a multi-provider and tool for interacting with deployed contracts (#763)
* wip: a multi-provider and tool for seeing deployed contracts * refactor: break things out a bit * feature: loadJson * feature: OpticsContext extends MultiProvider * feature: hardcode mainnet deploy * bugs: empty ethHelper and domain handling * feature: resolveDomain * feature: resolve token info * feature: draft send implementation * feature: imporve sendCoins.ts * feature: OpticsMessage class * feature: BridgeMessage extends OpticsMessage * refactor: move all optics-specific behavior into folder * refactor: rearrange contracts and imporve exports * feature: parseMessage * refactor: simplify and improve message classes * feature: re-implement status call on OpticsMessage * feature: resolve asset on BridgeMessage * refactor: BridgeMessage is generic over action type * bug: properly export new BridgeMessage variants * feature: add a metamask file * feature: dev and staging + bug: improper signer registration * refactor: abstract out reconnectionbuddies-main-deployment
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
{ |
"tabWidth": 2, |
"singleQuote": true, |
"trailingComma": "all" |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
{ |
"name": "optics-provider", |
"version": "0.0.0", |
"description": "multi-provider for Optics", |
"main": "src/index.ts", |
"scripts": { |
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" |
}, |
"author": "Celo Labs Inc.", |
"license": "MIT OR Apache-2.0", |
"dependencies": { |
"ethers": "^5.4.6" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
import { ethers } from 'ethers'; |
import fs from 'fs'; |
export abstract class Contracts { |
readonly args: any; |
constructor(...args: any) { |
this.args = args; |
} |
abstract toObject(): any; |
abstract connect(signer: ethers.Signer): void; |
toJson(): string { |
return JSON.stringify(this.toObject()); |
} |
toJsonPretty(): string { |
return JSON.stringify(this.toObject(), null, 2); |
} |
saveJson(filepath: string) { |
fs.writeFileSync(filepath, this.toJsonPretty()); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
export interface Domain { |
domain: number; |
name: string; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
export { MultiProvider } from './provider'; |
export { mainnet, dev, staging, OpticsContext } from './optics'; |
// intended usage
// import {mainnet} from 'optics-provider';
// mainnet.registerRpcProvider('celo', 'https://forno.celo.org');
// mainnet.registerRpcProvider('polygon', '...');
// mainnet.registerRpcProvider('ethereum', '...');
// mainnet.registerSigner('celo', ...);
// mainnet.registerSigner('polygon', ...);
// mainnet.registerSigner('ethereum', ...);
// mainnet.doWhatever
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
export type MetamaskNetwork = { |
chainId: string; |
chainName: string; |
nativeCurrency: { name: string; symbol: string; decimals: number }; |
rpcUrls: string[]; |
blockExplorerUrls: string[]; |
iconUrls: string[]; |
}; |
export const CELO_PARAMS: MetamaskNetwork = { |
chainId: '0xa4ec', |
chainName: 'Celo', |
nativeCurrency: { name: 'Celo', symbol: 'CELO', decimals: 18 }, |
rpcUrls: ['https://forno.celo.org'], |
blockExplorerUrls: ['https://explorer.celo.org/'], |
iconUrls: ['future'], |
}; |
export const ALFAJORES_PARAMS: MetamaskNetwork = { |
chainId: '0xaef3', |
chainName: 'Alfajores Testnet', |
nativeCurrency: { name: 'Alfajores Celo', symbol: 'A-CELO', decimals: 18 }, |
rpcUrls: ['https://alfajores-forno.celo-testnet.org'], |
blockExplorerUrls: ['https://alfajores-blockscout.celo-testnet.org/'], |
iconUrls: ['future'], |
}; |
export const BAKLAVA_PARAMS: MetamaskNetwork = { |
chainId: '0xf370', |
chainName: 'Baklava Testnet', |
nativeCurrency: { name: 'Baklava Celo', symbol: 'B-CELO', decimals: 18 }, |
rpcUrls: ['https://baklava-forno.celo-testnet.org'], |
