/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises */ import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { ethers } from 'hardhat'; import { Validator, types, utils } from '@hyperlane-xyz/utils'; import { TestMailbox, TestMailbox__factory, TestMultisigIsm, TestMultisigIsm__factory, TestRecipient__factory, } from '../../types'; import { dispatchMessage, dispatchMessageAndReturnMetadata, getCommitment, signCheckpoint, } from '../lib/mailboxes'; const ORIGIN_DOMAIN = 1234; const DESTINATION_DOMAIN = 4321; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports, @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires const domainHashTestCases = require('../../../vectors/domainHash.json'); describe('MultisigIsm', async () => { let multisigIsm: TestMultisigIsm, mailbox: TestMailbox, signer: SignerWithAddress, nonOwner: SignerWithAddress, validators: Validator[]; before(async () => { const signers = await ethers.getSigners(); [signer, nonOwner] = signers; const mailboxFactory = new TestMailbox__factory(signer); mailbox = await mailboxFactory.deploy(ORIGIN_DOMAIN); validators = await Promise.all( signers .filter((_, i) => i > 1) .map((s) => Validator.fromSigner(s, ORIGIN_DOMAIN, mailbox.address)), ); }); beforeEach(async () => { const multisigIsmFactory = new TestMultisigIsm__factory(signer); multisigIsm = await multisigIsmFactory.deploy(); }); describe('#constructor', () => { it('sets the owner', async () => { expect(await multisigIsm.owner()).to.equal(signer.address); }); }); describe('#moduleType', () => { it('returns the correct type', async () => { expect(await multisigIsm.moduleType()).to.equal( types.InterchainSecurityModuleType.MULTISIG, ); }); }); describe('#enrollValidators', () => { let validatorAddresses: string[]; const domains = [ORIGIN_DOMAIN, DESTINATION_DOMAIN]; before(async () => { validatorAddresses = validators.map((v) => v.address); }); it('enrolls validators into multiple validator sets', async () => { await multisigIsm.enrollValidators( domains, domains.map(() => validatorAddresses), ); await Promise.all( domains.map(async (domain) => { expect(await multisigIsm.validators(domain)).to.deep.equal( validatorAddresses, ); }), ); }); it('emits the ValidatorEnrolled event', async () => { expect( await multisigIsm.enrollValidators( domains, domains.map(() => validatorAddresses), ), ) .to.emit(multisigIsm, 'ValidatorEnrolled') .withArgs(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validatorAddresses[0], 1); }); it('emits the CommitmentUpdated event', async () => { const expectedCommitment = getCommitment(0, validatorAddresses); expect( await multisigIsm.enrollValidators( domains, domains.map(() => validatorAddresses), ), ) .to.emit(multisigIsm, 'CommitmentUpdated') .withArgs(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, expectedCommitment); }); it('reverts when called by a non-owner', async () => { await expect( multisigIsm.connect(nonOwner).enrollValidators( domains, domains.map(() => validatorAddresses), ), ).to.be.revertedWith('Ownable: caller is not the owner'); }); }); describe('#enrollValidator', () => { it('enrolls a validator into the validator set', async () => { await multisigIsm.enrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address); expect(await multisigIsm.validators(ORIGIN_DOMAIN)).to.deep.equal([ validators[0].address, ]); }); it('emits the ValidatorEnrolled event', async () => { expect( await multisigIsm.enrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address), ) .to.emit(multisigIsm, 'ValidatorEnrolled') .withArgs(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address, 1); }); it('emits the CommitmentUpdated event', async () => { const expectedCommitment = getCommitment(0, [validators[0].address]); expect( await multisigIsm.enrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address), ) .to.emit(multisigIsm, 'CommitmentUpdated') .withArgs(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, expectedCommitment); }); it('reverts if the validator is already enrolled', async () => { await multisigIsm.enrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address); await expect( multisigIsm.enrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address), ).to.be.revertedWith('already enrolled'); }); it('reverts when called by a non-owner', async () => { await expect( multisigIsm .connect(nonOwner) .enrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address), ).to.be.revertedWith('Ownable: caller is not the owner'); }); }); describe('#unenrollValidator', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await multisigIsm.enrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address); }); it('unenrolls a validator from the validator set', async () => { await multisigIsm.unenrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address); expect(await multisigIsm.validators(ORIGIN_DOMAIN)).to.deep.equal([]); }); it('emits the ValidatorUnenrolled event', async () => { expect( await multisigIsm.unenrollValidator( ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address, ), ) .to.emit(multisigIsm, 