You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
35 lines
772 B
35 lines
772 B
'use strict';
/* Services */
netStatsApp.factory('socket', function ($rootScope) {
var socket = new Primus();
return socket;
netStatsApp.factory('toastr', function ($rootScope) {
toastr = window.toastr;
toastr.options = {
"closeButton": false,
"debug": false,
"progressBar": false,
"newestOnTop": true,
"positionClass": "toast-top-right",
"preventDuplicates": false,
"onclick": null,
"showDuration": "300",
"hideDuration": "1000",
"timeOut": "5000",
"extendedTimeOut": "1000",
"showEasing": "swing",
"hideEasing": "linear",
"showMethod": "fadeIn",
"hideMethod": "fadeOut"
return toastr;
var lodash = angular.module('lodash', []);
lodash.factory('_', function() {
return window._;
}); |