You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
3566 lines
405 KiB
3566 lines
405 KiB
(function () {
/* Imports */
var Meteor = Package.meteor.Meteor;
var HTML = Package.htmljs.HTML;
/* Package-scope variables */
var HTMLTools, Scanner, makeRegexMatcher, getCharacterReference, getComment, getDoctype, getHTMLToken, getTagToken, TEMPLATE_TAG_POSITION, isLookingAtEndTag, codePointToString, getContent, getRCData;
(function () {
// //
// packages/html-tools/utils.js //
// //
// 1
HTMLTools = {}; // 2
HTMLTools.Parse = {}; // 3
// 4
var asciiLowerCase = HTMLTools.asciiLowerCase = function (str) { // 5
return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (c) { // 6
return String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) + 32); // 7
}); // 8
}; // 9
// 10
var svgCamelCaseAttributes = 'attributeName attributeType baseFrequency baseProfile calcMode clipPathUnits contentScriptType contentStyleType diffuseConstant edgeMode externalResourcesRequired filterRes filterUnits glyphRef glyphRef gradientTransform gradientTransform gradientUnits gradientUnits kernelMatrix kernelUnitLength kernelUnitLength kernelUnitLength keyPoints keySplines keyTimes lengthAdjust limitingConeAngle markerHeight markerUnits markerWidth maskContentUnits maskUnits numOctaves pathLength patternContentUnits patternTransform patternUnits pointsAtX pointsAtY pointsAtZ preserveAlpha preserveAspectRatio primitiveUnits refX refY repeatCount repeatDur requiredExtensions requiredFeatures specularConstant specularExponent specularExponent spreadMethod spreadMethod startOffset stdDeviation stitchTiles surfaceScale surfaceScale systemLanguage tableValues targetX targetY textLength textLength viewBox viewTarget xChannelSelector yChannelSelector zoomAndPan'.split(' ');
// 12
var properAttributeCaseMap = (function (map) { // 13
for (var i = 0; i < svgCamelCaseAttributes.length; i++) { // 14
var a = svgCamelCaseAttributes[i]; // 15
map[asciiLowerCase(a)] = a; // 16
} // 17
return map; // 18
})({}); // 19
// 20
var properTagCaseMap = (function (map) { // 21
var knownElements = HTML.knownElementNames; // 22
for (var i = 0; i < knownElements.length; i++) { // 23
var a = knownElements[i]; // 24
map[asciiLowerCase(a)] = a; // 25
} // 26
return map; // 27
})({}); // 28
// 29
// Take a tag name in any case and make it the proper case for HTML. // 30
// // 31
// Modern browsers let you embed SVG in HTML, but SVG elements are special // 32
// in that they have a case-sensitive DOM API (nodeName, getAttribute, // 33
// setAttribute). For example, it has to be `setAttribute("viewBox")`, // 34
// not `"viewbox"`. However, the browser's HTML parser is NOT case sensitive // 35
// and will fix the case for you, so if you write `<svg viewbox="...">` // 36
// you actually get a `"viewBox"` attribute. Any HTML-parsing toolchain // 37
// must do the same. // 38
HTMLTools.properCaseTagName = function (name) { // 39
var lowered = asciiLowerCase(name); // 40
return properTagCaseMap.hasOwnProperty(lowered) ? // 41
properTagCaseMap[lowered] : lowered; // 42
}; // 43
// 44
// See docs for properCaseTagName. // 45
HTMLTools.properCaseAttributeName = function (name) { // 46
var lowered = asciiLowerCase(name); // 47
return properAttributeCaseMap.hasOwnProperty(lowered) ? // 48
properAttributeCaseMap[lowered] : lowered; // 49
}; // 50
// 51
(function () {
// //
// packages/html-tools/scanner.js //
// //
// This is a Scanner class suitable for any parser/lexer/tokenizer. // 1
// // 2
// A Scanner has an immutable source document (string) `input` and a current // 3
// position `pos`, an index into the string, which can be set at will. // 4
// // 5
// * `new Scanner(input)` - constructs a Scanner with source string `input` // 6
// * `` - returns the rest of the input after `pos` // 7
// * `scanner.peek()` - returns the character at `pos` // 8
// * `scanner.isEOF()` - true if `pos` is at or beyond the end of `input` // 9
// * `scanner.fatal(msg)` - throw an error indicating a problem at `pos` // 10
// 11
Scanner = HTMLTools.Scanner = function (input) { // 12
this.input = input; // public, read-only // 13
this.pos = 0; // public, read-write // 14
}; // 15
// 16
| = function () { // 17
// Slicing a string is O(1) in modern JavaScript VMs (including old IE). // 18
return this.input.slice(this.pos); // 19
}; // 20
// 21
Scanner.prototype.isEOF = function () { // 22
return this.pos >= this.input.length; // 23
}; // 24
// 25
Scanner.prototype.fatal = function (msg) { // 26
// despite this default, you should always provide a message! // 27
msg = (msg || "Parse error"); // 28
// 29
var CONTEXT_AMOUNT = 20; // 30
// 31
var input = this.input; // 32
var pos = this.pos; // 33
var pastInput = input.substring(pos - CONTEXT_AMOUNT - 1, pos); // 34
if (pastInput.length > CONTEXT_AMOUNT) // 35
pastInput = '...' + pastInput.substring(-CONTEXT_AMOUNT); // 36
// 37
var upcomingInput = input.substring(pos, pos + CONTEXT_AMOUNT + 1); // 38
if (upcomingInput.length > CONTEXT_AMOUNT) // 39
upcomingInput = upcomingInput.substring(0, CONTEXT_AMOUNT) + '...'; // 40
// 41
var positionDisplay = ((pastInput + upcomingInput).replace(/\n/g, ' ') + '\n' + // 42
(new Array(pastInput.length + 1).join(' ')) + "^"); // 43
// 44
var e = new Error(msg + "\n" + positionDisplay); // 45
// 46
e.offset = pos; // 47
var allPastInput = input.substring(0, pos); // 48
e.line = (1 + (allPastInput.match(/\n/g) || []).length); // 49
e.col = (1 + pos - allPastInput.lastIndexOf('\n')); // 50
e.scanner = this; // 51
// 52
throw e; // 53
}; // 54
// 55
// Peek at the next character. // 56
// // 57
// If `isEOF`, returns an empty string. // 58
Scanner.prototype.peek = function () { // 59
return this.input.charAt(this.pos); // 60
}; // 61
// 62
// Constructs a `getFoo` function where `foo` is specified with a regex. // 63
// The regex should start with `^`. The constructed function will return // 64
// match group 1, if it exists and matches a non-empty string, or else // 65
// the entire matched string (or null if there is no match). // 66
// // 67
// A `getFoo` function tries to match and consume a foo. If it succeeds, // 68
// the current position of the scanner is advanced. If it fails, the // 69
// current position is not advanced and a falsy value (typically null) // 70
// is returned. // 71
makeRegexMatcher = function (regex) { // 72
return function (scanner) { // 73
var match = regex.exec(; // 74
// 75
if (! match) // 76
return null; // 77
// 78
scanner.pos += match[0].length; // 79
return match[1] || match[0]; // 80
}; // 81
}; // 82
// 83
(function () {
// //
// packages/html-tools/charref.js //
// //
// 1
// // 2
// 3
// 4
// Note that some entities don't have a final semicolon! These are used to // 5
// make `<` (for example) with no semicolon a parse error but `&abcde` not. // 6
// 7
var ENTITIES = { // 8
"Á": { "codepoints": [193], "characters": "\u00C1" }, // 9
"Á": { "codepoints": [193], "characters": "\u00C1" }, // 10
"á": { "codepoints": [225], "characters": "\u00E1" }, // 11
"á": { "codepoints": [225], "characters": "\u00E1" }, // 12
"Ă": { "codepoints": [258], "characters": "\u0102" }, // 13
"ă": { "codepoints": [259], "characters": "\u0103" }, // 14
"∾": { "codepoints": [8766], "characters": "\u223E" }, // 15
"∿": { "codepoints": [8767], "characters": "\u223F" }, // 16
"∾̳": { "codepoints": [8766, 819], "characters": "\u223E\u0333" }, // 17
"Â": { "codepoints": [194], "characters": "\u00C2" }, // 18
"Â": { "codepoints": [194], "characters": "\u00C2" }, // 19
"â": { "codepoints": [226], "characters": "\u00E2" }, // 20
"â": { "codepoints": [226], "characters": "\u00E2" }, // 21
"´": { "codepoints": [180], "characters": "\u00B4" }, // 22
"´": { "codepoints": [180], "characters": "\u00B4" }, // 23
"А": { "codepoints": [1040], "characters": "\u0410" }, // 24
"а": { "codepoints": [1072], "characters": "\u0430" }, // 25
"Æ": { "codepoints": [198], "characters": "\u00C6" }, // 26
"Æ": { "codepoints": [198], "characters": "\u00C6" }, // 27
"æ": { "codepoints": [230], "characters": "\u00E6" }, // 28
"æ": { "codepoints": [230], "characters": "\u00E6" }, // 29
"⁡": { "codepoints": [8289], "characters": "\u2061" }, // 30
"𝔄": { "codepoints": [120068], "characters": "\uD835\uDD04" }, // 31
"𝔞": { "codepoints": [120094], "characters": "\uD835\uDD1E" }, // 32
"À": { "codepoints": [192], "characters": "\u00C0" }, // 33
"À": { "codepoints": [192], "characters": "\u00C0" }, // 34
"à": { "codepoints": [224], "characters": "\u00E0" }, // 35
"à": { "codepoints": [224], "characters": "\u00E0" }, // 36
"ℵ": { "codepoints": [8501], "characters": "\u2135" }, // 37
"ℵ": { "codepoints": [8501], "characters": "\u2135" }, // 38
"Α": { "codepoints": [913], "characters": "\u0391" }, // 39
"α": { "codepoints": [945], "characters": "\u03B1" }, // 40
"Ā": { "codepoints": [256], "characters": "\u0100" }, // 41
"ā": { "codepoints": [257], "characters": "\u0101" }, // 42
"⨿": { "codepoints": [10815], "characters": "\u2A3F" }, // 43
"&": { "codepoints": [38], "characters": "\u0026" }, // 44
"&": { "codepoints": [38], "characters": "\u0026" }, // 45
"&": { "codepoints": [38], "characters": "\u0026" }, // 46
"&": { "codepoints": [38], "characters": "\u0026" }, // 47
"⩕": { "codepoints": [10837], "characters": "\u2A55" }, // 48
"⩓": { "codepoints": [10835], "characters": "\u2A53" }, // 49
"∧": { "codepoints": [8743], "characters": "\u2227" }, // 50
"⩜": { "codepoints": [10844], "characters": "\u2A5C" }, // 51
"⩘": { "codepoints": [10840], "characters": "\u2A58" }, // 52
"⩚": { "codepoints": [10842], "characters": "\u2A5A" }, // 53
"∠": { "codepoints": [8736], "characters": "\u2220" }, // 54
"⦤": { "codepoints": [10660], "characters": "\u29A4" }, // 55
"∠": { "codepoints": [8736], "characters": "\u2220" }, // 56
"⦨": { "codepoints": [10664], "characters": "\u29A8" }, // 57
"⦩": { "codepoints": [10665], "characters": "\u29A9" }, // 58
"⦪": { "codepoints": [10666], "characters": "\u29AA" }, // 59
"⦫": { "codepoints": [10667], "characters": "\u29AB" }, // 60
"⦬": { "codepoints": [10668], "characters": "\u29AC" }, // 61
"⦭": { "codepoints": [10669], "characters": "\u29AD" }, // 62
"⦮": { "codepoints": [10670], "characters": "\u29AE" }, // 63
"⦯": { "codepoints": [10671], "characters": "\u29AF" }, // 64
"∡": { "codepoints": [8737], "characters": "\u2221" }, // 65
"∟": { "codepoints": [8735], "characters": "\u221F" }, // 66
"⊾": { "codepoints": [8894], "characters": "\u22BE" }, // 67
"⦝": { "codepoints": [10653], "characters": "\u299D" }, // 68
"∢": { "codepoints": [8738], "characters": "\u2222" }, // 69
"Å": { "codepoints": [197], "characters": "\u00C5" }, // 70
"⍼": { "codepoints": [9084], "characters": "\u237C" }, // 71
"Ą": { "codepoints": [260], "characters": "\u0104" }, // 72
"ą": { "codepoints": [261], "characters": "\u0105" }, // 73
"𝔸": { "codepoints": [120120], "characters": "\uD835\uDD38" }, // 74
"𝕒": { "codepoints": [120146], "characters": "\uD835\uDD52" }, // 75
"⩯": { "codepoints": [10863], "characters": "\u2A6F" }, // 76
"≈": { "codepoints": [8776], "characters": "\u2248" }, // 77
"⩰": { "codepoints": [10864], "characters": "\u2A70" }, // 78
"≊": { "codepoints": [8778], "characters": "\u224A" }, // 79
"≋": { "codepoints": [8779], "characters": "\u224B" }, // 80
"'": { "codepoints": [39], "characters": "\u0027" }, // 81
"⁡": { "codepoints": [8289], "characters": "\u2061" }, // 82
"≈": { "codepoints": [8776], "characters": "\u2248" }, // 83
"≊": { "codepoints": [8778], "characters": "\u224A" }, // 84
"Å": { "codepoints": [197], "characters": "\u00C5" }, // 85
