Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

170 lines
6.1 KiB

import Config
alias EthereumJSONRPC.Variant
alias Explorer.Repo.ConfigHelper, as: ExplorerConfigHelper
### BlockScout Web ###
port = ExplorerConfigHelper.get_port()
config :block_scout_web, BlockScoutWeb.Endpoint,
secret_key_base: System.get_env("SECRET_KEY_BASE"),
check_origin: System.get_env("CHECK_ORIGIN", "false") == "true" || false,
http: [port: port],
url: [
scheme: System.get_env("BLOCKSCOUT_PROTOCOL") || "https",
port: port,
host: System.get_env("BLOCKSCOUT_HOST") || "localhost"
### Ethereum JSONRPC ###
### Explorer ###
pool_size = ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("POOL_SIZE", 50)
queue_target = ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("DATABASE_QUEUE_TARGET", 50)
# Configures the database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
listener_url: System.get_env("DATABASE_EVENT_URL"),
pool_size: pool_size,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?(),
queue_target: queue_target
# Configures API the database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.Replica1,
url: ExplorerConfigHelper.get_api_db_url(),
pool_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("POOL_SIZE_API", 50),
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?(),
queue_target: queue_target
# Configures Account database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.Account,
url: ExplorerConfigHelper.get_account_db_url(),
pool_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("ACCOUNT_POOL_SIZE", 50),
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?(),
queue_target: queue_target
# Configure Beacon Chain database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.Beacon,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
# actually this repo is not started, and its pool size remains unused.
# separating repos for different CHAIN_TYPE is implemented only for the sake of keeping DB schema update relevant to the current chain type
pool_size: 1,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?()
# Configures BridgedTokens database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.BridgedTokens,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
# actually this repo is not started, and its pool size remains unused.
# separating repos for different CHAIN_TYPE is implemented only for the sake of keeping DB schema update relevant to the current chain type
pool_size: 1,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?()
# Configures Optimism database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.Optimism,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
pool_size: 1,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?()
# Configures PolygonEdge database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.PolygonEdge,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
# actually this repo is not started, and its pool size remains unused.
# separating repos for different CHAIN_TYPE is implemented only for the sake of keeping DB schema update relevant to the current chain type
pool_size: 1,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?()
# Configures PolygonZkevm database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.PolygonZkevm,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
pool_size: 1,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?()
# Configures ZkSync database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.ZkSync,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
# actually this repo is not started, and its pool size remains unused.
# separating repos for different CHAIN_TYPE is implemented only for the sake of keeping DB schema update relevant to the current chain type
pool_size: 1,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?()
# Configures Celo database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.Celo,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
# actually this repo is not started, and its pool size remains unused.
# separating repos for different CHAIN_TYPE is implemented only for the sake of keeping DB schema update relevant to the current chain type
pool_size: 1,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?()
# Configures Rootstock database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.RSK,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
# actually this repo is not started, and its pool size remains unused.
# separating repos for different CHAIN_TYPE is implemented only for the sake of keeping DB schema update relevant to the current chain type
pool_size: 1,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?()
# Configures Shibarium database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.Shibarium,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
pool_size: 1,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?()
# Configures Suave database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.Suave,
url: ExplorerConfigHelper.get_suave_db_url(),
pool_size: 1,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?()
# Configures Filecoin database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.Filecoin,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
pool_size: 1,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?()
# Configures Arbitrum database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.Arbitrum,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
# actually this repo is not started, and its pool size remains unused.
# separating repos for different CHAIN_TYPE is implemented only for the sake of keeping DB schema update relevant to the current chain type
pool_size: 1,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?()
# Configures Stability database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.Stability,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
pool_size: 1,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?()
# Configures Mud database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.Mud,
url: ExplorerConfigHelper.get_mud_db_url(),
pool_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("MUD_POOL_SIZE", 50),
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?(),
queue_target: queue_target
# Configures ShrunkInternalTransactions database
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo.ShrunkInternalTransactions,
url: System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"),
# actually this repo is not started, and its pool size remains unused.
# separating repos for different CHAIN_TYPE is implemented only for the sake of keeping DB schema update relevant to the current chain type
pool_size: 1,
ssl: ExplorerConfigHelper.ssl_enabled?()
variant = Variant.get()
Code.require_file("#{variant}.exs", "apps/explorer/config/prod")
### Indexer ###
Code.require_file("#{variant}.exs", "apps/indexer/config/prod")