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use std::time::Duration;
use ethers::abi::Detokenize;
use ethers::prelude::{NameOrAddress, TransactionReceipt};
use ethers_contract::builders::ContractCall;
use tracing::{error, info};
use hyperlane_core::utils::fmt_bytes;
use hyperlane_core::{ChainCommunicationError, ChainResult, H256};
use crate::Middleware;
/// Dispatches a transaction, logs the tx id, and returns the result
pub(crate) async fn report_tx<M, D>(tx: ContractCall<M, D>) -> ChainResult<TransactionReceipt>
M: Middleware + 'static,
D: Detokenize,
let data = tx
.map(|b| fmt_bytes(b))
.unwrap_or_else(|| "None".into());
let to = tx
.unwrap_or_else(|| NameOrAddress::Address(Default::default()));
info!(?to, %data, "Dispatching transaction");
// We can set the gas higher here!
let dispatch_fut = tx.send();
let dispatched = dispatch_fut.await?;
let tx_hash: H256 = *dispatched;
info!(?to, %data, ?tx_hash, "Dispatched tx");
match tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(300), dispatched).await {
// all good
Ok(Ok(Some(receipt))) => {
info!(?tx_hash, "confirmed transaction");
// ethers-rs will return None if it can no longer poll for the tx in the mempool
Ok(Ok(None)) => Err(ChainCommunicationError::TransactionDropped(tx_hash)),
// Received error, pass it through
Ok(Err(x)) => {
error!(?tx_hash, error = ?x, "encountered error when waiting for receipt");
// Timed out
Err(x) => {
error!(?tx_hash, error = ?x, "waiting for receipt timed out");