blockExplorerUrls: ['https://baklava-blockscout.celo-testnet.org/'], |
iconUrls: ['future'], |
}; |
export async function connect(params: MetamaskNetwork) { |
const w = window as any; |
if (w.ethereum) { |
await w.ethereum.request({ |
method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain', |
params: [params], |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ |
import { BigNumberish, ContractTransaction, ethers } from 'ethers'; |
import { MultiProvider } from '..'; |
import { ERC20, ERC20__factory } from '../../../typechain/optics-xapps'; |
import { BridgeContracts } from './contracts/BridgeContracts'; |
import { CoreContracts } from './contracts/CoreContracts'; |
import { ResolvedTokenInfo, TokenIdentifier } from './tokens'; |
import { canonizeId } from '../utils'; |
import { |
devDomains, |
mainnetDomains, |
OpticsDomain, |
stagingDomains, |
} from './domains'; |
import { Replica } from '../../../typechain/optics-core'; |
type Address = string; |
export class OpticsContext extends MultiProvider { |
private cores: Map<number, CoreContracts>; |
private bridges: Map<number, BridgeContracts>; |
constructor( |
domains: OpticsDomain[], |
cores: CoreContracts[], |
bridges: BridgeContracts[], |
) { |
super(); |
domains.forEach((domain) => this.registerDomain(domain)); |
this.cores = new Map(); |
this.bridges = new Map(); |
cores.forEach((core) => { |
this.cores.set(core.domain, core); |
}); |
bridges.forEach((bridge) => { |
this.bridges.set(bridge.domain, bridge); |
}); |
} |
static fromDomains(domains: OpticsDomain[]): OpticsContext { |
const cores = domains.map((domain) => CoreContracts.fromObject(domain)); |
const bridges = domains.map((domain) => BridgeContracts.fromObject(domain)); |
return new OpticsContext(domains, cores, bridges); |
} |
private reconnect(domain: number) { |
const connection = this.getConnection(domain); |
if (!connection) { |
throw new Error('Reconnect failed: no connection'); |
} |
// re-register contracts
const core = this.cores.get(domain); |
if (core) { |
core.connect(connection); |
} |
const bridge = this.bridges.get(domain); |
if (bridge) { |
bridge.connect(connection); |
} |
} |
registerProvider( |
nameOrDomain: string | number, |
provider: ethers.providers.Provider, |
) { |
const domain = this.resolveDomain(nameOrDomain); |
super.registerProvider(domain, provider); |
this.reconnect(domain); |
} |
registerSigner(nameOrDomain: string | number, signer: ethers.Signer) { |
const domain = this.resolveDomain(nameOrDomain); |
super.registerSigner(domain, signer); |
this.reconnect(domain); |
} |
unregisterSigner(nameOrDomain: string | number): void { |
const domain = this.resolveDomain(nameOrDomain); |
super.unregisterSigner(domain); |
this.reconnect(domain); |
} |
getCore(nameOrDomain: string | number): CoreContracts | undefined { |
const domain = this.resolveDomain(nameOrDomain); |
return this.cores.get(domain); |
} |
getBridge(nameOrDomain: string | number): BridgeContracts | undefined { |
const domain = this.resolveDomain(nameOrDomain); |
return this.bridges.get(domain); |
} |
// gets the replica of Home on Remote
getReplicaFor( |
home: string | number, |
remote: string | number, |
): Replica | undefined { |
return this.getCore(remote)?.replicas.get(this.resolveDomain(home)) |
?.contract; |
} |
// resolve the local repr of a token on its domain
async resolveTokenRepresentation( |
nameOrDomain: string | number, |
token: TokenIdentifier, |
): Promise<ERC20 | undefined> { |
const domain = this.resolveDomain(nameOrDomain); |
const bridge = this.getBridge(domain); |
const tokenDomain = this.resolveDomain(token.domain); |
const tokenId = canonizeId(token.id); |
const address = await bridge?.bridgeRouter[ |
'getLocalAddress(uint32,bytes32)' |
](tokenDomain, tokenId); |
if (!address) { |
return; |
} |
let contract = new ERC20__factory().attach(address); |
const connection = this.getConnection(domain); |