"Å": { "codepoints": [197], "characters": "\u00C5" }, // 86
"å": { "codepoints": [229], "characters": "\u00E5" }, // 87
"å": { "codepoints": [229], "characters": "\u00E5" }, // 88
"𝒜": { "codepoints": [119964], "characters": "\uD835\uDC9C" }, // 89
"𝒶": { "codepoints": [119990], "characters": "\uD835\uDCB6" }, // 90
"≔": { "codepoints": [8788], "characters": "\u2254" }, // 91
"*": { "codepoints": [42], "characters": "\u002A" }, // 92
"≈": { "codepoints": [8776], "characters": "\u2248" }, // 93
"≍": { "codepoints": [8781], "characters": "\u224D" }, // 94
"Ã": { "codepoints": [195], "characters": "\u00C3" }, // 95
"Ã": { "codepoints": [195], "characters": "\u00C3" }, // 96
"ã": { "codepoints": [227], "characters": "\u00E3" }, // 97
"ã": { "codepoints": [227], "characters": "\u00E3" }, // 98
"Ä": { "codepoints": [196], "characters": "\u00C4" }, // 99
"Ä": { "codepoints": [196], "characters": "\u00C4" }, // 100
"ä": { "codepoints": [228], "characters": "\u00E4" }, // 101
"ä": { "codepoints": [228], "characters": "\u00E4" }, // 102
"∳": { "codepoints": [8755], "characters": "\u2233" }, // 103
"⨑": { "codepoints": [10769], "characters": "\u2A11" }, // 104
"≌": { "codepoints": [8780], "characters": "\u224C" }, // 105
"϶": { "codepoints": [1014], "characters": "\u03F6" }, // 106
"‵": { "codepoints": [8245], "characters": "\u2035" }, // 107
"∽": { "codepoints": [8765], "characters": "\u223D" }, // 108
"⋍": { "codepoints": [8909], "characters": "\u22CD" }, // 109
"∖": { "codepoints": [8726], "characters": "\u2216" }, // 110
"⫧": { "codepoints": [10983], "characters": "\u2AE7" }, // 111
"⊽": { "codepoints": [8893], "characters": "\u22BD" }, // 112
"⌅": { "codepoints": [8965], "characters": "\u2305" }, // 113
"⌆": { "codepoints": [8966], "characters": "\u2306" }, // 114
"⌅": { "codepoints": [8965], "characters": "\u2305" }, // 115
"⎵": { "codepoints": [9141], "characters": "\u23B5" }, // 116
"⎶": { "codepoints": [9142], "characters": "\u23B6" }, // 117
"≌": { "codepoints": [8780], "characters": "\u224C" }, // 118
"Б": { "codepoints": [1041], "characters": "\u0411" }, // 119
"б": { "codepoints": [1073], "characters": "\u0431" }, // 120
"„": { "codepoints": [8222], "characters": "\u201E" }, // 121
"∵": { "codepoints": [8757], "characters": "\u2235" }, // 122
"∵": { "codepoints": [8757], "characters": "\u2235" }, // 123
"∵": { "codepoints": [8757], "characters": "\u2235" }, // 124
"⦰": { "codepoints": [10672], "characters": "\u29B0" }, // 125
"϶": { "codepoints": [1014], "characters": "\u03F6" }, // 126
"ℬ": { "codepoints": [8492], "characters": "\u212C" }, // 127
"ℬ": { "codepoints": [8492], "characters": "\u212C" }, // 128
"Β": { "codepoints": [914], "characters": "\u0392" }, // 129
"β": { "codepoints": [946], "characters": "\u03B2" }, // 130
"ℶ": { "codepoints": [8502], "characters": "\u2136" }, // 131
"≬": { "codepoints": [8812], "characters": "\u226C" }, // 132
"𝔅": { "codepoints": [120069], "characters": "\uD835\uDD05" }, // 133
"𝔟": { "codepoints": [120095], "characters": "\uD835\uDD1F" }, // 134
"⋂": { "codepoints": [8898], "characters": "\u22C2" }, // 135
"◯": { "codepoints": [9711], "characters": "\u25EF" }, // 136
"⋃": { "codepoints": [8899], "characters": "\u22C3" }, // 137
"⨀": { "codepoints": [10752], "characters": "\u2A00" }, // 138
"⨁": { "codepoints": [10753], "characters": "\u2A01" }, // 139
"⨂": { "codepoints": [10754], "characters": "\u2A02" }, // 140
"⨆": { "codepoints": [10758], "characters": "\u2A06" }, // 141
"★": { "codepoints": [9733], "characters": "\u2605" }, // 142
"▽": { "codepoints": [9661], "characters": "\u25BD" }, // 143
"△": { "codepoints": [9651], "characters": "\u25B3" }, // 144
"⨄": { "codepoints": [10756], "characters": "\u2A04" }, // 145
"⋁": { "codepoints": [8897], "characters": "\u22C1" }, // 146
"⋀": { "codepoints": [8896], "characters": "\u22C0" }, // 147
"⤍": { "codepoints": [10509], "characters": "\u290D" }, // 148
"⧫": { "codepoints": [10731], "characters": "\u29EB" }, // 149
"▪": { "codepoints": [9642], "characters": "\u25AA" }, // 150
"▴": { "codepoints": [9652], "characters": "\u25B4" }, // 151
"▾": { "codepoints": [9662], "characters": "\u25BE" }, // 152
"◂": { "codepoints": [9666], "characters": "\u25C2" }, // 153
"▸": { "codepoints": [9656], "characters": "\u25B8" }, // 154
"␣": { "codepoints": [9251], "characters": "\u2423" }, // 155
"▒": { "codepoints": [9618], "characters": "\u2592" }, // 156
"░": { "codepoints": [9617], "characters": "\u2591" }, // 157
"▓": { "codepoints": [9619], "characters": "\u2593" }, // 158
"█": { "codepoints": [9608], "characters": "\u2588" }, // 159
"=⃥": { "codepoints": [61, 8421], "characters": "\u003D\u20E5" }, // 160
"≡⃥": { "codepoints": [8801, 8421], "characters": "\u2261\u20E5" }, // 161
"⫭": { "codepoints": [10989], "characters": "\u2AED" }, // 162
"⌐": { "codepoints": [8976], "characters": "\u2310" }, // 163
"𝔹": { "codepoints": [120121], "characters": "\uD835\uDD39" }, // 164
"𝕓": { "codepoints": [120147], "characters": "\uD835\uDD53" }, // 165
"⊥": { "codepoints": [8869], "characters": "\u22A5" }, // 166
"⊥": { "codepoints": [8869], "characters": "\u22A5" }, // 167
"⋈": { "codepoints": [8904], "characters": "\u22C8" }, // 168
"⧉": { "codepoints": [10697], "characters": "\u29C9" }, // 169
"┐": { "codepoints": [9488], "characters": "\u2510" }, // 170
"╕": { "codepoints": [9557], "characters": "\u2555" }, // 171
"╖": { "codepoints": [9558], "characters": "\u2556" }, // 172
"╗": { "codepoints": [9559], "characters": "\u2557" }, // 173
"┌": { "codepoints": [9484], "characters": "\u250C" }, // 174
"╒": { "codepoints": [9554], "characters": "\u2552" }, // 175
"╓": { "codepoints": [9555], "characters": "\u2553" }, // 176
"╔": { "codepoints": [9556], "characters": "\u2554" }, // 177
"─": { "codepoints": [9472], "characters": "\u2500" }, // 178
"═": { "codepoints": [9552], "characters": "\u2550" }, // 179
"┬": { "codepoints": [9516], "characters": "\u252C" }, // 180
"╤": { "codepoints": [9572], "characters": "\u2564" }, // 181
"╥": { "codepoints": [9573], "characters": "\u2565" }, // 182
"╦": { "codepoints": [9574], "characters": "\u2566" }, // 183
"┴": { "codepoints": [9524], "characters": "\u2534" }, // 184
"╧": { "codepoints": [9575], "characters": "\u2567" }, // 185
"╨": { "codepoints": [9576], "characters": "\u2568" }, // 186
"╩": { "codepoints": [9577], "characters": "\u2569" }, // 187
"⊟": { "codepoints": [8863], "characters": "\u229F" }, // 188
"⊞": { "codepoints": [8862], "characters": "\u229E" }, // 189
"⊠": { "codepoints": [8864], "characters": "\u22A0" }, // 190
"┘": { "codepoints": [9496], "characters": "\u2518" }, // 191
"╛": { "codepoints": [9563], "characters": "\u255B" }, // 192
"╜": { "codepoints": [9564], "characters": "\u255C" }, // 193
"╝": { "codepoints": [9565], "characters": "\u255D" }, // 194
"└": { "codepoints": [9492], "characters": "\u2514" }, // 195
"╘": { "codepoints": [9560], "characters": "\u2558" }, // 196
"╙": { "codepoints": [9561], "characters": "\u2559" }, // 197
"╚": { "codepoints": [9562], "characters": "\u255A" }, // 198
"│": { "codepoints": [9474], "characters": "\u2502" }, // 199
"║": { "codepoints": [9553], "characters": "\u2551" }, // 200
"┼": { "codepoints": [9532], "characters": "\u253C" }, // 201
"╪": { "codepoints": [9578], "characters": "\u256A" }, // 202
"╫": { "codepoints": [9579], "characters": "\u256B" }, // 203
"╬": { "codepoints": [9580], "characters": "\u256C" }, // 204
"┤": { "codepoints": [9508], "characters": "\u2524" }, // 205
"╡": { "codepoints": [9569], "characters": "\u2561" }, // 206
"╢": { "codepoints": [9570], "characters": "\u2562" }, // 207
"╣": { "codepoints": [9571], "characters": "\u2563" }, // 208
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"⇒": { "codepoints": [8658], "characters": "\u21D2" }, // 794
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"∈": { "codepoints": [8712], "characters": "\u2208" }, // 796
"∞": { "codepoints": [8734], "characters": "\u221E" }, // 797
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"⁣": { "codepoints": [8291], "characters": "\u2063" }, // 809
"⁢": { "codepoints": [8290], "characters": "\u2062" }, // 810
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"𝕚": { "codepoints": [120154], "characters": "\uD835\uDD5A" }, // 816
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"⨼": { "codepoints": [10812], "characters": "\u2A3C" }, // 819
"¿": { "codepoints": [191], "characters": "\u00BF" }, // 820
"¿": { "codepoints": [191], "characters": "\u00BF" }, // 821
"𝒾": { "codepoints": [119998], "characters": "\uD835\uDCBE" }, // 822
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"𝔧": { "codepoints": [120103], "characters": "\uD835\uDD27" }, // 844
"ȷ": { "codepoints": [567], "characters": "\u0237" }, // 845
"𝕁": { "codepoints": [120129], "characters": "\uD835\uDD41" }, // 846
"𝕛": { "codepoints": [120155], "characters": "\uD835\uDD5B" }, // 847
"𝒥": { "codepoints": [119973], "characters": "\uD835\uDCA5" }, // 848
"𝒿": { "codepoints": [119999], "characters": "\uD835\uDCBF" }, // 849
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"є": { "codepoints": [1108], "characters": "\u0454" }, // 853
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"ϰ": { "codepoints": [1008], "characters": "\u03F0" }, // 856
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"ķ": { "codepoints": [311], "characters": "\u0137" }, // 858
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"𝔨": { "codepoints": [120104], "characters": "\uD835\uDD28" }, // 862
"ĸ": { "codepoints": [312], "characters": "\u0138" }, // 863
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"х": { "codepoints": [1093], "characters": "\u0445" }, // 865
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"𝕂": { "codepoints": [120130], "characters": "\uD835\uDD42" }, // 868
"𝕜": { "codepoints": [120156], "characters": "\uD835\uDD5C" }, // 869
"𝒦": { "codepoints": [119974], "characters": "\uD835\uDCA6" }, // 870
"𝓀": { "codepoints": [120000], "characters": "\uD835\uDCC0" }, // 871
"⇚": { "codepoints": [8666], "characters": "\u21DA" }, // 872
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"ĺ": { "codepoints": [314], "characters": "\u013A" }, // 874
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"ℒ": { "codepoints": [8466], "characters": "\u2112" }, // 876
"Λ": { "codepoints": [923], "characters": "\u039B" }, // 877
"λ": { "codepoints": [955], "characters": "\u03BB" }, // 878
"⟨": { "codepoints": [10216], "characters": "\u27E8" }, // 879
"⟪": { "codepoints": [10218], "characters": "\u27EA" }, // 880
"⦑": { "codepoints": [10641], "characters": "\u2991" }, // 881
"⟨": { "codepoints": [10216], "characters": "\u27E8" }, // 882
"⪅": { "codepoints": [10885], "characters": "\u2A85" }, // 883
"ℒ": { "codepoints": [8466], "characters": "\u2112" }, // 884
"«": { "codepoints": [171], "characters": "\u00AB" }, // 885
"«": { "codepoints": [171], "characters": "\u00AB" }, // 886
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"⤌": { "codepoints": [10508], "characters": "\u290C" }, // 903
"⤎": { "codepoints": [10510], "characters": "\u290E" }, // 904
"❲": { "codepoints": [10098], "characters": "\u2772" }, // 905
"{": { "codepoints": [123], "characters": "\u007B" }, // 906
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"⦋": { "codepoints": [10635], "characters": "\u298B" }, // 908
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"{": { "codepoints": [123], "characters": "\u007B" }, // 916
"Л": { "codepoints": [1051], "characters": "\u041B" }, // 917
