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defmodule EthereumJSONRPC.FetchedCode do
@moduledoc """
A single code fetched from `eth_getCode`.
import EthereumJSONRPC, only: [quantity_to_integer: 1]
@type params :: %{address: EthereumJSONRPC.address(), block_number: non_neg_integer(), code: non_neg_integer()}
@type error :: %{code: integer(), message: String.t(), data: %{block_quantity: String.t(), address: String.t()}}
@doc """
Converts `response` to code params or annotated error.
def from_response(%{id: id, result: fetched_code}, id_to_params) when is_map(id_to_params) do
%{block_quantity: block_quantity, address: address} = Map.fetch!(id_to_params, id)
address: address,
block_number: quantity_to_integer(block_quantity),
code: fetched_code
@spec from_response(%{id: id, result: String.t()}, %{id => %{block_quantity: block_quantity, address: address}}) ::
{:ok, params()}
when id: non_neg_integer(), block_quantity: String.t(), address: String.t()
def from_response(%{id: id, error: %{code: code, message: message} = error}, id_to_params)
when is_integer(code) and is_binary(message) and is_map(id_to_params) do
%{block_quantity: block_quantity, address: address} = Map.fetch!(id_to_params, id)
annotated_error = Map.put(error, :data, %{block_quantity: block_quantity, address: address})
{:error, annotated_error}
@spec request(%{id: id, block_quantity: block_quantity, address: address}) :: %{
jsonrpc: String.t(),
id: id,
method: String.t(),
params: [address | block_quantity]
when id: EthereumJSONRPC.request_id(),
block_quantity: EthereumJSONRPC.quantity(),
address: EthereumJSONRPC.address()
def request(%{id: id, block_quantity: block_quantity, address: address}) do
EthereumJSONRPC.request(%{id: id, method: "eth_getCode", params: [address, block_quantity]})