Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
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import $ from 'jquery'
import reduce from 'lodash.reduce'
import isObject from 'lodash.isobject'
import forIn from 'lodash.forin'
import { createStore as reduxCreateStore } from 'redux'
* Create a redux store given the reducer. It also enables the Redux dev tools.
export function createStore (reducer) {
// @ts-ignore
return reduxCreateStore(reducer, window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ && window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__())
* Connect elements with the redux store. It must receive an object with the following attributes:
* elements: It is an object with elements that are going to react to the redux state or add something
* to the initial state.
* ```javascript
* const elements = {
* // The JQuery selector for finding elements in the page.
* '[data-counter]': {
* // Useful to put things from the page to the redux state.
* load ($element) {...},
* // Check for state changes and manipulates the DOM accordingly.
* render ($el, state, oldState) {...}
* }
* }
* ```
* The load and render functions are optional, you can have both or just one of them. It depends
* on if you want to load something to the state in the first render and/or that the element should
* react to the redux state. Notice that you can include more elements if you want to since elements
* also is an object.
* store: It is the redux store that the elements should be connected with.
* ```javascript
* const store = createStore(reducer)
* ```
* action: The first action that the store is going to dispatch. Optional, by default 'ELEMENTS_LOAD'
* is going to be dispatched.
* ### Examples
* Given the markup:
* ```HTML
* <div data-counter>
* <span class="number">1</span>
* </div>
* ```
* The reducer:
* ```javascript
* function reducer (state = { number: null }, action) {
* switch (action.type) {
* case 'ELEMENTS_LOAD': {
* return Object.assign({}, state, { number: action.number })
* }
* case 'INCREMENT': {
* return Object.assign({}, state, { number: state.number + 1 })
* }
* default:
* return state
* }
* }
* ```
* The elements:
* ```javascript
* const elements = {
* // '[data-counter]' is the element that will be connected to the redux store.
* '[data-counter]': {
* // Find the number within data-counter and add to the state.
* load ($el) {
* return { number: $el.find('.number').val() }
* },
* // React to redux state. Case the number in the state changes, it is going to render the
* // new number.
* render ($el, state, oldState) {
* if (state.number === oldState.number) return
* $el.html(state.number)
* }
* }
* }
* All we need to do is connecting the store and the elements using this function.
* ```javascript
* connectElements({store, elements})
* ```
* Now, if we dispatch the `INCREMENT` action, the state is going to change and the [data-counter]
* element is going to re-render since they are connected.
* ```javascript
* store.dispatch({type: 'INCREMENT'})
* ```
export function connectElements ({ elements, store, action = 'ELEMENTS_LOAD' }) {
function loadElements () {
return reduce(elements, (pageLoadParams, { load }, selector) => {
if (!load) return pageLoadParams
const $el = $(selector)
if (!$el.length) return pageLoadParams
const morePageLoadParams = load($el, store)
return isObject(morePageLoadParams) ? Object.assign(pageLoadParams, morePageLoadParams) : pageLoadParams
}, {})
function renderElements (state, oldState) {
forIn(elements, ({ render }, selector) => {
if (!render) return
const $el = $(selector)
if (!$el.length) return
render($el, state, oldState)
let oldState = store.getState()
store.subscribe(() => {
const state = store.getState()
renderElements(state, oldState)
oldState = state
store.dispatch(Object.assign(loadElements(), { type: action }))