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"⤶": { "codepoints": [10550], "characters": "\u2936" }, // 919
"“": { "codepoints": [8220], "characters": "\u201C" }, // 920
"„": { "codepoints": [8222], "characters": "\u201E" }, // 921
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"⇃": { "codepoints": [8643], "characters": "\u21C3" }, // 938
"⌊": { "codepoints": [8970], "characters": "\u230A" }, // 939
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"↔": { "codepoints": [8596], "characters": "\u2194" }, // 944
"⇔": { "codepoints": [8660], "characters": "\u21D4" }, // 945
"⇆": { "codepoints": [8646], "characters": "\u21C6" }, // 946
"⇋": { "codepoints": [8651], "characters": "\u21CB" }, // 947
"↭": { "codepoints": [8621], "characters": "\u21AD" }, // 948
"⥎": { "codepoints": [10574], "characters": "\u294E" }, // 949
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"⊣": { "codepoints": [8867], "characters": "\u22A3" }, // 951
"⥚": { "codepoints": [10586], "characters": "\u295A" }, // 952
"⋋": { "codepoints": [8907], "characters": "\u22CB" }, // 953
"⧏": { "codepoints": [10703], "characters": "\u29CF" }, // 954
"⊲": { "codepoints": [8882], "characters": "\u22B2" }, // 955
"⊴": { "codepoints": [8884], "characters": "\u22B4" }, // 956
"⥑": { "codepoints": [10577], "characters": "\u2951" }, // 957
"⥠": { "codepoints": [10592], "characters": "\u2960" }, // 958
"⥘": { "codepoints": [10584], "characters": "\u2958" }, // 959
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"⪋": { "codepoints": [10891], "characters": "\u2A8B" }, // 963
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"⩽": { "codepoints": [10877], "characters": "\u2A7D" }, // 969
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"≶": { "codepoints": [8822], "characters": "\u2276" }, // 982
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"⩽": { "codepoints": [10877], "characters": "\u2A7D" }, // 985
"≲": { "codepoints": [8818], "characters": "\u2272" }, // 986
"⥼": { "codepoints": [10620], "characters": "\u297C" }, // 987
"⌊": { "codepoints": [8970], "characters": "\u230A" }, // 988
"𝔏": { "codepoints": [120079], "characters": "\uD835\uDD0F" }, // 989
"𝔩": { "codepoints": [120105], "characters": "\uD835\uDD29" }, // 990
"≶": { "codepoints": [8822], "characters": "\u2276" }, // 991
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"↼": { "codepoints": [8636], "characters": "\u21BC" }, // 995
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"Љ": { "codepoints": [1033], "characters": "\u0409" }, // 998
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"⨳": { "codepoints": [10803], "characters": "\u2A33" }, // 1788
"⧤": { "codepoints": [10724], "characters": "\u29E4" }, // 1789
"∣": { "codepoints": [8739], "characters": "\u2223" }, // 1790
"⌣": { "codepoints": [8995], "characters": "\u2323" }, // 1791
"⪪": { "codepoints": [10922], "characters": "\u2AAA" }, // 1792
"⪬": { "codepoints": [10924], "characters": "\u2AAC" }, // 1793
"⪬︀": { "codepoints": [10924, 65024], "characters": "\u2AAC\uFE00" }, // 1794
"Ь": { "codepoints": [1068], "characters": "\u042C" }, // 1795
"ь": { "codepoints": [1100], "characters": "\u044C" }, // 1796
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"⧄": { "codepoints": [10692], "characters": "\u29C4" }, // 1798
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"𝕊": { "codepoints": [120138], "characters": "\uD835\uDD4A" }, // 1800
"𝕤": { "codepoints": [120164], "characters": "\uD835\uDD64" }, // 1801
"♠": { "codepoints": [9824], "characters": "\u2660" }, // 1802
"♠": { "codepoints": [9824], "characters": "\u2660" }, // 1803
"∥": { "codepoints": [8741], "characters": "\u2225" }, // 1804
"⊓": { "codepoints": [8851], "characters": "\u2293" }, // 1805
"⊓︀": { "codepoints": [8851, 65024], "characters": "\u2293\uFE00" }, // 1806
"⊔": { "codepoints": [8852], "characters": "\u2294" }, // 1807
"⊔︀": { "codepoints": [8852, 65024], "characters": "\u2294\uFE00" }, // 1808
"√": { "codepoints": [8730], "characters": "\u221A" }, // 1809
"⊏": { "codepoints": [8847], "characters": "\u228F" }, // 1810
"⊑": { "codepoints": [8849], "characters": "\u2291" }, // 1811
"⊏": { "codepoints": [8847], "characters": "\u228F" }, // 1812
"⊑": { "codepoints": [8849], "characters": "\u2291" }, // 1813
"⊐": { "codepoints": [8848], "characters": "\u2290" }, // 1814
"⊒": { "codepoints": [8850], "characters": "\u2292" }, // 1815
"⊐": { "codepoints": [8848], "characters": "\u2290" }, // 1816
"⊒": { "codepoints": [8850], "characters": "\u2292" }, // 1817
"□": { "codepoints": [9633], "characters": "\u25A1" }, // 1818
"□": { "codepoints": [9633], "characters": "\u25A1" }, // 1819
"⊓": { "codepoints": [8851], "characters": "\u2293" }, // 1820
"⊏": { "codepoints": [8847], "characters": "\u228F" }, // 1821
"⊑": { "codepoints": [8849], "characters": "\u2291" }, // 1822
"⊐": { "codepoints": [8848], "characters": "\u2290" }, // 1823
"⊒": { "codepoints": [8850], "characters": "\u2292" }, // 1824
"⊔": { "codepoints": [8852], "characters": "\u2294" }, // 1825
"▪": { "codepoints": [9642], "characters": "\u25AA" }, // 1826
"□": { "codepoints": [9633], "characters": "\u25A1" }, // 1827
"▪": { "codepoints": [9642], "characters": "\u25AA" }, // 1828
"→": { "codepoints": [8594], "characters": "\u2192" }, // 1829
"𝒮": { "codepoints": [119982], "characters": "\uD835\uDCAE" }, // 1830
"𝓈": { "codepoints": [120008], "characters": "\uD835\uDCC8" }, // 1831
"∖": { "codepoints": [8726], "characters": "\u2216" }, // 1832
"⌣": { "codepoints": [8995], "characters": "\u2323" }, // 1833
"⋆": { "codepoints": [8902], "characters": "\u22C6" }, // 1834
"⋆": { "codepoints": [8902], "characters": "\u22C6" }, // 1835
"☆": { "codepoints": [9734], "characters": "\u2606" }, // 1836
"★": { "codepoints": [9733], "characters": "\u2605" }, // 1837
"ϵ": { "codepoints": [1013], "characters": "\u03F5" }, // 1838
"ϕ": { "codepoints": [981], "characters": "\u03D5" }, // 1839
"¯": { "codepoints": [175], "characters": "\u00AF" }, // 1840
"⊂": { "codepoints": [8834], "characters": "\u2282" }, // 1841
"⋐": { "codepoints": [8912], "characters": "\u22D0" }, // 1842
"⪽": { "codepoints": [10941], "characters": "\u2ABD" }, // 1843
"⫅": { "codepoints": [10949], "characters": "\u2AC5" }, // 1844
"⊆": { "codepoints": [8838], "characters": "\u2286" }, // 1845
"⫃": { "codepoints": [10947], "characters": "\u2AC3" }, // 1846
"⫁": { "codepoints": [10945], "characters": "\u2AC1" }, // 1847
"⫋": { "codepoints": [10955], "characters": "\u2ACB" }, // 1848
"⊊": { "codepoints": [8842], "characters": "\u228A" }, // 1849
"⪿": { "codepoints": [10943], "characters": "\u2ABF" }, // 1850
"⥹": { "codepoints": [10617], "characters": "\u2979" }, // 1851
"⊂": { "codepoints": [8834], "characters": "\u2282" }, // 1852
"⋐": { "codepoints": [8912], "characters": "\u22D0" }, // 1853
"⊆": { "codepoints": [8838], "characters": "\u2286" }, // 1854
"⫅": { "codepoints": [10949], "characters": "\u2AC5" }, // 1855
"⊆": { "codepoints": [8838], "characters": "\u2286" }, // 1856
"⊊": { "codepoints": [8842], "characters": "\u228A" }, // 1857
"⫋": { "codepoints": [10955], "characters": "\u2ACB" }, // 1858
"⫇": { "codepoints": [10951], "characters": "\u2AC7" }, // 1859
"⫕": { "codepoints": [10965], "characters": "\u2AD5" }, // 1860
"⫓": { "codepoints": [10963], "characters": "\u2AD3" }, // 1861
"⪸": { "codepoints": [10936], "characters": "\u2AB8" }, // 1862
"≻": { "codepoints": [8827], "characters": "\u227B" }, // 1863
"≽": { "codepoints": [8829], "characters": "\u227D" }, // 1864
"≻": { "codepoints": [8827], "characters": "\u227B" }, // 1865
"⪰": { "codepoints": [10928], "characters": "\u2AB0" }, // 1866
"≽": { "codepoints": [8829], "characters": "\u227D" }, // 1867
"≿": { "codepoints": [8831], "characters": "\u227F" }, // 1868
"⪰": { "codepoints": [10928], "characters": "\u2AB0" }, // 1869
"⪺": { "codepoints": [10938], "characters": "\u2ABA" }, // 1870
"⪶": { "codepoints": [10934], "characters": "\u2AB6" }, // 1871
"⋩": { "codepoints": [8937], "characters": "\u22E9" }, // 1872
"≿": { "codepoints": [8831], "characters": "\u227F" }, // 1873
"∋": { "codepoints": [8715], "characters": "\u220B" }, // 1874
"∑": { "codepoints": [8721], "characters": "\u2211" }, // 1875
"∑": { "codepoints": [8721], "characters": "\u2211" }, // 1876
"♪": { "codepoints": [9834], "characters": "\u266A" }, // 1877
"¹": { "codepoints": [185], "characters": "\u00B9" }, // 1878
"¹": { "codepoints": [185], "characters": "\u00B9" }, // 1879
"²": { "codepoints": [178], "characters": "\u00B2" }, // 1880
"²": { "codepoints": [178], "characters": "\u00B2" }, // 1881
"³": { "codepoints": [179], "characters": "\u00B3" }, // 1882
"³": { "codepoints": [179], "characters": "\u00B3" }, // 1883
"⊃": { "codepoints": [8835], "characters": "\u2283" }, // 1884
"⋑": { "codepoints": [8913], "characters": "\u22D1" }, // 1885
"⪾": { "codepoints": [10942], "characters": "\u2ABE" }, // 1886
"⫘": { "codepoints": [10968], "characters": "\u2AD8" }, // 1887
"⫆": { "codepoints": [10950], "characters": "\u2AC6" }, // 1888
"⊇": { "codepoints": [8839], "characters": "\u2287" }, // 1889
"⫄": { "codepoints": [10948], "characters": "\u2AC4" }, // 1890
"⊃": { "codepoints": [8835], "characters": "\u2283" }, // 1891
"⊇": { "codepoints": [8839], "characters": "\u2287" }, // 1892
"⟉": { "codepoints": [10185], "characters": "\u27C9" }, // 1893
"⫗": { "codepoints": [10967], "characters": "\u2AD7" }, // 1894
"⥻": { "codepoints": [10619], "characters": "\u297B" }, // 1895
"⫂": { "codepoints": [10946], "characters": "\u2AC2" }, // 1896
"⫌": { "codepoints": [10956], "characters": "\u2ACC" }, // 1897
"⊋": { "codepoints": [8843], "characters": "\u228B" }, // 1898
"⫀": { "codepoints": [10944], "characters": "\u2AC0" }, // 1899
"⊃": { "codepoints": [8835], "characters": "\u2283" }, // 1900
"⋑": { "codepoints": [8913], "characters": "\u22D1" }, // 1901
"⊇": { "codepoints": [8839], "characters": "\u2287" }, // 1902
"⫆": { "codepoints": [10950], "characters": "\u2AC6" }, // 1903
"⊋": { "codepoints": [8843], "characters": "\u228B" }, // 1904
"⫌": { "codepoints": [10956], "characters": "\u2ACC" }, // 1905
"⫈": { "codepoints": [10952], "characters": "\u2AC8" }, // 1906
"⫔": { "codepoints": [10964], "characters": "\u2AD4" }, // 1907
"⫖": { "codepoints": [10966], "characters": "\u2AD6" }, // 1908
"⤦": { "codepoints": [10534], "characters": "\u2926" }, // 1909
"↙": { "codepoints": [8601], "characters": "\u2199" }, // 1910
"⇙": { "codepoints": [8665], "characters": "\u21D9" }, // 1911
"↙": { "codepoints": [8601], "characters": "\u2199" }, // 1912
"⤪": { "codepoints": [10538], "characters": "\u292A" }, // 1913
"ß": { "codepoints": [223], "characters": "\u00DF" }, // 1914
"ß": { "codepoints": [223], "characters": "\u00DF" }, // 1915
"	": { "codepoints": [9], "characters": "\u0009" }, // 1916
"⌖": { "codepoints": [8982], "characters": "\u2316" }, // 1917
"Τ": { "codepoints": [932], "characters": "\u03A4" }, // 1918
"τ": { "codepoints": [964], "characters": "\u03C4" }, // 1919
"⎴": { "codepoints": [9140], "characters": "\u23B4" }, // 1920
"Ť": { "codepoints": [356], "characters": "\u0164" }, // 1921
"ť": { "codepoints": [357], "characters": "\u0165" }, // 1922
"Ţ": { "codepoints": [354], "characters": "\u0162" }, // 1923
"ţ": { "codepoints": [355], "characters": "\u0163" }, // 1924
"Т": { "codepoints": [1058], "characters": "\u0422" }, // 1925
"т": { "codepoints": [1090], "characters": "\u0442" }, // 1926
"⃛": { "codepoints": [8411], "characters": "\u20DB" }, // 1927
"⌕": { "codepoints": [8981], "characters": "\u2315" }, // 1928