if (connection) { |
contract = contract.connect(connection); |
} |
return contract; |
} |
// resolve all token representations
async tokenRepresentations( |
token: TokenIdentifier, |
): Promise<ResolvedTokenInfo> { |
const tokens: Map<number, ERC20> = new Map(); |
await Promise.all( |
this.domainNumbers.map(async (domain) => { |
let tok = await this.resolveTokenRepresentation(domain, token); |
if (tok) { |
tokens.set(domain, tok); |
} |
}), |
); |
return { |
domain: this.resolveDomain(token.domain), |
id: token.id, |
tokens, |
}; |
} |
async resolveCanonicalToken( |
nameOrDomain: string | number, |
representation: Address, |
): Promise<TokenIdentifier | undefined> { |
const bridge = this.getBridge(nameOrDomain); |
if (!bridge) { |
throw new Error(`Bridge not available on ${nameOrDomain}`); |
} |
const token = await bridge.bridgeRouter.getCanonicalAddress(representation); |
if (token[0] === 0) { |
return; |
} |
return { |
domain: token[0], |
id: token[1], |
}; |
} |
// send tokens from domain to domain
async send( |
from: string | number, |
to: string | number, |
token: TokenIdentifier, |
amount: BigNumberish, |
recipient: Address, |
): Promise<ContractTransaction> { |
const fromBridge = this.getBridge(from); |
if (!fromBridge) { |
throw new Error(`Bridge not available on ${from}`); |
} |
const fromToken = await this.resolveTokenRepresentation(from, token); |
if (!fromToken) { |
throw new Error(`Token not available on ${from}`); |
} |
const bridgeAddress = fromBridge?.bridgeRouter.address; |
if (!bridgeAddress) { |
throw new Error(`No bridge for ${from}`); |
} |
const sender = this.getSigner(from); |
if (!sender) { |
throw new Error(`No signer for ${from}`); |
} |
const senderAddress = await sender.getAddress(); |
const approved = await fromToken.allowance(senderAddress, bridgeAddress); |
// Approve if necessary
if (approved.lt(amount)) { |
await fromToken.approve(bridgeAddress, amount); |
} |
return fromBridge.bridgeRouter.send( |
fromToken.address, |
amount, |
to, |
recipient, |
); |
} |
async sendNative( |
from: string | number, |
to: string | number, |
amount: BigNumberish, |
recipient: Address, |
): Promise<ContractTransaction> { |
const ethHelper = this.getBridge(from)?.ethHelper; |
if (!ethHelper) { |
throw new Error(`No ethHelper for ${from}`); |
} |
const toDomain = this.resolveDomain(to); |
return ethHelper.sendToEVMLike(toDomain, recipient, { value: amount }); |
} |
} |
export const mainnet = OpticsContext.fromDomains(mainnetDomains); |
export const dev = OpticsContext.fromDomains(devDomains); |
export const staging = OpticsContext.fromDomains(stagingDomains); |
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
import fs from 'fs'; |
import { ethers } from 'ethers'; |
import { |
BridgeRouter, |
BridgeRouter__factory, |
ETHHelper, |
ETHHelper__factory, |
} from '../../../../typechain/optics-xapps'; |
import { Contracts } from '../../contracts'; |
type Address = string; |
export class BridgeContracts extends Contracts { |
domain: number; |
bridgeRouter: BridgeRouter; |
ethHelper?: ETHHelper; |
constructor( |
domain: number, |
br: Address, |
ethHelper?: Address, |
signer?: ethers.Signer, |
) { |
super(domain, br, ethHelper, signer); |
this.domain = domain; |
this.bridgeRouter = new BridgeRouter__factory(signer).attach(br); |
if (ethHelper) { |
this.ethHelper = new ETHHelper__factory(signer).attach(ethHelper); |
} |
} |
connect(providerOrSigner: ethers.providers.Provider | ethers.Signer): void { |
this.bridgeRouter = this.bridgeRouter.connect(providerOrSigner); |
if (this.ethHelper) { |
this.ethHelper = this.ethHelper.connect(providerOrSigner); |
} |
} |
static fromObject(data: any, signer?: ethers.Signer) { |
if (!data.domain || !data.bridgeRouter) { |
throw new Error('missing address'); |
} |
const domain = data.domain; |
const br = data.bridgeRouter.proxy ?? data.bridgeRouter; |
