Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
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defmodule EthereumJSONRPC.Subscription do
@moduledoc """
A subscription to an event
alias EthereumJSONRPC.Transport
@enforce_keys ~w(reference subscriber_pid transport transport_options)a
defstruct ~w(reference subscriber_pid transport transport_options)a
@typedoc """
An event that can be subscribed to.
* `"newHeads"` - when new blocks are added to chain including during reorgs.
@type event :: String.t()
@typedoc """
Subscription ID returned from `eth_subscribe` and used to canceled a subscription with `eth_unsubscribe`.
@type id :: String.t()
@typedoc """
Parameters for customizing subscription to `t:event/0`.
@type params :: list()
@typedoc """
* `reference` - the `t:reference/0` for referring to the subscription when talking to `transport_pid`.
* `subscriber_pid` - the `t:pid/0` of process where `transport_pid` should send messages.
* `transport` - the `t:EthereumJSONRPC.Transport.t/0` callback module.
* `transport_options` - options passed to `c:EthereumJSONRPC.Transport.json_rpc/2`.
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
reference: reference(),
subscriber_pid: pid(),
transport: Transport.t(),
transport_options: Transport.options()
@doc """
Publishes `messages` to all `subscriptions`s' `subscriber_pid`s.
Sends `message` tagged with each `subscription`: `{subscription, message}`.
@spec broadcast(Enumerable.t(), message :: term()) :: :ok
def broadcast(subscriptions, message) do
Enum.each(subscriptions, &publish(&1, message))
@doc """
Publishes `message` to the `subscription`'s `subscriber_pid`.
Sends `message` tagged with `subscription`: `{subscription, message}`.
@spec publish(t(), message :: term()) :: :ok
def publish(%__MODULE__{subscriber_pid: subscriber_pid} = subscription, message) do
send(subscriber_pid, subscription_message(subscription, message))
defp subscription_message(%__MODULE__{} = subscription, message) do
{subscription, message}