Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

60 lines
1007 B

# App artifacts
# mix dialyzer artifacts
# Generated on crash by the VM
# Generated on crash by NPM
# Static artifacts
# Since we are building assets from assets/,
# we ignore priv/static. You may want to comment
# this depending on your deployment strategy.
# Files matching config/*.secret.exs pattern contain sensitive
# data and you should not commit them into version control.
# Alternatively, you may comment the line below and commit the
# secrets files as long as you replace their contents by environment
# variables.
# Wallaby screenshots
# Sobelow
# osx
# mix phx.gen.cert self-signed certs for dev