const eh = data.ethHelper; |
return new BridgeContracts(domain, br, eh); |
} |
static loadJson(filepath: string, signer?: ethers.Signer) { |
return this.fromObject( |
JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8')), |
signer, |
); |
} |
toObject(): any { |
const obj: any = { |
bridgeRouter: this.bridgeRouter.address, |
}; |
if (this.ethHelper) { |
obj.ethHelper = this.ethHelper.address; |
} |
return obj; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ |
import fs from 'fs'; |
import { ethers } from 'ethers'; |
import { |
Home, |
Home__factory, |
Replica, |
Replica__factory, |
} from '../../../../typechain/optics-core'; |
import { Contracts } from '../../contracts'; |
import { ReplicaInfo } from '../domains/domain'; |
type Address = string; |
type InternalReplica = { |
domain: number; |
contract: Replica; |
}; |
export class CoreContracts extends Contracts { |
readonly domain; |
home: Home; |
replicas: Map<number, InternalReplica>; |
constructor( |
domain: number, |
home: Address, |
replicas: ReplicaInfo[], |
signer?: ethers.Signer, |
) { |
super(domain, home, replicas, signer); |
this.domain = domain; |
this.home = new Home__factory(signer).attach(home); |
this.replicas = new Map(); |
replicas.forEach((replica) => { |
this.replicas.set(replica.domain, { |
contract: new Replica__factory(signer).attach(replica.address), |
domain: replica.domain, |
}); |
}); |
} |
connect(providerOrSigner: ethers.providers.Provider | ethers.Signer): void { |
this.home = this.home.connect(providerOrSigner); |
Array.from(this.replicas.values()).forEach((replica: InternalReplica) => { |
replica.contract = replica.contract.connect(providerOrSigner); |
}); |
} |
toObject(): any { |
const replicas: ReplicaInfo[] = Array.from(this.replicas.values()).map( |
(replica) => { |
return { |
domain: replica.domain, |
address: replica.contract.address, |
}; |
}, |
); |
return { |
home: this.home.address, |
replicas: replicas, |
}; |
} |
static fromObject(data: any, signer?: ethers.Signer): CoreContracts { |
if (!data.domain || !data.home || !data.replicas) { |
throw new Error('Missing key'); |
} |
return new CoreContracts(data.domain, data.home, data.replicas, signer); |
} |
static loadJson(filepath: string, signer?: ethers.Signer) { |
return this.fromObject( |
JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8')), |
signer, |
); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
import { OpticsDomain } from './domain'; |
export const alfajores: OpticsDomain = { |
name: 'alfajores', |
domain: 1000, |
bridgeRouter: '0xdaa6e362f9BE0CDaCe107b298639034b8dEC617a', |
home: '0x47AaF05B1C36015eC186892C43ba4BaF91246aaA', |
replicas: [ |
{ domain: 2000, address: '0x7804079cF55110dE7Db5aA67eB1Be00cBE9CA526' }, |
{ |
domain: 3000, |
address: '0x6B8D6947B9b70f3ff1b547a15B969F625d28104a', |
}, |
], |
}; |
export const kovan: OpticsDomain = { |
name: 'kovan', |
domain: 3000, |
bridgeRouter: '0x383Eb849c707fE38f3DfBF45679C0c6f21Ba82fF', |
ethHelper: '0x6D84B823D7FB68E4d6f7Cc334fDd393f6C3a6980', |
home: '0x5B55C29A10aEe6D5750F128C6a8f490de763ccc7', |
replicas: [ |
{ domain: 2000, address: '0xC1AB4d72548Cc1C248EAdcD340035C3b213a47C3' }, |
{ |
domain: 1000, |
address: '0xE63E73339501EE3A8d2928d6C88cf30aC8556Ee0', |
}, |
], |
}; |
export const rinkeby: OpticsDomain = { |
name: 'rinkeby', |
domain: 2000, |
bridgeRouter: '0xE9fB0b6351Dec7d346282b8274653D36b8199AAF', |
ethHelper: '0x7a539d7B7f4Acab1d7ce8b3681c3e286511ee444', |
home: '0x6E6010E6bd43a9d2F7AE3b7eA9f61760e58758f3', |
replicas: [ |
{ domain: 1000, address: '0x6A5F9531D1877ebE96Bc0631DbF64BBCf1f7421c' }, |
{ |
domain: 3000, |
address: '0x6554bc7a5C35bA64Bf48FA8a9e662d8808aaa890', |
}, |
], |
}; |
export const devDomains = [alfajores, kovan, rinkeby]; |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
import { Domain } from '../../domains'; |