"𝔗": { "codepoints": [120087], "characters": "\uD835\uDD17" }, // 1929
"𝔱": { "codepoints": [120113], "characters": "\uD835\uDD31" }, // 1930
"∴": { "codepoints": [8756], "characters": "\u2234" }, // 1931
"∴": { "codepoints": [8756], "characters": "\u2234" }, // 1932
"∴": { "codepoints": [8756], "characters": "\u2234" }, // 1933
"Θ": { "codepoints": [920], "characters": "\u0398" }, // 1934
"θ": { "codepoints": [952], "characters": "\u03B8" }, // 1935
"ϑ": { "codepoints": [977], "characters": "\u03D1" }, // 1936
"ϑ": { "codepoints": [977], "characters": "\u03D1" }, // 1937
"≈": { "codepoints": [8776], "characters": "\u2248" }, // 1938
"∼": { "codepoints": [8764], "characters": "\u223C" }, // 1939
"  ": { "codepoints": [8287, 8202], "characters": "\u205F\u200A" }, // 1940
" ": { "codepoints": [8201], "characters": "\u2009" }, // 1941
" ": { "codepoints": [8201], "characters": "\u2009" }, // 1942
"≈": { "codepoints": [8776], "characters": "\u2248" }, // 1943
"∼": { "codepoints": [8764], "characters": "\u223C" }, // 1944
"Þ": { "codepoints": [222], "characters": "\u00DE" }, // 1945
"Þ": { "codepoints": [222], "characters": "\u00DE" }, // 1946
"þ": { "codepoints": [254], "characters": "\u00FE" }, // 1947
"þ": { "codepoints": [254], "characters": "\u00FE" }, // 1948
"˜": { "codepoints": [732], "characters": "\u02DC" }, // 1949
"∼": { "codepoints": [8764], "characters": "\u223C" }, // 1950
"≃": { "codepoints": [8771], "characters": "\u2243" }, // 1951
"≅": { "codepoints": [8773], "characters": "\u2245" }, // 1952
"≈": { "codepoints": [8776], "characters": "\u2248" }, // 1953
"⨱": { "codepoints": [10801], "characters": "\u2A31" }, // 1954
"⊠": { "codepoints": [8864], "characters": "\u22A0" }, // 1955
"×": { "codepoints": [215], "characters": "\u00D7" }, // 1956
"×": { "codepoints": [215], "characters": "\u00D7" }, // 1957
"⨰": { "codepoints": [10800], "characters": "\u2A30" }, // 1958
"∭": { "codepoints": [8749], "characters": "\u222D" }, // 1959
"⤨": { "codepoints": [10536], "characters": "\u2928" }, // 1960
"⌶": { "codepoints": [9014], "characters": "\u2336" }, // 1961
"⫱": { "codepoints": [10993], "characters": "\u2AF1" }, // 1962
"⊤": { "codepoints": [8868], "characters": "\u22A4" }, // 1963
"𝕋": { "codepoints": [120139], "characters": "\uD835\uDD4B" }, // 1964
"𝕥": { "codepoints": [120165], "characters": "\uD835\uDD65" }, // 1965
"⫚": { "codepoints": [10970], "characters": "\u2ADA" }, // 1966
"⤩": { "codepoints": [10537], "characters": "\u2929" }, // 1967
"‴": { "codepoints": [8244], "characters": "\u2034" }, // 1968
"™": { "codepoints": [8482], "characters": "\u2122" }, // 1969
"™": { "codepoints": [8482], "characters": "\u2122" }, // 1970
"▵": { "codepoints": [9653], "characters": "\u25B5" }, // 1971
"▿": { "codepoints": [9663], "characters": "\u25BF" }, // 1972
"◃": { "codepoints": [9667], "characters": "\u25C3" }, // 1973
"⊴": { "codepoints": [8884], "characters": "\u22B4" }, // 1974
"≜": { "codepoints": [8796], "characters": "\u225C" }, // 1975
"▹": { "codepoints": [9657], "characters": "\u25B9" }, // 1976
"⊵": { "codepoints": [8885], "characters": "\u22B5" }, // 1977
"◬": { "codepoints": [9708], "characters": "\u25EC" }, // 1978
"≜": { "codepoints": [8796], "characters": "\u225C" }, // 1979
"⨺": { "codepoints": [10810], "characters": "\u2A3A" }, // 1980
"⃛": { "codepoints": [8411], "characters": "\u20DB" }, // 1981
"⨹": { "codepoints": [10809], "characters": "\u2A39" }, // 1982
"⧍": { "codepoints": [10701], "characters": "\u29CD" }, // 1983
"⨻": { "codepoints": [10811], "characters": "\u2A3B" }, // 1984
"⏢": { "codepoints": [9186], "characters": "\u23E2" }, // 1985
"𝒯": { "codepoints": [119983], "characters": "\uD835\uDCAF" }, // 1986
"𝓉": { "codepoints": [120009], "characters": "\uD835\uDCC9" }, // 1987
"Ц": { "codepoints": [1062], "characters": "\u0426" }, // 1988
"ц": { "codepoints": [1094], "characters": "\u0446" }, // 1989
"Ћ": { "codepoints": [1035], "characters": "\u040B" }, // 1990
"ћ": { "codepoints": [1115], "characters": "\u045B" }, // 1991
"Ŧ": { "codepoints": [358], "characters": "\u0166" }, // 1992
"ŧ": { "codepoints": [359], "characters": "\u0167" }, // 1993
"≬": { "codepoints": [8812], "characters": "\u226C" }, // 1994
"↞": { "codepoints": [8606], "characters": "\u219E" }, // 1995
"↠": { "codepoints": [8608], "characters": "\u21A0" }, // 1996
"Ú": { "codepoints": [218], "characters": "\u00DA" }, // 1997
"Ú": { "codepoints": [218], "characters": "\u00DA" }, // 1998
"ú": { "codepoints": [250], "characters": "\u00FA" }, // 1999
"ú": { "codepoints": [250], "characters": "\u00FA" }, // 2000
"↑": { "codepoints": [8593], "characters": "\u2191" }, // 2001
"↟": { "codepoints": [8607], "characters": "\u219F" }, // 2002
"⇑": { "codepoints": [8657], "characters": "\u21D1" }, // 2003
"⥉": { "codepoints": [10569], "characters": "\u2949" }, // 2004
"Ў": { "codepoints": [1038], "characters": "\u040E" }, // 2005
"ў": { "codepoints": [1118], "characters": "\u045E" }, // 2006
"Ŭ": { "codepoints": [364], "characters": "\u016C" }, // 2007
"ŭ": { "codepoints": [365], "characters": "\u016D" }, // 2008
"Û": { "codepoints": [219], "characters": "\u00DB" }, // 2009
"Û": { "codepoints": [219], "characters": "\u00DB" }, // 2010
"û": { "codepoints": [251], "characters": "\u00FB" }, // 2011
"û": { "codepoints": [251], "characters": "\u00FB" }, // 2012
"У": { "codepoints": [1059], "characters": "\u0423" }, // 2013
"у": { "codepoints": [1091], "characters": "\u0443" }, // 2014
"⇅": { "codepoints": [8645], "characters": "\u21C5" }, // 2015
"Ű": { "codepoints": [368], "characters": "\u0170" }, // 2016
"ű": { "codepoints": [369], "characters": "\u0171" }, // 2017
"⥮": { "codepoints": [10606], "characters": "\u296E" }, // 2018
"⥾": { "codepoints": [10622], "characters": "\u297E" }, // 2019
"𝔘": { "codepoints": [120088], "characters": "\uD835\uDD18" }, // 2020
"𝔲": { "codepoints": [120114], "characters": "\uD835\uDD32" }, // 2021
"Ù": { "codepoints": [217], "characters": "\u00D9" }, // 2022
"Ù": { "codepoints": [217], "characters": "\u00D9" }, // 2023
"ù": { "codepoints": [249], "characters": "\u00F9" }, // 2024
"ù": { "codepoints": [249], "characters": "\u00F9" }, // 2025
"⥣": { "codepoints": [10595], "characters": "\u2963" }, // 2026
"↿": { "codepoints": [8639], "characters": "\u21BF" }, // 2027
"↾": { "codepoints": [8638], "characters": "\u21BE" }, // 2028
"▀": { "codepoints": [9600], "characters": "\u2580" }, // 2029
"⌜": { "codepoints": [8988], "characters": "\u231C" }, // 2030
"⌜": { "codepoints": [8988], "characters": "\u231C" }, // 2031
"⌏": { "codepoints": [8975], "characters": "\u230F" }, // 2032
"◸": { "codepoints": [9720], "characters": "\u25F8" }, // 2033
"Ū": { "codepoints": [362], "characters": "\u016A" }, // 2034
"ū": { "codepoints": [363], "characters": "\u016B" }, // 2035
"¨": { "codepoints": [168], "characters": "\u00A8" }, // 2036
"¨": { "codepoints": [168], "characters": "\u00A8" }, // 2037
"_": { "codepoints": [95], "characters": "\u005F" }, // 2038
"⏟": { "codepoints": [9183], "characters": "\u23DF" }, // 2039
"⎵": { "codepoints": [9141], "characters": "\u23B5" }, // 2040
"⏝": { "codepoints": [9181], "characters": "\u23DD" }, // 2041
"⋃": { "codepoints": [8899], "characters": "\u22C3" }, // 2042
"⊎": { "codepoints": [8846], "characters": "\u228E" }, // 2043
"Ų": { "codepoints": [370], "characters": "\u0172" }, // 2044
"ų": { "codepoints": [371], "characters": "\u0173" }, // 2045
"𝕌": { "codepoints": [120140], "characters": "\uD835\uDD4C" }, // 2046
"𝕦": { "codepoints": [120166], "characters": "\uD835\uDD66" }, // 2047
"⤒": { "codepoints": [10514], "characters": "\u2912" }, // 2048
"↑": { "codepoints": [8593], "characters": "\u2191" }, // 2049
"↑": { "codepoints": [8593], "characters": "\u2191" }, // 2050
"⇑": { "codepoints": [8657], "characters": "\u21D1" }, // 2051
"⇅": { "codepoints": [8645], "characters": "\u21C5" }, // 2052
"↕": { "codepoints": [8597], "characters": "\u2195" }, // 2053
"↕": { "codepoints": [8597], "characters": "\u2195" }, // 2054
"⇕": { "codepoints": [8661], "characters": "\u21D5" }, // 2055
"⥮": { "codepoints": [10606], "characters": "\u296E" }, // 2056
"↿": { "codepoints": [8639], "characters": "\u21BF" }, // 2057
"↾": { "codepoints": [8638], "characters": "\u21BE" }, // 2058
"⊎": { "codepoints": [8846], "characters": "\u228E" }, // 2059
"↖": { "codepoints": [8598], "characters": "\u2196" }, // 2060
"↗": { "codepoints": [8599], "characters": "\u2197" }, // 2061
"υ": { "codepoints": [965], "characters": "\u03C5" }, // 2062
"ϒ": { "codepoints": [978], "characters": "\u03D2" }, // 2063
"ϒ": { "codepoints": [978], "characters": "\u03D2" }, // 2064
"Υ": { "codepoints": [933], "characters": "\u03A5" }, // 2065
"υ": { "codepoints": [965], "characters": "\u03C5" }, // 2066
"↥": { "codepoints": [8613], "characters": "\u21A5" }, // 2067
"⊥": { "codepoints": [8869], "characters": "\u22A5" }, // 2068
"⇈": { "codepoints": [8648], "characters": "\u21C8" }, // 2069
"⌝": { "codepoints": [8989], "characters": "\u231D" }, // 2070
"⌝": { "codepoints": [8989], "characters": "\u231D" }, // 2071
"⌎": { "codepoints": [8974], "characters": "\u230E" }, // 2072
"Ů": { "codepoints": [366], "characters": "\u016E" }, // 2073
"ů": { "codepoints": [367], "characters": "\u016F" }, // 2074
"◹": { "codepoints": [9721], "characters": "\u25F9" }, // 2075
"𝒰": { "codepoints": [119984], "characters": "\uD835\uDCB0" }, // 2076
"𝓊": { "codepoints": [120010], "characters": "\uD835\uDCCA" }, // 2077
"⋰": { "codepoints": [8944], "characters": "\u22F0" }, // 2078
"Ũ": { "codepoints": [360], "characters": "\u0168" }, // 2079
"ũ": { "codepoints": [361], "characters": "\u0169" }, // 2080
"▵": { "codepoints": [9653], "characters": "\u25B5" }, // 2081
"▴": { "codepoints": [9652], "characters": "\u25B4" }, // 2082
"⇈": { "codepoints": [8648], "characters": "\u21C8" }, // 2083
"Ü": { "codepoints": [220], "characters": "\u00DC" }, // 2084
"Ü": { "codepoints": [220], "characters": "\u00DC" }, // 2085
"ü": { "codepoints": [252], "characters": "\u00FC" }, // 2086
"ü": { "codepoints": [252], "characters": "\u00FC" }, // 2087
"⦧": { "codepoints": [10663], "characters": "\u29A7" }, // 2088
"⦜": { "codepoints": [10652], "characters": "\u299C" }, // 2089
"ϵ": { "codepoints": [1013], "characters": "\u03F5" }, // 2090
"ϰ": { "codepoints": [1008], "characters": "\u03F0" }, // 2091
"∅": { "codepoints": [8709], "characters": "\u2205" }, // 2092
"ϕ": { "codepoints": [981], "characters": "\u03D5" }, // 2093
"ϖ": { "codepoints": [982], "characters": "\u03D6" }, // 2094
"∝": { "codepoints": [8733], "characters": "\u221D" }, // 2095
"↕": { "codepoints": [8597], "characters": "\u2195" }, // 2096
"⇕": { "codepoints": [8661], "characters": "\u21D5" }, // 2097
"ϱ": { "codepoints": [1009], "characters": "\u03F1" }, // 2098
"ς": { "codepoints": [962], "characters": "\u03C2" }, // 2099
"⊊︀": { "codepoints": [8842, 65024], "characters": "\u228A\uFE00" }, // 2100
"⫋︀": { "codepoints": [10955, 65024], "characters": "\u2ACB\uFE00" }, // 2101
"⊋︀": { "codepoints": [8843, 65024], "characters": "\u228B\uFE00" }, // 2102
"⫌︀": { "codepoints": [10956, 65024], "characters": "\u2ACC\uFE00" }, // 2103
"ϑ": { "codepoints": [977], "characters": "\u03D1" }, // 2104
"⊲": { "codepoints": [8882], "characters": "\u22B2" }, // 2105
"⊳": { "codepoints": [8883], "characters": "\u22B3" }, // 2106
"⫨": { "codepoints": [10984], "characters": "\u2AE8" }, // 2107
"⫫": { "codepoints": [10987], "characters": "\u2AEB" }, // 2108
"⫩": { "codepoints": [10985], "characters": "\u2AE9" }, // 2109
"В": { "codepoints": [1042], "characters": "\u0412" }, // 2110
