169, 51, 71, 74, 121, 234, 228, 44, 188, 169, 119, 121, 17, 113>> } = third_address_hash, %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 20, bytes: <<210, 193, 91, 230, 52, 135, 86, 246, 145, 187, 152, 246, 13, 254, 190, 97, 230, 190, 59, 86>> } = fourth_address_hash, %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 20, bytes: <<221, 47, 30, 110, 73, 130, 2, 232, 109, 143, 84, 66, 175, 89, 101, 128, 164, 240, 60, 44>> } = fifth_address_hash ], blocks: [ %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 32, bytes: <<209, 52, 30, 145, 228, 166, 153, 192, 47, 187, 24, 4, 84, 20, 80, 18, 144, 134, 68, 198, 200, 119, 77, 16, 251, 182, 96, 253, 27, 146, 104, 176>> } ], logs: [], transactions: [ %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 32, bytes: <<76, 188, 236, 37, 153, 153, 224, 115, 252, 79, 176, 224, 228, 166, 18, 66, 94, 61, 115, 57, 47, 162, 37, 255, 36, 96, 161, 238, 171, 66, 99, 10>> }, %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 32, bytes: <<240, 237, 34, 44, 16, 174, 248, 135, 4, 196, 15, 198, 34, 220, 218, 174, 13, 208, 242, 122, 154, 143, 4, 28, 171, 95, 190, 255, 254, 174, 75, 182>> } ] }} = BlockFetcher.import_range(block_number..block_number, state, sequence) wait_for_tasks(InternalTransactionFetcher) wait_for_tasks(AddressBalanceFetcher) assert Repo.aggregate(Block, :count, :hash) == 1 assert Repo.aggregate(Address, :count, :hash) == 5 assert Repo.aggregate(Log, :count, :id) == 0 assert Repo.aggregate(Transaction, :count, :hash) == 2 first_address = Repo.get!(Address, first_address_hash) assert first_address.fetched_balance == %Wei{value:} assert first_address.fetched_balance_block_number == block_number second_address = Repo.get!(Address, second_address_hash) assert second_address.fetched_balance == %Wei{value:} assert second_address.fetched_balance_block_number == block_number third_address = Repo.get!(Address, third_address_hash) assert third_address.fetched_balance == %Wei{value:} assert third_address.fetched_balance_block_number == block_number fourth_address = Repo.get!(Address, fourth_address_hash) assert fourth_address.fetched_balance == %Wei{value:} assert fourth_address.fetched_balance_block_number == block_number fifth_address = Repo.get!(Address, fifth_address_hash) assert fifth_address.fetched_balance == %Wei{value:} assert fifth_address.fetched_balance_block_number == block_number EthereumJSONRPC.Parity -> assert {:ok, %{ addresses: [ %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 20, bytes: <<139, 243, 141, 71, 100, 146, 144, 100, 242, 212, 211, 165, 101, 32, 167, 106, 179, 223, 65, 91>> } = first_address_hash, %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 20, bytes: <<232, 221, 197, 199, 162, 210, 240, 215, 169, 121, 132, 89, 192, 16, 79, 223, 94, 152, 122, 202>> } = second_address_hash ], blocks: [ %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 32, bytes: <<246, 180, 184, 200, 141, 243, 235, 210, 82, 236, 71, 99, 40, 51, 77, 192, 38, 207, 102, 96, 106, 132, 251, 118, 155, 61, 60, 188, 204, 132, 113, 189>> } ], logs: [ %{ index: 0, transaction_hash: %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 32, bytes: <<83, 189, 136, 72, 114, 222, 62, 72, 134, 146, 136, 27, 174, 236, 38, 46, 123, 149, 35, 77, 57, 101, 36, 140, 57, 254, 153, 47, 255, 212, 51, 229>> } } ], transactions: [ %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ byte_count: 32, bytes: <<83, 189, 136, 72, 114, 222, 62, 72, 134, 146, 136, 27, 174, 236, 38, 46, 123, 149, 35, 77, 57, 101, 36, 140, 57, 254, 153, 47, 255, 212, 51, 229>> } ] }} = BlockFetcher.import_range(@first_full_block_number..@first_full_block_number, state, sequence) wait_for_tasks(InternalTransactionFetcher) wait_for_tasks(AddressBalanceFetcher) assert Repo.aggregate(Block, :count, :hash) == 1 assert Repo.aggregate(Address, :count, :hash) == 2 assert Repo.aggregate(Log, :count, :id) == 1 assert Repo.aggregate(Transaction, :count, :hash) == 1 first_address = Repo.get!(Address, first_address_hash) assert first_address.fetched_balance == %Wei{value:} assert first_address.fetched_balance_block_number == @first_full_block_number second_address = Repo.get!(Address, second_address_hash) assert second_address.fetched_balance == %Wei{value:} assert second_address.fetched_balance_block_number == @first_full_block_number _ -> raise ArgumentError, "Unsupport variant (#{variant})" end end end defp capture_log_at_level(level, block) do logger_level_transaction(fn -> Logger.configure(level: level) capture_log(fn -> block.() Process.sleep(10) end) end) end defp logger_level_transaction(block) do level_before = Logger.level() on_exit(fn -> Logger.configure(level: level_before) end) return = block.() Logger.configure(level: level_before) return end defp state(_) do {:ok, state} = BlockFetcher.init([]) %{state: state} end defp wait_until(timeout, producer) do parent = self() ref = make_ref() spawn(fn -> do_wait_until(parent, ref, producer) end) receive do {^ref, :ok} -> :ok after timeout -> exit(:timeout) end end defp do_wait_until(parent, ref, producer) do if producer.() do send(parent, {ref, :ok}) else :timer.sleep(100) do_wait_until(parent, ref, producer) end end defp wait_for_tasks(buffered_task) do wait_until(10_000, fn -> counts = BufferedTask.debug_count(buffered_task) counts.buffer == 0 and counts.tasks == 0 end) end end