import { Address } from '../../utils'; |
export interface OpticsDomain extends Domain { |
bridgeRouter: Address; |
ethHelper?: Address; |
home: Address; |
replicas: ReplicaInfo[]; |
} |
export interface ReplicaInfo { |
domain: number; |
address: Address; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
export { OpticsDomain, ReplicaInfo } from './domain'; |
export { mainnetDomains } from './mainnet'; |
export { devDomains } from './dev'; |
export { stagingDomains } from './staging'; |
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
import { OpticsDomain } from './domain'; |
export const ethereum: OpticsDomain = { |
name: 'ethereum', |
domain: 6648936, |
bridgeRouter: '0x6a39909e805A3eaDd2b61fFf61147796ca6aBB47', |
ethHelper: '0xf1c1413096ff2278C3Df198a28F8D54e0369cF3A', |
home: '0xf25C5932bb6EFc7afA4895D9916F2abD7151BF97', |
replicas: [ |
{ |
domain: 1667591279, |
address: '0x07b5B57b08202294E657D51Eb453A189290f6385', |
}, |
{ |
domain: 1886350457, |
address: '0x7725EadaC5Ee986CAc8317a1d2fB16e59e079E8b', |
}, |
], |
}; |
export const polygon: OpticsDomain = { |
name: 'polygon', |
domain: 1886350457, |
bridgeRouter: '0xf244eA81F715F343040569398A4E7978De656bf6', |
ethHelper: '0xc494bFEE14b5E1E118F93CfedF831f40dFA720fA', |
home: '0x97bbda9A1D45D86631b243521380Bc070D6A4cBD', |
replicas: [ |
{ domain: 6648936, address: '0xf25C5932bb6EFc7afA4895D9916F2abD7151BF97' }, |
{ |
domain: 1667591279, |
address: '0x681Edb6d52138cEa8210060C309230244BcEa61b', |
}, |
], |
}; |
export const celo: OpticsDomain = { |
name: 'celo', |
domain: 1667591279, |
bridgeRouter: '0xf244eA81F715F343040569398A4E7978De656bf6', |
home: '0x97bbda9A1D45D86631b243521380Bc070D6A4cBD', |
replicas: [ |
{ domain: 6648936, address: '0xf25c5932bb6efc7afa4895d9916f2abd7151bf97' }, |
{ |
domain: 1886350457, |
address: '0x681Edb6d52138cEa8210060C309230244BcEa61b', |
}, |
], |
}; |
export const mainnetDomains = [ethereum, celo, polygon]; |
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
import { OpticsDomain } from './domain'; |
export const alfajores: OpticsDomain = { |
name: 'alfajores', |
domain: 1000, |
bridgeRouter: '0xd6930Ee55C141E5Bb4079d5963cF64320956bb3E', |
home: '0x47AaF05B1C36015eC186892C43ba4BaF91246aaA', |
replicas: [ |
{ domain: 2000, address: '0x7804079cF55110dE7Db5aA67eB1Be00cBE9CA526' }, |
{ |
domain: 3000, |
address: '0x6B8D6947B9b70f3ff1b547a15B969F625d28104a', |
}, |
], |
}; |
export const kovan: OpticsDomain = { |
name: 'kovan', |
domain: 3000, |
bridgeRouter: '0x359089D34687bDbFD019fCC5093fFC21bE9905f5', |
ethHelper: '0x411ABcFD947212a0D64b97C9882556367b61704a', |
home: '0x5B55C29A10aEe6D5750F128C6a8f490de763ccc7', |
replicas: [ |
{ domain: 2000, address: '0xC1AB4d72548Cc1C248EAdcD340035C3b213a47C3' }, |
{ |
domain: 1000, |
address: '0xE63E73339501EE3A8d2928d6C88cf30aC8556Ee0', |
}, |
], |
}; |
export const rinkeby: OpticsDomain = { |
name: 'rinkeby', |
domain: 2000, |
bridgeRouter: '0x8FbEA25D0bFDbff68F2B920df180e9498E9c856A', |
ethHelper: '0x1BEBC8F1260d16EE5d1CFEE9366bB474bD13DC5f', |
home: '0x6E6010E6bd43a9d2F7AE3b7eA9f61760e58758f3', |
replicas: [ |
{ domain: 1000, address: '0x6A5F9531D1877ebE96Bc0631DbF64BBCf1f7421c' }, |
{ |
domain: 3000, |
address: '0x6554bc7a5C35bA64Bf48FA8a9e662d8808aaa890', |
}, |
], |
}; |
export const stagingDomains = [alfajores, kovan, rinkeby]; |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
export { BridgeContracts } from './contracts/BridgeContracts'; |
export { CoreContracts } from './contracts/CoreContracts'; |
export { |
TransferMessage, |
DetailsMessage, |
RequestDetailsMesasage, |
} from './messages/BridgeMessage'; |
export { OpticsMessage } from './messages/OpticsMessage'; |
export { ResolvedTokenInfo, TokenIdentifier } from './tokens'; |
export { |
OpticsDomain, |
mainnetDomains, |
devDomains, |
stagingDomains, |
} from './domains'; |
export { OpticsContext, mainnet, dev, staging } from './OpticsContext'; |