"в": { "codepoints": [1074], "characters": "\u0432" }, // 2111
"⊢": { "codepoints": [8866], "characters": "\u22A2" }, // 2112
"⊨": { "codepoints": [8872], "characters": "\u22A8" }, // 2113
"⊩": { "codepoints": [8873], "characters": "\u22A9" }, // 2114
"⊫": { "codepoints": [8875], "characters": "\u22AB" }, // 2115
"⫦": { "codepoints": [10982], "characters": "\u2AE6" }, // 2116
"⊻": { "codepoints": [8891], "characters": "\u22BB" }, // 2117
"∨": { "codepoints": [8744], "characters": "\u2228" }, // 2118
"⋁": { "codepoints": [8897], "characters": "\u22C1" }, // 2119
"≚": { "codepoints": [8794], "characters": "\u225A" }, // 2120
"⋮": { "codepoints": [8942], "characters": "\u22EE" }, // 2121
"|": { "codepoints": [124], "characters": "\u007C" }, // 2122
"‖": { "codepoints": [8214], "characters": "\u2016" }, // 2123
"|": { "codepoints": [124], "characters": "\u007C" }, // 2124
"‖": { "codepoints": [8214], "characters": "\u2016" }, // 2125
"∣": { "codepoints": [8739], "characters": "\u2223" }, // 2126
"|": { "codepoints": [124], "characters": "\u007C" }, // 2127
"❘": { "codepoints": [10072], "characters": "\u2758" }, // 2128
"≀": { "codepoints": [8768], "characters": "\u2240" }, // 2129
" ": { "codepoints": [8202], "characters": "\u200A" }, // 2130
"𝔙": { "codepoints": [120089], "characters": "\uD835\uDD19" }, // 2131
"𝔳": { "codepoints": [120115], "characters": "\uD835\uDD33" }, // 2132
"⊲": { "codepoints": [8882], "characters": "\u22B2" }, // 2133
"⊂⃒": { "codepoints": [8834, 8402], "characters": "\u2282\u20D2" }, // 2134
"⊃⃒": { "codepoints": [8835, 8402], "characters": "\u2283\u20D2" }, // 2135
"𝕍": { "codepoints": [120141], "characters": "\uD835\uDD4D" }, // 2136
"𝕧": { "codepoints": [120167], "characters": "\uD835\uDD67" }, // 2137
"∝": { "codepoints": [8733], "characters": "\u221D" }, // 2138
"⊳": { "codepoints": [8883], "characters": "\u22B3" }, // 2139
"𝒱": { "codepoints": [119985], "characters": "\uD835\uDCB1" }, // 2140
"𝓋": { "codepoints": [120011], "characters": "\uD835\uDCCB" }, // 2141
"⫋︀": { "codepoints": [10955, 65024], "characters": "\u2ACB\uFE00" }, // 2142
"⊊︀": { "codepoints": [8842, 65024], "characters": "\u228A\uFE00" }, // 2143
"⫌︀": { "codepoints": [10956, 65024], "characters": "\u2ACC\uFE00" }, // 2144
"⊋︀": { "codepoints": [8843, 65024], "characters": "\u228B\uFE00" }, // 2145
"⊪": { "codepoints": [8874], "characters": "\u22AA" }, // 2146
"⦚": { "codepoints": [10650], "characters": "\u299A" }, // 2147
"Ŵ": { "codepoints": [372], "characters": "\u0174" }, // 2148
"ŵ": { "codepoints": [373], "characters": "\u0175" }, // 2149
"⩟": { "codepoints": [10847], "characters": "\u2A5F" }, // 2150
"∧": { "codepoints": [8743], "characters": "\u2227" }, // 2151
"⋀": { "codepoints": [8896], "characters": "\u22C0" }, // 2152
"≙": { "codepoints": [8793], "characters": "\u2259" }, // 2153
"℘": { "codepoints": [8472], "characters": "\u2118" }, // 2154
"𝔚": { "codepoints": [120090], "characters": "\uD835\uDD1A" }, // 2155
"𝔴": { "codepoints": [120116], "characters": "\uD835\uDD34" }, // 2156
"𝕎": { "codepoints": [120142], "characters": "\uD835\uDD4E" }, // 2157
"𝕨": { "codepoints": [120168], "characters": "\uD835\uDD68" }, // 2158
"℘": { "codepoints": [8472], "characters": "\u2118" }, // 2159
"≀": { "codepoints": [8768], "characters": "\u2240" }, // 2160
"≀": { "codepoints": [8768], "characters": "\u2240" }, // 2161
"𝒲": { "codepoints": [119986], "characters": "\uD835\uDCB2" }, // 2162
"𝓌": { "codepoints": [120012], "characters": "\uD835\uDCCC" }, // 2163
"⋂": { "codepoints": [8898], "characters": "\u22C2" }, // 2164
"◯": { "codepoints": [9711], "characters": "\u25EF" }, // 2165
"⋃": { "codepoints": [8899], "characters": "\u22C3" }, // 2166
"▽": { "codepoints": [9661], "characters": "\u25BD" }, // 2167
"𝔛": { "codepoints": [120091], "characters": "\uD835\uDD1B" }, // 2168
"𝔵": { "codepoints": [120117], "characters": "\uD835\uDD35" }, // 2169
"⟷": { "codepoints": [10231], "characters": "\u27F7" }, // 2170
"⟺": { "codepoints": [10234], "characters": "\u27FA" }, // 2171
"Ξ": { "codepoints": [926], "characters": "\u039E" }, // 2172
"ξ": { "codepoints": [958], "characters": "\u03BE" }, // 2173
"⟵": { "codepoints": [10229], "characters": "\u27F5" }, // 2174
"⟸": { "codepoints": [10232], "characters": "\u27F8" }, // 2175
"⟼": { "codepoints": [10236], "characters": "\u27FC" }, // 2176
"⋻": { "codepoints": [8955], "characters": "\u22FB" }, // 2177
"⨀": { "codepoints": [10752], "characters": "\u2A00" }, // 2178
"𝕏": { "codepoints": [120143], "characters": "\uD835\uDD4F" }, // 2179
"𝕩": { "codepoints": [120169], "characters": "\uD835\uDD69" }, // 2180
"⨁": { "codepoints": [10753], "characters": "\u2A01" }, // 2181
"⨂": { "codepoints": [10754], "characters": "\u2A02" }, // 2182
"⟶": { "codepoints": [10230], "characters": "\u27F6" }, // 2183
"⟹": { "codepoints": [10233], "characters": "\u27F9" }, // 2184
"𝒳": { "codepoints": [119987], "characters": "\uD835\uDCB3" }, // 2185
"𝓍": { "codepoints": [120013], "characters": "\uD835\uDCCD" }, // 2186
"⨆": { "codepoints": [10758], "characters": "\u2A06" }, // 2187
"⨄": { "codepoints": [10756], "characters": "\u2A04" }, // 2188
"△": { "codepoints": [9651], "characters": "\u25B3" }, // 2189
"⋁": { "codepoints": [8897], "characters": "\u22C1" }, // 2190
"⋀": { "codepoints": [8896], "characters": "\u22C0" }, // 2191
"Ý": { "codepoints": [221], "characters": "\u00DD" }, // 2192
"Ý": { "codepoints": [221], "characters": "\u00DD" }, // 2193
"ý": { "codepoints": [253], "characters": "\u00FD" }, // 2194
"ý": { "codepoints": [253], "characters": "\u00FD" }, // 2195
"Я": { "codepoints": [1071], "characters": "\u042F" }, // 2196
"я": { "codepoints": [1103], "characters": "\u044F" }, // 2197
"Ŷ": { "codepoints": [374], "characters": "\u0176" }, // 2198
"ŷ": { "codepoints": [375], "characters": "\u0177" }, // 2199
"Ы": { "codepoints": [1067], "characters": "\u042B" }, // 2200
"ы": { "codepoints": [1099], "characters": "\u044B" }, // 2201
"¥": { "codepoints": [165], "characters": "\u00A5" }, // 2202
"¥": { "codepoints": [165], "characters": "\u00A5" }, // 2203
"𝔜": { "codepoints": [120092], "characters": "\uD835\uDD1C" }, // 2204
"𝔶": { "codepoints": [120118], "characters": "\uD835\uDD36" }, // 2205
"Ї": { "codepoints": [1031], "characters": "\u0407" }, // 2206
"ї": { "codepoints": [1111], "characters": "\u0457" }, // 2207
"𝕐": { "codepoints": [120144], "characters": "\uD835\uDD50" }, // 2208
"𝕪": { "codepoints": [120170], "characters": "\uD835\uDD6A" }, // 2209
"𝒴": { "codepoints": [119988], "characters": "\uD835\uDCB4" }, // 2210
"𝓎": { "codepoints": [120014], "characters": "\uD835\uDCCE" }, // 2211
"Ю": { "codepoints": [1070], "characters": "\u042E" }, // 2212
"ю": { "codepoints": [1102], "characters": "\u044E" }, // 2213
"ÿ": { "codepoints": [255], "characters": "\u00FF" }, // 2214
"ÿ": { "codepoints": [255], "characters": "\u00FF" }, // 2215
"Ÿ": { "codepoints": [376], "characters": "\u0178" }, // 2216
"Ź": { "codepoints": [377], "characters": "\u0179" }, // 2217
"ź": { "codepoints": [378], "characters": "\u017A" }, // 2218
"Ž": { "codepoints": [381], "characters": "\u017D" }, // 2219
"ž": { "codepoints": [382], "characters": "\u017E" }, // 2220
"З": { "codepoints": [1047], "characters": "\u0417" }, // 2221
"з": { "codepoints": [1079], "characters": "\u0437" }, // 2222
"Ż": { "codepoints": [379], "characters": "\u017B" }, // 2223
"ż": { "codepoints": [380], "characters": "\u017C" }, // 2224
"ℨ": { "codepoints": [8488], "characters": "\u2128" }, // 2225
"​": { "codepoints": [8203], "characters": "\u200B" }, // 2226
"Ζ": { "codepoints": [918], "characters": "\u0396" }, // 2227
"ζ": { "codepoints": [950], "characters": "\u03B6" }, // 2228
"𝔷": { "codepoints": [120119], "characters": "\uD835\uDD37" }, // 2229
"ℨ": { "codepoints": [8488], "characters": "\u2128" }, // 2230
"Ж": { "codepoints": [1046], "characters": "\u0416" }, // 2231
"ж": { "codepoints": [1078], "characters": "\u0436" }, // 2232
"⇝": { "codepoints": [8669], "characters": "\u21DD" }, // 2233
"𝕫": { "codepoints": [120171], "characters": "\uD835\uDD6B" }, // 2234
"ℤ": { "codepoints": [8484], "characters": "\u2124" }, // 2235
"𝒵": { "codepoints": [119989], "characters": "\uD835\uDCB5" }, // 2236
"𝓏": { "codepoints": [120015], "characters": "\uD835\uDCCF" }, // 2237
"‍": { "codepoints": [8205], "characters": "\u200D" }, // 2238
"‌": { "codepoints": [8204], "characters": "\u200C" } // 2239
}; // 2240
// 2241
var ALPHANUMERIC = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]/; // 2242
var getPossibleNamedEntityStart = makeRegexMatcher(/^&[a-zA-Z0-9]/); // 2243
var getApparentNamedEntity = makeRegexMatcher(/^&[a-zA-Z0-9]+;/); // 2244
// 2245
var getNamedEntityByFirstChar = {}; // 2246
(function () { // 2247
var namedEntitiesByFirstChar = {}; // 2248
for (var ent in ENTITIES) { // 2249
var chr = ent.charAt(1); // 2250
namedEntitiesByFirstChar[chr] = (namedEntitiesByFirstChar[chr] || []); // 2251
namedEntitiesByFirstChar[chr].push(ent.slice(2)); // 2252
} // 2253
for (var chr in namedEntitiesByFirstChar) { // 2254
getNamedEntityByFirstChar[chr] = makeRegexMatcher( // 2255
new RegExp('^&' + chr + '(?:' + // 2256
namedEntitiesByFirstChar[chr].join('|') + ')')); // 2257
} // 2258
})(); // 2259
// 2260
// Run a provided "matcher" function but reset the current position afterwards. // 2261
// Fatal failure of the matcher is not suppressed. // 2262
var peekMatcher = function (scanner, matcher) { // 2263
var start = scanner.pos; // 2264
var result = matcher(scanner); // 2265
scanner.pos = start; // 2266
return result; // 2267
}; // 2268
// 2269
// Returns a string like "&" or a falsy value if no match. Fails fatally // 2270
// if something looks like a named entity but isn't. // 2271
var getNamedCharRef = function (scanner, inAttribute) { // 2272
// look for `&` followed by alphanumeric // 2273
if (! peekMatcher(scanner, getPossibleNamedEntityStart)) // 2274
return null; // 2275
// 2276
var matcher = getNamedEntityByFirstChar[]; // 2277
var entity = null; // 2278
if (matcher) // 2279
entity = peekMatcher(scanner, matcher); // 2280
// 2281
if (entity) { // 2282
if (entity.slice(-1) !== ';') { // 2283
// Certain character references with no semi are an error, like `<`. // 2284
// In attribute values, however, this is not fatal if the next character // 2285
// is alphanumeric. // 2286
// // 2287
// This rule affects href attributes, for example, deeming "/?foo=bar<c=abc" // 2288
// to be ok but "/?foo=bar<=abc" to not be. // 2289
if (inAttribute && ALPHANUMERIC.test( // 2290
return null; // 2291
scanner.fatal("Character reference requires semicolon: " + entity); // 2292
} else { // 2293
scanner.pos += entity.length; // 2294
return entity; // 2295
} // 2296
} else { // 2297
// we couldn't match any real entity, so see if this is a bad entity // 2298
// or something we can overlook. // 2299
var badEntity = peekMatcher(scanner, getApparentNamedEntity); // 2300
if (badEntity) // 2301
scanner.fatal("Invalid character reference: " + badEntity); // 2302
// `&aaaa` is ok with no semicolon // 2303
return null; // 2304
} // 2305
}; // 2306
// 2307
// Returns the sequence of one or two codepoints making up an entity as an array. // 2308
// Codepoints in the array are integers and may be out of the single-char JavaScript // 2309
// range. // 2310
var getCodePoints = function (namedEntity) { // 2311
return ENTITIES[namedEntity].codepoints; // 2312
}; // 2313
// 2314
var ALLOWED_AFTER_AMP = /^[\u0009\u000a\u000c <&]/; // 2315
// 2316
