Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

50 lines
2.0 KiB

import $ from 'jquery'
import humps from 'humps'
import numeral from 'numeral'
import socket from '../socket'
function tryUpdateIndexedStatus (el, indexedRatioBlocks = el.dataset.indexedRatioBlocks, indexedRatio = el.dataset.indexedRatio, indexingFinished = false) {
if (indexingFinished) return $("[data-selector='indexed-status']").remove()
const indexedRatioFloat = parseFloat(indexedRatio)
const indexedRatioBlocksFloat = parseFloat(indexedRatioBlocks)
if (!isNaN(indexedRatioBlocksFloat)) {
el.dataset.indexedRatioBlocks = indexedRatioBlocks
} else if (!isNaN(indexedRatioFloat)) {
el.dataset.indexedRatio = indexedRatio
const blocksPercentComplete = numeral(el.dataset.indexedRatioBlocks).format('0%')
let indexedText
if (blocksPercentComplete === '100%') {
const intTxsPercentComplete = numeral(el.dataset.indexedRatio).format('0%')
indexedText = `${intTxsPercentComplete} ${window.localized['Blocks With Internal Transactions Indexed']}`
} else {
indexedText = `${blocksPercentComplete} ${window.localized['Blocks Indexed']}`
if (indexedText !== el.innerHTML) {
el.innerHTML = indexedText
export function updateIndexStatus (msg = {}, type) {
$('[data-indexed-ratio]').each((i, el) => {
if (type === 'blocks') {
tryUpdateIndexedStatus(el, msg.ratio, null, msg.finished)
} else if (type === 'internal_transactions') {
tryUpdateIndexedStatus(el, null, msg.ratio, msg.finished)
} else {
tryUpdateIndexedStatus(el, null, null, msg.finished)
const IndexingChannelBlocks ='blocks:indexing')
IndexingChannelBlocks.on('index_status', (msg) => updateIndexStatus(humps.camelizeKeys(msg), 'blocks'))
const indexingChannelInternalTransactions ='blocks:indexing_internal_transactions')
indexingChannelInternalTransactions.on('index_status', (msg) => updateIndexStatus(humps.camelizeKeys(msg), 'internal_transactions'))