@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ |
import { BigNumber } from '@ethersproject/bignumber'; |
import { arrayify, hexlify } from '@ethersproject/bytes'; |
import { BridgeContracts, CoreContracts, OpticsContext } from '..'; |
import { ResolvedTokenInfo, TokenIdentifier } from '../tokens'; |
import { DispatchEvent, OpticsMessage, parseMessage } from './OpticsMessage'; |
const ACTION_LEN = { |
identifier: 1, |
tokenId: 36, |
transfer: 65, |
details: 66, |
requestDetails: 1, |
}; |
type Transfer = { |
action: 'transfer'; |
to: string; |
amount: BigNumber; |
}; |
export type Details = { |
action: 'details'; |
name: string; |
symbol: string; |
decimals: number; |
}; |
export type RequestDetails = { action: 'requestDetails' }; |
export type Action = Transfer | Details | RequestDetails; |
export type ParsedBridgeMessage<T extends Action> = { |
token: TokenIdentifier; |
action: T; |
}; |
export type ParsedTransferMessage = ParsedBridgeMessage<Transfer>; |
export type ParsedDetailsMessage = ParsedBridgeMessage<Details>; |
export type ParsedRequestDetailsMesasage = ParsedBridgeMessage<RequestDetails>; |
function parseAction(buf: Uint8Array): Action { |
if (buf.length === ACTION_LEN.requestDetails) { |
return { action: 'requestDetails' }; |
} |
// Transfer
if (buf.length === ACTION_LEN.transfer) { |
// trim identifer
buf = buf.slice(ACTION_LEN.identifier); |
return { |
action: 'transfer', |
to: hexlify(buf.slice(0, 32)), |
amount: BigNumber.from(hexlify(buf.slice(32))), |
}; |
} |
// Details
if (buf.length === ACTION_LEN.details) { |
// trim identifer
buf = buf.slice(ACTION_LEN.identifier); |
// TODO(james): improve this to show real strings
return { |
action: 'details', |
name: hexlify(buf.slice(0, 32)), |
symbol: hexlify(buf.slice(32, 64)), |
decimals: buf[64], |
}; |
} |
throw new Error('Bad action'); |
} |
function parseBody( |
messageBody: string, |
): ParsedTransferMessage | ParsedDetailsMessage | ParsedRequestDetailsMesasage { |
const buf = arrayify(messageBody); |
const tokenId = buf.slice(0, 36); |
const token = { |
domain: Buffer.from(tokenId).readUInt32BE(0), |
id: hexlify(buf.slice(4)), |
}; |
const action = parseAction(buf.slice(36)); |
const parsedMessage = { |
action, |
token, |
}; |
switch (action.action) { |
case 'transfer': |
return parsedMessage as ParsedTransferMessage; |
case 'details': |
return parsedMessage as ParsedDetailsMessage; |
case 'requestDetails': |
return parsedMessage as ParsedRequestDetailsMesasage; |
} |
} |
class BridgeMessage<T extends Action> extends OpticsMessage { |
readonly token: TokenIdentifier; |
readonly action: T; |
readonly fromBridge: BridgeContracts; |
readonly toBridge: BridgeContracts; |
constructor( |
event: DispatchEvent, |
parsed: ParsedBridgeMessage<T>, |
context: OpticsContext, |
) { |
super(event, context); |
const fromBridge = context.getBridge(this.message.from); |
const toBridge = context.getBridge(this.message.destination); |
if (!fromBridge || !toBridge) { |
throw new Error('missing bridge'); |
} |
this.fromBridge = fromBridge; |
this.toBridge = toBridge; |
this.token = parsed.token; |
this.action = parsed.action; |
} |
static fromEvent( |
event: DispatchEvent, |
context: OpticsContext, |
): TransferMessage | DetailsMessage | RequestDetailsMesasage { |
// kinda hate this but ok
const parsedEvent = parseMessage(event.args.message); |
const parsed = parseBody(parsedEvent.body); |
switch (parsed.action.action) { |
case 'transfer': |
return new BridgeMessage( |
event, |
parsed as ParsedTransferMessage, |
context, |
); |
case 'details': |
return new BridgeMessage( |
event, |
parsed as ParsedDetailsMessage, |
context, |
); |
case 'requestDetails': |
return new BridgeMessage( |
event, |
parsed as ParsedRequestDetailsMesasage, |
context, |
); |
} |
} |
async asset(): Promise<ResolvedTokenInfo> { |