var getCharRefNumber = makeRegexMatcher(/^(?:[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+);/); // 2317
// 2318
var BIG_BAD_CODEPOINTS = (function (obj) { // 2319
var list = [0x1FFFE, 0x1FFFF, 0x2FFFE, 0x2FFFF, 0x3FFFE, 0x3FFFF, // 2320
0x4FFFE, 0x4FFFF, 0x5FFFE, 0x5FFFF, 0x6FFFE, 0x6FFFF, // 2321
0x7FFFE, 0x7FFFF, 0x8FFFE, 0x8FFFF, 0x9FFFE, 0x9FFFF, // 2322
0xAFFFE, 0xAFFFF, 0xBFFFE, 0xBFFFF, 0xCFFFE, 0xCFFFF, // 2323
0xDFFFE, 0xDFFFF, 0xEFFFE, 0xEFFFF, 0xFFFFE, 0xFFFFF, // 2324
0x10FFFE, 0x10FFFF]; // 2325
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) // 2326
obj[list[i]] = true; // 2327
// 2328
return obj; // 2329
})({}); // 2330
// 2331
var isLegalCodepoint = function (cp) { // 2332
if ((cp === 0) || // 2333
(cp >= 0x80 && cp <= 0x9f) || // 2334
(cp >= 0xd800 && cp <= 0xdfff) || // 2335
(cp >= 0x10ffff) || // 2336
(cp >= 0x1 && cp <= 0x8) || // 2337
(cp === 0xb) || // 2338
(cp >= 0xd && cp <= 0x1f) || // 2339
(cp >= 0x7f && cp <= 0x9f) || // 2340
(cp >= 0xfdd0 && cp <= 0xfdef) || // 2341
(cp === 0xfffe) || // 2342
(cp === 0xffff) || // 2343
(cp >= 0x10000 && BIG_BAD_CODEPOINTS[cp])) // 2344
return false; // 2345
// 2346
return true; // 2347
}; // 2348
// 2349
// // 2350
// // 2351
// Matches a character reference if possible, including the initial `&`. // 2352
// Fails fatally in error cases (assuming an initial `&` is matched), like a disallowed codepoint // 2353
// number or a bad named character reference. // 2354
// // 2355
// `inAttribute` is truthy if we are in an attribute value. // 2356
// // 2357
// `allowedChar` is an optional character that, // 2358
// if found after the initial `&`, aborts parsing silently rather than failing fatally. In real use it is // 2359
// either `"`, `'`, or `>` and is supplied when parsing attribute values. NOTE: In the current spec, the // 2360
// value of `allowedChar` doesn't actually seem to end up mattering, but there is still some debate about // 2361
// the right approach to ampersands. // 2362
getCharacterReference = HTMLTools.Parse.getCharacterReference = function (scanner, inAttribute, allowedChar) { // 2363
if (scanner.peek() !== '&') // 2364
// no ampersand // 2365
return null; // 2366
// 2367
var afterAmp =; // 2368
// 2369
if (afterAmp === '#') { // 2370
scanner.pos += 2; // 2371
// refNumber includes possible initial `x` and final semicolon // 2372
var refNumber = getCharRefNumber(scanner); // 2373
// At this point we've consumed the input, so we're committed to returning // 2374
// something or failing fatally. // 2375
if (! refNumber) // 2376
scanner.fatal("Invalid numerical character reference starting with &#"); // 2377
var codepoint; // 2378
if (refNumber.charAt(0) === 'x' || refNumber.charAt(0) === 'X') { // 2379
// hex // 2380
var hex = refNumber.slice(1, -1); // 2381
while (hex.charAt(0) === '0') // 2382
hex = hex.slice(1); // 2383
if (hex.length > 6) // 2384
scanner.fatal("Numerical character reference too large: 0x" + hex); // 2385
codepoint = parseInt(hex || "0", 16); // 2386
} else { // 2387
var dec = refNumber.slice(0, -1); // 2388
while (dec.charAt(0) === '0') // 2389
dec = dec.slice(1); // 2390
if (dec.length > 7) // 2391
scanner.fatal("Numerical character reference too large: " + dec); // 2392
codepoint = parseInt(dec || "0", 10); // 2393
} // 2394
if (! isLegalCodepoint(codepoint)) // 2395
scanner.fatal("Illegal codepoint in numerical character reference: &#" + refNumber); // 2396
return { t: 'CharRef', // 2397
v: '&#' + refNumber, // 2398
cp: [codepoint] }; // 2399
} else if ((! afterAmp) // EOF // 2400
|| (allowedChar && afterAmp === allowedChar) // 2401
|| ALLOWED_AFTER_AMP.test(afterAmp)) { // 2402
return null; // 2403
} else { // 2404
var namedEntity = getNamedCharRef(scanner, inAttribute); // 2405
if (namedEntity) { // 2406
return { t: 'CharRef', // 2407
v: namedEntity, // 2408
cp: getCodePoints(namedEntity) }; // 2409
} else { // 2410
return null; // 2411
} // 2412
} // 2413
}; // 2414
// 2415
(function () {
// //
// packages/html-tools/tokenize.js //
// //
// Token types: // 1
// // 2
// { t: 'Doctype', // 3
// v: String (entire Doctype declaration from the source), // 4
// name: String, // 5
// systemId: String (optional), // 6
// publicId: String (optional) // 7
// } // 8
// // 9
// { t: 'Comment', // 10
// v: String (not including "<!--" and "-->") // 11
// } // 12
// // 13
// { t: 'Chars', // 14
// v: String (pure text like you might pass to document.createTextNode, // 15
// no character references) // 16
// } // 17
// // 18
// { t: 'Tag', // 19
// isEnd: Boolean (optional), // 20
// isSelfClosing: Boolean (optional), // 21
// n: String (tag name, in lowercase or camel case), // 22
// attrs: dictionary of { String: [tokens] } // 23
// OR [{ String: [tokens] }, TemplateTag tokens...] // 24
// (only for start tags; required) // 25
// } // 26
// // 27
// { t: 'CharRef', // 28
// v: String (entire character reference from the source, e.g. "&"), // 29
// cp: [Integer] (array of Unicode code point numbers it expands to) // 30
// } // 31
// // 32
// We keep around both the original form of the character reference and its // 33
// expansion so that subsequent processing steps have the option to // 34
// re-emit it (if they are generating HTML) or interpret it. Named and // 35
// numerical code points may be more than 16 bits, in which case they // 36
// need to passed through codePointToString to make a JavaScript string. // 37
// Most named entities and all numeric character references are one codepoint // 38
// (e.g. "&" is [38]), but a few are two codepoints. // 39
// // 40
// { t: 'TemplateTag', // 41
// v: HTMLTools.TemplateTag // 42
// } // 43
// 44
// The HTML tokenization spec says to preprocess the input stream to replace // 45
// CR(LF)? with LF. However, preprocessing `scanner` would complicate things // 46
// by making indexes not match the input (e.g. for error messages), so we just // 47
// keep in mind as we go along that an LF might be represented by CRLF or CR. // 48
// In most cases, it doesn't actually matter what combination of whitespace // 49
// characters are present (e.g. inside tags). // 50
var HTML_SPACE = /^[\f\n\r\t ]/; // 51
// 52
var convertCRLF = function (str) { // 53
return str.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n'); // 54
}; // 55
// 56
getComment = HTMLTools.Parse.getComment = function (scanner) { // 57
if (, 4) !== '<!--') // 58
return null; // 59
scanner.pos += 4; // 60
// 61
// Valid comments are easy to parse; they end at the first `--`! // 62
// Our main job is throwing errors. // 63
// 64
var rest =; // 65
if (rest.charAt(0) === '>' || rest.slice(0, 2) === '->') // 66
scanner.fatal("HTML comment can't start with > or ->"); // 67
// 68
var closePos = rest.indexOf('-->'); // 69
if (closePos < 0) // 70
scanner.fatal("Unclosed HTML comment"); // 71
// 72
var commentContents = rest.slice(0, closePos); // 73
if (commentContents.slice(-1) === '-') // 74
scanner.fatal("HTML comment must end at first `--`"); // 75
if (commentContents.indexOf("--") >= 0) // 76
scanner.fatal("HTML comment cannot contain `--` anywhere"); // 77
if (commentContents.indexOf('\u0000') >= 0) // 78
scanner.fatal("HTML comment cannot contain NULL"); // 79
// 80
scanner.pos += closePos + 3; // 81
// 82
return { t: 'Comment', // 83
v: convertCRLF(commentContents) }; // 84
}; // 85
// 86
var skipSpaces = function (scanner) { // 87
while (HTML_SPACE.test(scanner.peek())) // 88
scanner.pos++; // 89
}; // 90
// 91
var requireSpaces = function (scanner) { // 92
if (! HTML_SPACE.test(scanner.peek())) // 93
scanner.fatal("Expected space"); // 94
skipSpaces(scanner); // 95
}; // 96
// 97
var getDoctypeQuotedString = function (scanner) { // 98
var quote = scanner.peek(); // 99
if (! (quote === '"' || quote === "'")) // 100
scanner.fatal("Expected single or double quote in DOCTYPE"); // 101
scanner.pos++; // 102
// 103
if (scanner.peek() === quote) // 104
// prevent a falsy return value (empty string) // 105
scanner.fatal("Malformed DOCTYPE"); // 106
// 107
var str = ''; // 108
var ch; // 109
while ((ch = scanner.peek()), ch !== quote) { // 110
if ((! ch) || (ch === '\u0000') || (ch === '>')) // 111
scanner.fatal("Malformed DOCTYPE"); // 112
str += ch; // 113
scanner.pos++; // 114
} // 115
// 116
scanner.pos++; // 117
// 118
return str; // 119
}; // 120
// 121
// See // 122
// // 123
// If `getDocType` sees "<!DOCTYPE" (case-insensitive), it will match or fail fatally. // 124
getDoctype = HTMLTools.Parse.getDoctype = function (scanner) { // 125
if (HTMLTools.asciiLowerCase(, 9)) !== '<!doctype') // 126
return null; // 127
var start = scanner.pos; // 128
scanner.pos += 9; // 129
// 130
requireSpaces(scanner); // 131
// 132
var ch = scanner.peek(); // 133
if ((! ch) || (ch === '>') || (ch === '\u0000')) // 134
scanner.fatal('Malformed DOCTYPE'); // 135
var name = ch; // 136
scanner.pos++; // 137
// 138
while ((ch = scanner.peek()), ! (HTML_SPACE.test(ch) || ch === '>')) { // 139
if ((! ch) || (ch === '\u0000')) // 140
scanner.fatal('Malformed DOCTYPE'); // 141
name += ch; // 142
scanner.pos++; // 143
} // 144
name = HTMLTools.asciiLowerCase(name); // 145
// 146
// Now we're looking at a space or a `>`. // 147
skipSpaces(scanner); // 148
// 149
var systemId = null; // 150
var publicId = null; // 151
// 152
if (scanner.peek() !== '>') { // 153
// Now we're essentially in the "After DOCTYPE name state" of the tokenizer, // 154
// but we're not looking at space or `>`. // 155
// 156
// this should be "public" or "system". // 157
var publicOrSystem = HTMLTools.asciiLowerCase(, 6)); // 158
// 159
if (publicOrSystem === 'system') { // 160
scanner.pos += 6; // 161
requireSpaces(scanner); // 162
systemId = getDoctypeQuotedString(scanner); // 163
skipSpaces(scanner); // 164
if (scanner.peek() !== '>') // 165
scanner.fatal("Malformed DOCTYPE"); // 166
} else if (publicOrSystem === 'public') { // 167
scanner.pos += 6; // 168
requireSpaces(scanner); // 169
publicId = getDoctypeQuotedString(scanner); // 170
if (scanner.peek() !== '>') { // 171
requireSpaces(scanner); // 172
if (scanner.peek() !== '>') { // 173
systemId = getDoctypeQuotedString(scanner); // 174
skipSpaces(scanner); // 175
if (scanner.peek() !== '>') // 176
scanner.fatal("Malformed DOCTYPE"); // 177
} // 178
} // 179
} else { // 180
scanner.fatal("Expected PUBLIC or SYSTEM in DOCTYPE"); // 181
} // 182
} // 183
// 184
// looking at `>` // 185
scanner.pos++; // 186
var result = { t: 'Doctype', // 187
v: scanner.input.slice(start, scanner.pos), // 188
name: name }; // 189
// 190
if (systemId) // 191
result.systemId = systemId; // 192
if (publicId) // 193
result.publicId = publicId; // 194
// 195
return result; // 196
}; // 197
// 198
// The special character `{` is only allowed as the first character // 199
// of a Chars, so that we have a chance to detect template tags. // 200
var getChars = makeRegexMatcher(/^[^&<\u0000][^&<\u0000{]*/); // 201
// 202
var assertIsTemplateTag = function (x) { // 203
if (! (x instanceof HTMLTools.TemplateTag)) // 204
throw new Error("Expected an instance of HTMLTools.TemplateTag"); // 205
return x; // 206
}; // 207
// 208
// Returns the next HTML token, or `null` if we reach EOF. // 209
// // 210
// Note that if we have a `getTemplateTag` function that sometimes // 211
// consumes characters and emits nothing (e.g. in the case of template // 212
// comments), we may go from not-at-EOF to at-EOF and return `null`, // 213
// while otherwise we always find some token to return. // 214
getHTMLToken = HTMLTools.Parse.getHTMLToken = function (scanner, dataMode) { // 215
