DOCKER_REPO := blockscout BACKEND_APP_NAME := blockscout FRONTEND_APP_NAME := frontend BACKEND_CONTAINER_IMAGE := $(DOCKER_REPO)/$(BACKEND_APP_NAME) BACKEND_CONTAINER_NAME := backend FRONTEND_CONTAINER_NAME := frontend VISUALIZER_CONTAINER_NAME := visualizer SIG_PROVIDER_CONTAINER_NAME := sig-provider STATS_CONTAINER_NAME := stats STATS_DB_CONTAINER_NAME := stats-postgres PROXY_CONTAINER_NAME := proxy PG_CONTAINER_NAME := postgres RELEASE_VERSION ?= '5.3.3' TAG := $(RELEASE_VERSION)-commit-$(shell git log -1 --pretty=format:"%h") STABLE_TAG := $(RELEASE_VERSION) start: @echo "==> Starting blockscout db" @docker-compose -f ../docker-compose/services/db.yml up -d @echo "==> Starting blockscout backend" @docker-compose -f ../docker-compose/services/backend.yml up -d @echo "==> Starting stats microservice" @docker-compose -f ../docker-compose/services/stats.yml up -d @echo "==> Starting visualizer microservice" @docker-compose -f ../docker-compose/services/visualizer.yml up -d @echo "==> Starting sig-provider microservice" @docker-compose -f ../docker-compose/services/sig-provider.yml up -d @echo "==> Starting blockscout frontend" @docker-compose -f ../docker-compose/services/frontend.yml up -d @echo "==> Starting Nginx proxy" @docker-compose -f ../docker-compose/services/nginx.yml up -d BS_BACKEND_STARTED := $(shell docker ps --no-trunc --filter name=^/${BACKEND_CONTAINER_NAME}$ | grep ${BACKEND_CONTAINER_NAME}) BS_FRONTEND_STARTED := $(shell docker ps --no-trunc --filter name=^/${FRONTEND_CONTAINER_NAME}$ | grep ${FRONTEND_CONTAINER_NAME}) BS_STATS_STARTED := $(shell docker ps --no-trunc --filter name=^/${STATS_CONTAINER_NAME}$ | grep ${STATS_CONTAINER_NAME}) BS_STATS_DB_STARTED := $(shell docker ps --no-trunc --filter name=^/${STATS_DB_CONTAINER_NAME}$ | grep ${STATS_DB_CONTAINER_NAME}) BS_VISUALIZER_STARTED := $(shell docker ps --no-trunc --filter name=^/${VISUALIZER_CONTAINER_NAME}$ | grep ${VISUALIZER_CONTAINER_NAME}) BS_SIG_PROVIDER_STARTED := $(shell docker ps --no-trunc --filter name=^/${SIG_PROVIDER_CONTAINER_NAME}$ | grep ${SIG_PROVIDER_CONTAINER_NAME}) BS_PROXY_STARTED := $(shell docker ps --no-trunc --filter name=^/${PROXY_CONTAINER_NAME}$ | grep ${PROXY_CONTAINER_NAME}) stop: ifdef BS_FRONTEND_STARTED @echo "==> Stopping Blockscout frontend container." @docker stop $(FRONTEND_CONTAINER_NAME) && docker rm -f $(FRONTEND_CONTAINER_NAME) @echo "==> Blockscout frontend container stopped." else @echo "==> Blockscout frontend container already stopped before." endif ifdef BS_BACKEND_STARTED @echo "==> Stopping Blockscout backend container." @docker stop $(BACKEND_CONTAINER_NAME) && docker rm -f $(BACKEND_CONTAINER_NAME) @echo "==> Blockscout backend container stopped." else @echo "==> Blockscout backend container already stopped before." endif ifdef BS_STATS_DB_STARTED @echo "==> Stopping Blockscout stats db container." @docker stop $(STATS_DB_CONTAINER_NAME) && docker rm -f $(STATS_DB_CONTAINER_NAME) @echo "==> Blockscout stats db container stopped." else @echo "==> Blockscout stats db container already stopped before." endif ifdef BS_STATS_STARTED @echo "==> Stopping Blockscout stats container." @docker stop $(STATS_CONTAINER_NAME) && docker rm -f $(STATS_CONTAINER_NAME) @echo "==> Blockscout stats container stopped." else @echo "==> Blockscout stats container already stopped before." endif ifdef BS_VISUALIZER_STARTED @echo "==> Stopping Blockscout visualizer container." @docker stop $(VISUALIZER_CONTAINER_NAME) && docker rm -f $(VISUALIZER_CONTAINER_NAME) @echo "==> Blockscout visualizer container stopped." else @echo "==> Blockscout visualizer container already stopped before." endif ifdef BS_SIG_PROVIDER_STARTED @echo "==> Stopping Blockscout sig-provider container." @docker stop $(SIG_PROVIDER_CONTAINER_NAME) && docker rm -f $(SIG_PROVIDER_CONTAINER_NAME) @echo "==> Blockscout sig-provider container stopped." else @echo "==> Blockscout sig-provider container already stopped before." endif ifdef BS_PROXY_STARTED @echo "==> Stopping Nginx proxy container." @docker stop $(PROXY_CONTAINER_NAME) && docker rm -f $(PROXY_CONTAINER_NAME) @echo "==> Nginx proxy container stopped." else @echo "==> Nginx proxy container already stopped before." endif ifdef PG_STARTED @echo "==> Stopping Postgres container." @docker stop $(PG_CONTAINER_NAME) @echo "==> Postgres container stopped." else @echo "==> Postgres container already stopped before." endif run: start docker-login: ## login to DockerHub with credentials found in env docker login -u ${DOCKER_USERNAME} -p ${DOCKER_PASSWORD} # Docker release - build, tag and push the container pre-release: build publish ## Make a release by building and publishing the `{version}` ans `latest` tagged containers to hub release: build publish-stable ## Make a release by building and publishing the `{version}` ans `latest` tagged containers to hub # Docker publish publish: docker-login publish-latest publish-version ## publish the `{version}` ans `latest` tagged containers to hub publish-stable: docker-login publish-latest publish-stable-version ## publish the `{version}` ans `latest` tagged containers to hub publish-latest: tag-latest ## publish the `latest` tagged container to hub @echo 'publish latest to $(DOCKER_REPO)' docker push $(BACKEND_CONTAINER_IMAGE):latest publish-version: tag-version ## publish the `{version}` tagged container to hub @echo 'publish $(TAG) to $(DOCKER_REPO)' docker push $(BACKEND_CONTAINER_IMAGE):$(TAG) publish-stable-version: tag-stable-version ## publish the `{version}` tagged container to hub @echo 'publish $(STABLE_TAG) to $(DOCKER_REPO)' docker push $(BACKEND_CONTAINER_IMAGE):$(STABLE_TAG) # Docker tagging tag: tag-latest tag-version ## Generate container tags for the `{version}` ans `latest` tags tag-stable: tag-latest tag-stable-version ## Generate container tags for the `{version}` ans `latest` tags tag-latest: ## Generate container `latest` tag @echo 'create latest tag' docker tag $(BACKEND_CONTAINER_IMAGE) $(BACKEND_CONTAINER_IMAGE):latest tag-version: ## Generate container `{version}` tag @echo 'create tag $(TAG)' docker tag $(BACKEND_CONTAINER_IMAGE) $(BACKEND_CONTAINER_IMAGE):$(TAG) tag-stable-version: ## Generate container `{version}` tag @echo 'create tag $(STABLE_TAG)' docker tag $(BACKEND_CONTAINER_IMAGE) $(BACKEND_CONTAINER_IMAGE):$(STABLE_TAG) .PHONY: build \ start \ stop \ run \ docker-login \ release \ publish \ publish-latest \ publish-version \ tag \ tag-latest \ tag-version