return await this.context.tokenRepresentations(this.token); |
} |
} |
export type TransferMessage = BridgeMessage<Transfer>; |
export type DetailsMessage = BridgeMessage<Details>; |
export type RequestDetailsMesasage = BridgeMessage<RequestDetails>; |
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ |
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from '@ethersproject/bignumber'; |
import { TypedEvent } from '../../../../typechain/optics-core/commons'; |
import { arrayify, hexlify } from '@ethersproject/bytes'; |
import { OpticsContext } from '..'; |
// match the typescript declaration
export type DispatchEvent = TypedEvent< |
[string, BigNumber, BigNumber, string, string] |
> & { |
args: { |
messageHash: string; |
leafIndex: BigNumber; |
destinationAndNonce: BigNumber; |
committedRoot: string; |
message: string; |
}; |
}; |
export type ParsedMessage = { |
from: number; |
sender: string; |
nonce: number; |
destination: number; |
recipient: string; |
body: string; |
}; |
enum MessageStatus { |
None = 0, |
Proven, |
Processed, |
} |
export function parseMessage(message: string): ParsedMessage { |
const buf = Buffer.from(arrayify(message)); |
const from = buf.readUInt32BE(0); |
const sender = hexlify(buf.slice(4, 36)); |
const nonce = buf.readUInt32BE(36); |
const destination = buf.readUInt32BE(40); |
const recipient = hexlify(buf.slice(44, 76)); |
const body = hexlify(buf.slice(76)); |
return { from, sender, nonce, destination, recipient, body }; |
} |
export class OpticsMessage { |
readonly event: DispatchEvent; |
readonly messageHash: string; |
readonly leafIndex: BigNumber; |
readonly destinationAndNonce: BigNumber; |
readonly committedRoot: string; |
readonly message: ParsedMessage; |
protected context: OpticsContext; |
constructor(event: DispatchEvent, context: OpticsContext) { |
this.event = event; |
this.messageHash = event.args.messageHash; |
this.leafIndex = event.args.leafIndex; |
this.destinationAndNonce = event.args.destinationAndNonce; |
this.committedRoot = event.args.committedRoot; |
this.message = parseMessage(event.args.message); |
this.context = context; |
} |
async status(): Promise<MessageStatus> { |
const replica = this.context.getReplicaFor(this.from, this.destination); |
if (!replica) { |
throw new Error( |
`No replica on ${this.destination} for home ${this.from}`, |
); |
} |
return await replica.messages(this.messageHash); |
} |
get from(): number { |
return this.message.from; |
} |
get origin(): number { |
return this.from; |
} |
get sender(): string { |
return this.message.sender; |
} |
get nonce(): number { |
return this.message.nonce; |
} |
get destination(): number { |
return this.message.destination; |
} |
get recipient(): string { |
return this.message.recipient; |
} |
get body(): string { |
return this.message.body; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ |
import * as ethers from 'ethers'; |
import { mainnet } from '.'; |
const celoTokenAddr = '0x471EcE3750Da237f93B8E339c536989b8978a438'; |
const amount = ethers.constants.WeiPerEther.mul(100); |
const privkey = process.env.PRIVKEY_LMAO; |
if (!privkey) { |
throw new Error('set PRIVKEY_LMAO'); |
} |
const celoRpc = 'https://forno.celo.org'; |
mainnet.registerRpcProvider('celo', celoRpc); |
mainnet.registerWalletSigner('celo', privkey); |
async function doThing() { |
const address = await mainnet.getAddress('celo'); |
if (!address) { |
throw new Error('no address'); |
} |
const tx = await mainnet.send( |
'celo', |
'ethereum', |
{ domain: 'celo', id: celoTokenAddr }, |
amount, |
address, |
); |
console.log(`sendTx is ${tx.hash}`); |
await tx.wait(1); |
} |
doThing(); |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
import { BytesLike } from 'ethers'; |
import { ERC20 } from '../../../typechain/optics-xapps'; |
export interface TokenIdentifier { |
domain: string | number; |
id: BytesLike; |
} |