var result = null; // 216
if (scanner.getTemplateTag) { // 217
// Try to parse a template tag by calling out to the provided // 218
// `getTemplateTag` function. If the function returns `null` but // 219
// consumes characters, it must have parsed a comment or something, // 220
// so we loop and try it again. If it ever returns `null` without // 221
// consuming anything, that means it didn't see anything interesting // 222
// so we look for a normal token. If it returns a truthy value, // 223
// the value must be instanceof HTMLTools.TemplateTag. We wrap it // 224
// in a Special token. // 225
var lastPos = scanner.pos; // 226
result = scanner.getTemplateTag( // 227
scanner, // 228
(dataMode === 'rcdata' ? TEMPLATE_TAG_POSITION.IN_RCDATA : // 229
(dataMode === 'rawtext' ? TEMPLATE_TAG_POSITION.IN_RAWTEXT : // 230
// 232
if (result) // 233
return { t: 'TemplateTag', v: assertIsTemplateTag(result) }; // 234
else if (scanner.pos > lastPos) // 235
return null; // 236
} // 237
// 238
var chars = getChars(scanner); // 239
if (chars) // 240
return { t: 'Chars', // 241
v: convertCRLF(chars) }; // 242
// 243
var ch = scanner.peek(); // 244
if (! ch) // 245
return null; // EOF // 246
// 247
if (ch === '\u0000') // 248
scanner.fatal("Illegal NULL character"); // 249
// 250
if (ch === '&') { // 251
if (dataMode !== 'rawtext') { // 252
var charRef = getCharacterReference(scanner); // 253
if (charRef) // 254
return charRef; // 255
} // 256
// 257
scanner.pos++; // 258
return { t: 'Chars', // 259
v: '&' }; // 260
} // 261
// 262
// If we're here, we're looking at `<`. // 263
// 264
if (scanner.peek() === '<' && dataMode) { // 265
// don't interpret tags // 266
scanner.pos++; // 267
return { t: 'Chars', // 268
v: '<' }; // 269
} // 270
// 271
// `getTag` will claim anything starting with `<` not followed by `!`. // 272
// `getComment` takes `<!--` and getDoctype takes `<!doctype`. // 273
result = (getTagToken(scanner) || getComment(scanner) || getDoctype(scanner)); // 274
// 275
if (result) // 276
return result; // 277
// 278
scanner.fatal("Unexpected `<!` directive."); // 279
}; // 280
// 281
var getTagName = makeRegexMatcher(/^[a-zA-Z][^\f\n\r\t />{]*/); // 282
var getClangle = makeRegexMatcher(/^>/); // 283
var getSlash = makeRegexMatcher(/^\//); // 284
var getAttributeName = makeRegexMatcher(/^[^>/\u0000"'<=\f\n\r\t ][^\f\n\r\t /=>"'<\u0000]*/); // 285
// 286
// Try to parse `>` or `/>`, mutating `tag` to be self-closing in the latter // 287
// case (and failing fatally if `/` isn't followed by `>`). // 288
// Return tag if successful. // 289
var handleEndOfTag = function (scanner, tag) { // 290
if (getClangle(scanner)) // 291
return tag; // 292
// 293
if (getSlash(scanner)) { // 294
if (! getClangle(scanner)) // 295
scanner.fatal("Expected `>` after `/`"); // 296
tag.isSelfClosing = true; // 297
return tag; // 298
} // 299
// 300
return null; // 301
}; // 302
// 303
// Scan a quoted or unquoted attribute value (omit `quote` for unquoted). // 304
var getAttributeValue = function (scanner, quote) { // 305
if (quote) { // 306
if (scanner.peek() !== quote) // 307
return null; // 308
scanner.pos++; // 309
} // 310
// 311
var tokens = []; // 312
var charsTokenToExtend = null; // 313
// 314
var charRef; // 315
while (true) { // 316
var ch = scanner.peek(); // 317
var templateTag; // 318
var curPos = scanner.pos; // 319
if (quote && ch === quote) { // 320
scanner.pos++; // 321
return tokens; // 322
} else if ((! quote) && (HTML_SPACE.test(ch) || ch === '>')) { // 323
return tokens; // 324
} else if (! ch) { // 325
scanner.fatal("Unclosed attribute in tag"); // 326
} else if (quote ? ch === '\u0000' : ('\u0000"\'<=`'.indexOf(ch) >= 0)) { // 327
scanner.fatal("Unexpected character in attribute value"); // 328
} else if (ch === '&' && // 329
(charRef = getCharacterReference(scanner, true, // 330
quote || '>'))) { // 331
tokens.push(charRef); // 332
charsTokenToExtend = null; // 333
} else if (scanner.getTemplateTag && // 334
((templateTag = scanner.getTemplateTag( // 335
scanner.pos > curPos /* `{{! comment}}` */)) { // 337
if (templateTag) { // 338
tokens.push({t: 'TemplateTag', // 339
v: assertIsTemplateTag(templateTag)}); // 340
charsTokenToExtend = null; // 341
} // 342
} else { // 343
if (! charsTokenToExtend) { // 344
charsTokenToExtend = { t: 'Chars', v: '' }; // 345
tokens.push(charsTokenToExtend); // 346
} // 347
charsTokenToExtend.v += (ch === '\r' ? '\n' : ch); // 348
scanner.pos++; // 349
if (quote && ch === '\r' && scanner.peek() === '\n') // 350
scanner.pos++; // 351
} // 352
} // 353
}; // 354
// 355
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; // 356
// 357
getTagToken = HTMLTools.Parse.getTagToken = function (scanner) { // 358
if (! (scanner.peek() === '<' && !== '!')) // 359
return null; // 360
scanner.pos++; // 361
// 362
var tag = { t: 'Tag' }; // 363
// 364
// now looking at the character after `<`, which is not a `!` // 365
if (scanner.peek() === '/') { // 366
tag.isEnd = true; // 367
scanner.pos++; // 368
} // 369
// 370
var tagName = getTagName(scanner); // 371
if (! tagName) // 372
scanner.fatal("Expected tag name after `<`"); // 373
tag.n = HTMLTools.properCaseTagName(tagName); // 374
// 375
if (scanner.peek() === '/' && tag.isEnd) // 376
scanner.fatal("End tag can't have trailing slash"); // 377
if (handleEndOfTag(scanner, tag)) // 378
return tag; // 379
// 380
if (scanner.isEOF()) // 381
scanner.fatal("Unclosed `<`"); // 382
// 383
if (! HTML_SPACE.test(scanner.peek())) // 384
// e.g. `<a{{b}}>` // 385
scanner.fatal("Expected space after tag name"); // 386
// 387
// we're now in "Before attribute name state" of the tokenizer // 388
skipSpaces(scanner); // 389
// 390
if (scanner.peek() === '/' && tag.isEnd) // 391
scanner.fatal("End tag can't have trailing slash"); // 392
if (handleEndOfTag(scanner, tag)) // 393
return tag; // 394
// 395
if (tag.isEnd) // 396
scanner.fatal("End tag can't have attributes"); // 397
// 398
tag.attrs = {}; // 399
var nondynamicAttrs = tag.attrs; // 400
// 401
while (true) { // 402
// Note: at the top of this loop, we've already skipped any spaces. // 403
// 404
// This will be set to true if after parsing the attribute, we should // 405
// require spaces (or else an end of tag, i.e. `>` or `/>`). // 406
var spacesRequiredAfter = false; // 407
// 408
// first, try for a template tag. // 409
var curPos = scanner.pos; // 410
var templateTag = (scanner.getTemplateTag && // 411
scanner.getTemplateTag( // 412
if (templateTag || (scanner.pos > curPos)) { // 414
if (templateTag) { // 415
if (tag.attrs === nondynamicAttrs) // 416
tag.attrs = [nondynamicAttrs]; // 417
tag.attrs.push({ t: 'TemplateTag', // 418
v: assertIsTemplateTag(templateTag) }); // 419
} // else, must have scanned a `{{! comment}}` // 420
// 421
spacesRequiredAfter = true; // 422
} else { // 423
// 424
var attributeName = getAttributeName(scanner); // 425
if (! attributeName) // 426
scanner.fatal("Expected attribute name in tag"); // 427
// Throw error on `{` in attribute name. This provides *some* error message // 428
// if someone writes `<a x{{y}}>` or `<a x{{y}}=z>`. The HTML tokenization // 429
// spec doesn't say that `{` is invalid, but the DOM API (setAttribute) won't // 430
// allow it, so who cares. // 431
if (attributeName.indexOf('{') >= 0) // 432
scanner.fatal("Unexpected `{` in attribute name."); // 433
attributeName = HTMLTools.properCaseAttributeName(attributeName); // 434
// 435
if (, attributeName)) // 436
scanner.fatal("Duplicate attribute in tag: " + attributeName); // 437
// 438
nondynamicAttrs[attributeName] = []; // 439
// 440
skipSpaces(scanner); // 441
// 442
if (handleEndOfTag(scanner, tag)) // 443
return tag; // 444
// 445
var ch = scanner.peek(); // 446
if (! ch) // 447
scanner.fatal("Unclosed <"); // 448
if ('\u0000"\'<'.indexOf(ch) >= 0) // 449
scanner.fatal("Unexpected character after attribute name in tag"); // 450
// 451
if (ch === '=') { // 452
scanner.pos++; // 453
// 454
skipSpaces(scanner); // 455
// 456
ch = scanner.peek(); // 457
if (! ch) // 458
scanner.fatal("Unclosed <"); // 459
if ('\u0000><=`'.indexOf(ch) >= 0) // 460
scanner.fatal("Unexpected character after = in tag"); // 461
// 462
if ((ch === '"') || (ch === "'")) // 463
nondynamicAttrs[attributeName] = getAttributeValue(scanner, ch); // 464
else // 465
nondynamicAttrs[attributeName] = getAttributeValue(scanner); // 466
// 467
spacesRequiredAfter = true; // 468
} // 469
} // 470
// now we are in the "post-attribute" position, whether it was a template tag // 471
// attribute (like `{{x}}`) or a normal one (like `x` or `x=y`). // 472
// 473
if (handleEndOfTag(scanner, tag)) // 474
return tag; // 475
// 476
if (scanner.isEOF()) // 477
scanner.fatal("Unclosed `<`"); // 478
// 479
if (spacesRequiredAfter) // 480
requireSpaces(scanner); // 481
else // 482
skipSpaces(scanner); // 483
// 484
if (handleEndOfTag(scanner, tag)) // 485
return tag; // 486
} // 487
}; // 488
// 489
ELEMENT: 1, // 491
IN_START_TAG: 2, // 492
IN_ATTRIBUTE: 3, // 493
IN_RCDATA: 4, // 494
IN_RAWTEXT: 5 // 495
}; // 496
// 497
// tagName must be proper case // 498
isLookingAtEndTag = function (scanner, tagName) { // 499
var rest =; // 500
var pos = 0; // into rest // 501
var firstPart = /^<\/([a-zA-Z]+)/.exec(rest); // 502
if (firstPart && // 503
HTMLTools.properCaseTagName(firstPart[1]) === tagName) { // 504
// we've seen `</foo`, now see if the end tag continues // 505
pos += firstPart[0].length; // 506
while (pos < rest.length && HTML_SPACE.test(rest.charAt(pos))) // 507
pos++; // 508
if (pos < rest.length && rest.charAt(pos) === '>') // 509
return true; // 510
} // 511
return false; // 512
}; // 513
// 514
(function () {
// //
// packages/html-tools/templatetag.js //
// //
// _assign is like _.extend or the upcoming Object.assign. // 1
// Copy src's own, enumerable properties onto tgt and return // 2
// tgt. // 3
var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; // 4
var _assign = function (tgt, src) { // 5
for (var k in src) { // 6
if (, k)) // 7
tgt[k] = src[k]; // 8
} // 9
return tgt; // 10
}; // 11
// 12
// 13
HTMLTools.TemplateTag = function (props) { // 14
if (! (this instanceof HTMLTools.TemplateTag)) // 15
// called without `new` // 16
return new HTMLTools.TemplateTag; // 17
// 18
if (props) // 19
_assign(this, props); // 20
}; // 21
// 22
_assign(HTMLTools.TemplateTag.prototype, { // 23
constructorName: 'HTMLTools.TemplateTag', // 24
toJS: function (visitor) { // 25
return visitor.generateCall(this.constructorName, // 26
_assign({}, this)); // 27
} // 28
}); // 29
// 30
(function () {
// //
// packages/html-tools/parse.js //
// //
// 1
// Parse a "fragment" of HTML, up to the end of the input or a particular // 2
// template tag (using the "shouldStop" option). // 3
HTMLTools.parseFragment = function (input, options) { // 4
var scanner; // 5
if (typeof input === 'string') // 6
scanner = new Scanner(input); // 7
else // 8
// input can be a scanner. We'd better not have a different // 9
// value for the "getTemplateTag" option as when the scanner // 10
// was created, because we don't do anything special to reset // 11
// the value (which is attached to the scanner). // 12
scanner = input; // 13
// 14
// ``` // 15
// { getTemplateTag: function (scanner, templateTagPosition) { // 16
// if (templateTagPosition === HTMLTools.TEMPLATE_TAG_POSITION.ELEMENT) { // 17
// ... // 18
// ``` // 19
if (options && options.getTemplateTag) // 20
scanner.getTemplateTag = options.getTemplateTag; // 21
// 22
// function (scanner) -> boolean // 23
