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import { InterchainGasPaymaster, Outbox } from '@abacus-network/core';
import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { abacus, ethers } from 'hardhat';
import { AbcERC721 } from '../types';
import { AbcERC721Deploy } from './erc721.deploy';
const localDomain = 1000;
const remoteDomain = 2000;
const mintAmount = 50;
const domains = [localDomain, remoteDomain];
describe('AbcERC721', async () => {
let owner: SignerWithAddress,
recipient: SignerWithAddress,
router: AbcERC721,
remote: AbcERC721,
outbox: Outbox,
interchainGasPaymaster: InterchainGasPaymaster,
token: AbcERC721Deploy;
const testInterchainGasPayment = 123456789;
before(async () => {
[owner, recipient] = await ethers.getSigners();
await abacus.deploy(domains, owner);
beforeEach(async () => {
const defaultConfig = {
signer: owner,
name: 'AbcERC721',
symbol: 'ABC',
const configMap = {
[localDomain]: {
[remoteDomain]: {
mintAmount: 0,
token = new AbcERC721Deploy(configMap);
await token.deploy(abacus);
router = token.router(localDomain);
remote = token.router(remoteDomain);
outbox = abacus.outbox(localDomain);
interchainGasPaymaster = abacus.interchainGasPaymaster(localDomain);
const expectBalance = async (
token: AbcERC721,
signer: SignerWithAddress,
balance: number,
) => expect(await token.balanceOf(signer.address)).to.eq(balance);
const tokenId = mintAmount / 2;
it('should not be initializable again', async () => {
await expect(
router.initialize(ethers.constants.AddressZero, 0, '', ''),
)'Initializable: contract is already initialized');
it('should mint total supply to deployer on local domain', async () => {
await expectBalance(router, recipient, 0);
await expectBalance(router, owner, mintAmount);
await expectBalance(remote, recipient, 0);
await expectBalance(remote, owner, 0);
it('should allow for local transfers', async () => {
await router.transferFrom(owner.address, recipient.address, tokenId);
await expectBalance(router, recipient, 1);
await expectBalance(router, owner, mintAmount - 1);
await expectBalance(remote, recipient, 0);
await expectBalance(remote, owner, 0);
it('should not allow transfers of nonexistent identifiers', async () => {
const invalidTokenId = mintAmount + 1;
await expect(
router.transferFrom(owner.address, recipient.address, invalidTokenId),
)'ERC721: operator query for nonexistent token');
await expect(
router.transferRemote(remoteDomain, recipient.address, invalidTokenId),
)'ERC721: owner query for nonexistent token');
it('should allow for remote transfers', async () => {
const amount = mintAmount / 10;
for (let id = 0; id < amount; id++) {
await router.transferRemote(remoteDomain, recipient.address, id);
await expectBalance(router, recipient, 0);
await expectBalance(router, owner, mintAmount - amount);
await expectBalance(remote, recipient, 0);
await expectBalance(remote, owner, 0);
await abacus.processMessages();
await expectBalance(router, recipient, 0);
await expectBalance(router, owner, mintAmount - amount);
await expectBalance(remote, recipient, amount);
await expectBalance(remote, owner, 0);
it('allows interchain gas payment for remote transfers', async () => {
const leafIndex = await outbox.count();
await expect(
router.transferRemote(remoteDomain, recipient.address, tokenId, {
value: testInterchainGasPayment,
.to.emit(interchainGasPaymaster, 'GasPayment')
.withArgs(leafIndex, testInterchainGasPayment);
it('should emit TransferRemote events', async () => {
await router.transferRemote(remoteDomain, recipient.address, tokenId),
.to.emit(router, 'SentTransferRemote')
.withArgs(remoteDomain, recipient.address, tokenId);
expect(await abacus.processMessages())
.to.emit(router, 'ReceivedTransferRemote')
.withArgs(localDomain, recipient.address, tokenId);