@ -81,63 +81,11 @@ export type NativeToken = z.infer<typeof NativeTokenSchema>;
name: ZChainName.describe(
'The unique string identifier of the chain, used as the key in ChainMap dictionaries.',
protocol: z
'The type of protocol used by this chain. See ProtocolType for valid values.',
chainId: z
.describe(`The chainId of the chain. Uses EIP-155 for EVM chains`),
domainId: ZNzUint.optional().describe(
'The domainId of the chain, should generally default to `chainId`. Consumer of `ChainMetadata` should use this value if present, but otherwise fallback to `chainId`.',
displayName: z
.describe('Human-readable name of the chain.'),
displayNameShort: z
'A shorter human-readable name of the chain for use in user interfaces.',
technicalStack: z
'The technical stack of the chain. See ChainTechnicalStack for valid values.',
logoURI: z
'A URI to a logo image for this chain for use in user interfaces.',
.describe('Block settings for the chain/deployment.'),
transactionOverrides: z
chainId: z
.describe(`The chainId of the chain. Uses EIP-155 for EVM chains`),
customGrpcUrls: z
.describe('Properties to include when forming transaction requests.'),
'Specify a comma separated list of custom GRPC URLs to use for this chain. If not specified, the default GRPC urls will be used.',
deployer: z
name: z.string().describe('The name of the deployer.'),
email: z
.describe('The email address of the deployer.'),
url: z.string().url().optional().describe('The URL of the deployer.'),
'Identity information of the deployer of a Hyperlane instance to this chain',
displayName: z
.describe('Human-readable name of the chain.'),
displayNameShort: z
'A shorter human-readable name of the chain for use in user interfaces.',
domainId: ZNzUint.optional().describe(
'The domainId of the chain, should generally default to `chainId`. Consumer of `ChainMetadata` should use this value if present, but otherwise fallback to `chainId`.',
gasCurrencyCoinGeckoId: z
.describe('The ID on CoinGecko of the token used for gas payments.'),
gnosisSafeTransactionServiceUrl: z
.describe('The URL of the gnosis safe transaction service.'),
bech32Prefix: z
.describe('The human readable address prefix for the chains using bech32.'),