export type ResolvedTokenInfo = { |
domain: number; |
id: BytesLike; |
tokens: Map<number, ERC20>; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ |
import * as ethers from 'ethers'; |
import { Domain } from './domains'; |
import { mainnetDomains } from './optics/domains/mainnet'; |
type Provider = ethers.providers.Provider; |
export class MultiProvider { |
private domains: Map<number, Domain>; |
private providers: Map<number, Provider>; |
private signers: Map<number, ethers.Signer>; |
constructor() { |
this.domains = new Map(); |
this.providers = new Map(); |
this.signers = new Map(); |
} |
registerDomain(domain: Domain) { |
this.domains.set(domain.domain, domain); |
} |
getDomain(domain: number): Domain | undefined { |
return this.domains.get(domain); |
} |
get domainNumbers(): number[] { |
return Array.from(this.domains.keys()); |
} |
resolveDomain(nameOrDomain: string | number): number { |
if (typeof nameOrDomain === 'string') { |
return Array.from(this.domains.values()).filter( |
(domain) => domain.name === nameOrDomain, |
)[0].domain; |
} else { |
return nameOrDomain; |
} |
} |
registerProvider(nameOrDomain: string | number, provider: Provider) { |
const domain = this.resolveDomain(nameOrDomain); |
if (!this.domains.get(domain)) { |
throw new Error('Must have domain to register provider'); |
} |
this.providers.set(domain, provider); |
const signer = this.signers.get(domain); |
if (signer) { |
this.signers.set(domain, signer.connect(provider)); |
} |
} |
registerRpcProvider(nameOrDomain: string | number, rpc: string) { |
const domain = this.resolveDomain(nameOrDomain); |
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(rpc); |
this.registerProvider(domain, provider); |
} |
getProvider(nameOrDomain: string | number): Provider | undefined { |
const domain = this.resolveDomain(nameOrDomain); |
return this.providers.get(domain); |
} |
registerSigner(nameOrDomain: string | number, signer: ethers.Signer) { |
const domain = this.resolveDomain(nameOrDomain); |
const provider = this.providers.get(domain); |
if (!provider && !signer.provider) { |
throw new Error('Must have a provider before registering signer'); |
} |
if (provider) { |
this.signers.set(domain, signer.connect(provider)); |
} else { |
this.registerProvider(domain, signer.provider!); |
this.signers.set(domain, signer); |
} |
} |
unregisterSigner(nameOrDomain: string | number) { |
this.signers.delete(this.resolveDomain(nameOrDomain)); |
} |
registerWalletSigner(nameOrDomain: string | number, privkey: string) { |
const domain = this.resolveDomain(nameOrDomain); |
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privkey); |
this.registerSigner(domain, wallet); |
} |
getSigner(nameOrDomain: string | number): ethers.Signer | undefined { |
const domain = this.resolveDomain(nameOrDomain); |
return this.signers.get(domain); |
} |
getConnection( |
nameOrDomain: string | number, |
): ethers.Signer | ethers.providers.Provider | undefined { |
return this.getSigner(nameOrDomain) ?? this.getProvider(nameOrDomain); |
} |
async getAddress(nameOrDomain: string | number): Promise<string | undefined> { |
const signer = this.getSigner(nameOrDomain); |
return await signer?.getAddress(); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
import { BytesLike } from '@ethersproject/bytes'; |
import { ethers } from 'ethers'; |
export type Address = string; |
// ensure that a bytes-like is 32 long. left-pad with 0s if not
export function canonizeId(data: BytesLike): Uint8Array { |
const buf = ethers.utils.arrayify(data); |
if (buf.length > 32) { |
throw new Error('Too long'); |
} |
if (buf.length !== 20 && buf.length != 32) { |
throw new Error('bad input, expect address or bytes32'); |
} |
return ethers.utils.zeroPad(buf, 32); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
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Reference in new issue