var shouldStop = options && options.shouldStop; // 24
// 25
var result; // 26
if (options && options.textMode) { // 27
if (options.textMode === HTML.TEXTMODE.STRING) { // 28
result = getRawText(scanner, null, shouldStop); // 29
} else if (options.textMode === HTML.TEXTMODE.RCDATA) { // 30
result = getRCData(scanner, null, shouldStop); // 31
} else { // 32
throw new Error("Unsupported textMode: " + options.textMode); // 33
} // 34
} else { // 35
result = getContent(scanner, shouldStop); // 36
} // 37
if (! scanner.isEOF()) { // 38
// If we aren't at the end of the input, we either stopped at an unmatched // 39
// HTML end tag or at a template tag (like `{{else}}` or `{{/if}}`). // 40
// Detect the former case (stopped at an HTML end tag) and throw a good // 41
// error. // 42
// 43
var posBefore = scanner.pos; // 44
// 45
try { // 46
var endTag = getHTMLToken(scanner); // 47
} catch (e) { // 48
// ignore errors from getTemplateTag // 49
} // 50
// 51
// XXX we make some assumptions about shouldStop here, like that it // 52
// won't tell us to stop at an HTML end tag. Should refactor // 53
// `shouldStop` into something more suitable. // 54
if (endTag && endTag.t === 'Tag' && endTag.isEnd) { // 55
var closeTag = endTag.n; // 56
var isVoidElement = HTML.isVoidElement(closeTag); // 57
scanner.fatal("Unexpected HTML close tag" + // 58
(isVoidElement ? // 59
'. <' + endTag.n + '> should have no close tag.' : '')); // 60
} // 61
// 62
scanner.pos = posBefore; // rewind, we'll continue parsing as usual // 63
// 64
// If no "shouldStop" option was provided, we should have consumed the whole // 65
// input. // 66
if (! shouldStop) // 67
scanner.fatal("Expected EOF"); // 68
} // 69
// 70
return result; // 71
}; // 72
// 73
// Take a numeric Unicode code point, which may be larger than 16 bits, // 74
// and encode it as a JavaScript UTF-16 string. // 75
// // 76
// Adapted from // 77
// // 78
codePointToString = HTMLTools.codePointToString = function(cp) { // 79
if (cp >= 0 && cp <= 0xD7FF || cp >= 0xE000 && cp <= 0xFFFF) { // 80
return String.fromCharCode(cp); // 81
} else if (cp >= 0x10000 && cp <= 0x10FFFF) { // 82
// 83
// we substract 0x10000 from cp to get a 20-bit number // 84
// in the range 0..0xFFFF // 85
cp -= 0x10000; // 86
// 87
// we add 0xD800 to the number formed by the first 10 bits // 88
// to give the first byte // 89
var first = ((0xffc00 & cp) >> 10) + 0xD800; // 90
// 91
// we add 0xDC00 to the number formed by the low 10 bits // 92
// to give the second byte // 93
var second = (0x3ff & cp) + 0xDC00; // 94
// 95
return String.fromCharCode(first) + String.fromCharCode(second); // 96
} else { // 97
return ''; // 98
} // 99
}; // 100
// 101
getContent = HTMLTools.Parse.getContent = function (scanner, shouldStopFunc) { // 102
var items = []; // 103
// 104
while (! scanner.isEOF()) { // 105
if (shouldStopFunc && shouldStopFunc(scanner)) // 106
break; // 107
// 108
var posBefore = scanner.pos; // 109
var token = getHTMLToken(scanner); // 110
if (! token) // 111
// tokenizer reached EOF on its own, e.g. while scanning // 112
// template comments like `{{! foo}}`. // 113
continue; // 114
// 115
if (token.t === 'Doctype') { // 116
scanner.fatal("Unexpected Doctype"); // 117
} else if (token.t === 'Chars') { // 118
pushOrAppendString(items, token.v); // 119
} else if (token.t === 'CharRef') { // 120
items.push(convertCharRef(token)); // 121
} else if (token.t === 'Comment') { // 122
items.push(HTML.Comment(token.v)); // 123
} else if (token.t === 'TemplateTag') { // 124
items.push(token.v); // 125
} else if (token.t === 'Tag') { // 126
if (token.isEnd) { // 127
// Stop when we encounter an end tag at the top level. // 128
// Rewind; we'll re-parse the end tag later. // 129
scanner.pos = posBefore; // 130
break; // 131
} // 132
// 133
var tagName = token.n; // 134
// is this an element with no close tag (a BR, HR, IMG, etc.) based // 135
// on its name? // 136
var isVoid = HTML.isVoidElement(tagName); // 137
if (token.isSelfClosing) { // 138
if (! (isVoid || HTML.isKnownSVGElement(tagName) || tagName.indexOf(':') >= 0)) // 139
scanner.fatal('Only certain elements like BR, HR, IMG, etc. (and foreign elements like SVG) are allowed to self-close');
} // 141
// 142
// result of parseAttrs may be null // 143
var attrs = parseAttrs(token.attrs); // 144
// arrays need to be wrapped in HTML.Attrs(...) // 145
// when used to construct tags // 146
if (HTML.isArray(attrs)) // 147
attrs = HTML.Attrs.apply(null, attrs); // 148
// 149
var tagFunc = HTML.getTag(tagName); // 150
if (isVoid || token.isSelfClosing) { // 151
items.push(attrs ? tagFunc(attrs) : tagFunc()); // 152
} else { // 153
// parse HTML tag contents. // 154
// 155
// HTML treats a final `/` in a tag as part of an attribute, as in `<a href=/foo/>`, but the template author who writes `<circle r={{r}}/>`, say, may not be thinking about that, so generate a good error message in the "looks like self-close" case.
var looksLikeSelfClose = (scanner.input.substr(scanner.pos - 2, 2) === '/>'); // 157
// 158
var content = null; // 159
if (token.n === 'textarea') { // 160
if (scanner.peek() === '\n') // 161
scanner.pos++; // 162
var textareaValue = getRCData(scanner, token.n, shouldStopFunc); // 163
if (textareaValue) { // 164
if (attrs instanceof HTML.Attrs) { // 165
attrs = HTML.Attrs.apply( // 166
null, attrs.value.concat([{value: textareaValue}])); // 167
} else { // 168
attrs = (attrs || {}); // 169
attrs.value = textareaValue; // 170
} // 171
} // 172
} else { // 173
content = getContent(scanner, shouldStopFunc); // 174
} // 175
// 176
var endTag = getHTMLToken(scanner); // 177
// 178
if (! (endTag && endTag.t === 'Tag' && endTag.isEnd && endTag.n === tagName)) // 179
scanner.fatal('Expected "' + tagName + '" end tag' + (looksLikeSelfClose ? ' -- if the "<' + token.n + ' />" tag was supposed to self-close, try adding a space before the "/"' : ''));
// 181
// XXX support implied end tags in cases allowed by the spec // 182
// 183
// make `content` into an array suitable for applying tag constructor // 184
// as in `FOO.apply(null, content)`. // 185
if (content == null) // 186
content = []; // 187
else if (! (content instanceof Array)) // 188
content = [content]; // 189
// 190
items.push(HTML.getTag(tagName).apply( // 191
null, (attrs ? [attrs] : []).concat(content))); // 192
} // 193
} else { // 194
scanner.fatal("Unknown token type: " + token.t); // 195
} // 196
} // 197
// 198
if (items.length === 0) // 199
return null; // 200
else if (items.length === 1) // 201
return items[0]; // 202
else // 203
return items; // 204
}; // 205
// 206
var pushOrAppendString = function (items, string) { // 207
if (items.length && // 208
typeof items[items.length - 1] === 'string') // 209
items[items.length - 1] += string; // 210
else // 211
items.push(string); // 212
}; // 213
// 214
// get RCDATA to go in the lowercase (or camel case) tagName (e.g. "textarea") // 215
getRCData = HTMLTools.Parse.getRCData = function (scanner, tagName, shouldStopFunc) { // 216
var items = []; // 217
// 218
while (! scanner.isEOF()) { // 219
// break at appropriate end tag // 220
if (tagName && isLookingAtEndTag(scanner, tagName)) // 221
break; // 222
// 223
if (shouldStopFunc && shouldStopFunc(scanner)) // 224
break; // 225
// 226
var token = getHTMLToken(scanner, 'rcdata'); // 227
if (! token) // 228
// tokenizer reached EOF on its own, e.g. while scanning // 229
// template comments like `{{! foo}}`. // 230
continue; // 231
// 232
if (token.t === 'Chars') { // 233
pushOrAppendString(items, token.v); // 234
} else if (token.t === 'CharRef') { // 235
items.push(convertCharRef(token)); // 236
} else if (token.t === 'TemplateTag') { // 237
items.push(token.v); // 238
} else { // 239
// (can't happen) // 240
scanner.fatal("Unknown or unexpected token type: " + token.t); // 241
} // 242
} // 243
// 244
if (items.length === 0) // 245
return null; // 246
else if (items.length === 1) // 247
return items[0]; // 248
else // 249
return items; // 250
}; // 251
// 252
var getRawText = function (scanner, tagName, shouldStopFunc) { // 253
var items = []; // 254
// 255
while (! scanner.isEOF()) { // 256
// break at appropriate end tag // 257
if (tagName && isLookingAtEndTag(scanner, tagName)) // 258
break; // 259
// 260
if (shouldStopFunc && shouldStopFunc(scanner)) // 261
break; // 262
// 263
var token = getHTMLToken(scanner, 'rawtext'); // 264
if (! token) // 265
// tokenizer reached EOF on its own, e.g. while scanning // 266
// template comments like `{{! foo}}`. // 267
continue; // 268
// 269
if (token.t === 'Chars') { // 270
pushOrAppendString(items, token.v); // 271
} else if (token.t === 'TemplateTag') { // 272
items.push(token.v); // 273
} else { // 274
// (can't happen) // 275
scanner.fatal("Unknown or unexpected token type: " + token.t); // 276
} // 277
} // 278
// 279
if (items.length === 0) // 280
return null; // 281
else if (items.length === 1) // 282
return items[0]; // 283
else // 284
return items; // 285
}; // 286
// 287
// Input: A token like `{ t: 'CharRef', v: '&', cp: [38] }`. // 288
// // 289
// Output: A tag like `HTML.CharRef({ html: '&', str: '&' })`. // 290
var convertCharRef = function (token) { // 291
var codePoints = token.cp; // 292
var str = ''; // 293
for (var i = 0; i < codePoints.length; i++) // 294
str += codePointToString(codePoints[i]); // 295
return HTML.CharRef({ html: token.v, str: str }); // 296
}; // 297
// 298
// Input is always a dictionary (even if zero attributes) and each // 299
// value in the dictionary is an array of `Chars`, `CharRef`, // 300
// and maybe `TemplateTag` tokens. // 301
// // 302
// Output is null if there are zero attributes, and otherwise a // 303
// dictionary, or an array of dictionaries and template tags. // 304
// Each value in the dictionary is HTMLjs (e.g. a // 305
// string or an array of `Chars`, `CharRef`, and `TemplateTag` // 306
// nodes). // 307
// // 308
// An attribute value with no input tokens is represented as "", // 309
// not an empty array, in order to prop open empty attributes // 310
// with no template tags. // 311
var parseAttrs = function (attrs) { // 312
var result = null; // 313
// 314
if (HTML.isArray(attrs)) { // 315
// first element is nondynamic attrs, rest are template tags // 316
var nondynamicAttrs = parseAttrs(attrs[0]); // 317
if (nondynamicAttrs) { // 318
result = (result || []); // 319
result.push(nondynamicAttrs); // 320
} // 321
for (var i = 1; i < attrs.length; i++) { // 322
var token = attrs[i]; // 323
if (token.t !== 'TemplateTag') // 324
throw new Error("Expected TemplateTag token"); // 325
result = (result || []); // 326
result.push(token.v); // 327
} // 328
return result; // 329
} // 330
// 331
for (var k in attrs) { // 332
if (! result) // 333
result = {}; // 334
// 335
var inValue = attrs[k]; // 336
var outParts = []; // 337
for (var i = 0; i < inValue.length; i++) { // 338
var token = inValue[i]; // 339
if (token.t === 'CharRef') { // 340
outParts.push(convertCharRef(token)); // 341
} else if (token.t === 'TemplateTag') { // 342
outParts.push(token.v); // 343
} else if (token.t === 'Chars') { // 344
pushOrAppendString(outParts, token.v); // 345
} // 346
} // 347
// 348
var outValue = (inValue.length === 0 ? '' : // 349
(outParts.length === 1 ? outParts[0] : outParts)); // 350
var properKey = HTMLTools.properCaseAttributeName(k); // 351
result[properKey] = outValue; // 352
} // 353
// 354
return result; // 355
}; // 356
// 357
/* Exports */
if (typeof Package === 'undefined') Package = {};
Package['html-tools'] = {
HTMLTools: HTMLTools