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use async_trait::async_trait;
use color_eyre::{eyre::ensure, Result};
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::time::{interval, Interval};
use optics_base::agent::OpticsAgent;
use optics_core::traits::{Home, Replica};
/// A relayer agent
pub struct Relayer {
interval_seconds: u64,
impl Relayer {
/// Instantiate a new relayer
pub fn new(interval_seconds: u64) -> Self {
Self { interval_seconds }
async fn poll_updates(
home: Arc<Box<dyn Home>>,
replica: Arc<Box<dyn Replica>>,
) -> Result<()> {
// Get replica's current root
let old_root = replica.current_root().await?;
// Check for first signed update building off of the replica's current root
let signed_update_opt = home.signed_update_by_old_root(old_root).await?;
// If signed update exists, update replica's current root
if let Some(signed_update) = signed_update_opt {
async fn poll_confirms(&self, replica: Arc<Box<dyn Replica>>) -> Result<()> {
// Check for pending update that can be confirmed
let can_confirm = replica.can_confirm().await?;
// If valid pending update exists, confirm it
if can_confirm {
fn interval(&self) -> Interval {
impl OpticsAgent for Relayer {
async fn run(&self, home: Arc<Box<dyn Home>>, replica: Option<Box<dyn Replica>>) -> Result<()> {
ensure!(replica.is_some(), "Relayer must have replica.");
let replica = Arc::new(replica.unwrap());
let mut interval = self.interval();
loop {
let (updated, confirmed) = tokio::join!(
self.poll_updates(home.clone(), replica.clone()),
if let Err(ref e) = updated {
tracing::error!("Error polling updates: {:?}", e)
if let Err(ref e) = confirmed {
tracing::error!("Error polling confirms: {:?}", e)