'ValidatorUnenrolled') .withArgs(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address, 0); }); it('emits the CommitmentUpdated event', async () => { const expectedCommitment = getCommitment(0, []); expect( await multisigIsm.unenrollValidator( ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address, ), ) .to.emit(multisigIsm, 'CommitmentUpdated') .withArgs(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, expectedCommitment); }); it('reverts if the resulting validator set size will be less than the quorum threshold', async () => { await multisigIsm.setThreshold(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, 1); await expect( multisigIsm.unenrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address), ).to.be.revertedWith('violates quorum threshold'); }); it('reverts if the validator is not already enrolled', async () => { await expect( multisigIsm.unenrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[1].address), ).to.be.revertedWith('!enrolled'); }); it('reverts when called by a non-owner', async () => { await expect( multisigIsm .connect(nonOwner) .unenrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address), ).to.be.revertedWith('Ownable: caller is not the owner'); }); }); describe('#setThresholds', () => { let validatorAddresses: string[]; const domains = [ORIGIN_DOMAIN, DESTINATION_DOMAIN]; const thresholds = [2, 4]; before(async () => { validatorAddresses = validators.map((v) => v.address); }); beforeEach(async () => { await multisigIsm.enrollValidators( domains, domains.map(() => validatorAddresses), ); }); it('sets the quorum thresholds', async () => { await multisigIsm.setThresholds(domains, thresholds); await Promise.all( domains.map(async (domain, i) => { expect(await multisigIsm.threshold(domain)).to.equal(thresholds[i]); }), ); }); it('emits the SetThreshold event', async () => { expect(await multisigIsm.setThresholds(domains, thresholds)) .to.emit(multisigIsm, 'ThresholdSet') .withArgs(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, 2); }); it('emits the CommitmentUpdated event', async () => { const expectedCommitment = getCommitment(2, validatorAddresses); expect(await multisigIsm.setThresholds(domains, thresholds)) .to.emit(multisigIsm, 'CommitmentUpdated') .withArgs(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, expectedCommitment); }); it('reverts when called by a non-owner', async () => { await expect( multisigIsm.connect(nonOwner).setThresholds(domains, thresholds), ).to.be.revertedWith('Ownable: caller is not the owner'); }); }); describe('#setThreshold', () => { beforeEach(async () => { // Have 2 validators to allow us to have more than 1 valid // quorum threshold await multisigIsm.enrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address); await multisigIsm.enrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[1].address); }); it('sets the quorum threshold', async () => { await multisigIsm.setThreshold(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, 2); expect(await multisigIsm.threshold(ORIGIN_DOMAIN)).to.equal(2); }); it('emits the SetThreshold event', async () => { expect(await multisigIsm.setThreshold(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, 2)) .to.emit(multisigIsm, 'ThresholdSet') .withArgs(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, 2); }); it('emits the CommitmentUpdated event', async () => { const expectedCommitment = getCommitment(2, [ validators[0].address, validators[1].address, ]); expect(await multisigIsm.setThreshold(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, 2)) .to.emit(multisigIsm, 'CommitmentUpdated') .withArgs(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, expectedCommitment); }); it('reverts if the new quorum threshold is zero', async () => { await expect( multisigIsm.setThreshold(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, 0), ).to.be.revertedWith('!range'); }); it('reverts if the new quorum threshold is greater than the validator set size', async () => { await expect( multisigIsm.setThreshold(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, 3), ).to.be.revertedWith('!range'); }); it('reverts when called by a non-owner', async () => { await expect( multisigIsm.connect(nonOwner).setThreshold(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, 2), ).to.be.revertedWith('Ownable: caller is not the owner'); }); }); describe('#validators', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await multisigIsm.enrollValidators( [ORIGIN_DOMAIN], [validators.map((v) => v.address)], ); }); it('returns the validators', async () => { expect(await multisigIsm.validators(ORIGIN_DOMAIN)).to.deep.equal( validators.map((v) => v.address), ); }); }); describe('#validatorsAndThreshold', () => { const threshold = 7; let message: string; beforeEach(async () => { await multisigIsm.enrollValidators( [ORIGIN_DOMAIN], [validators.map((v) => v.address)], ); await multisigIsm.setThreshold(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, threshold); const dispatch = await dispatchMessage( mailbox, DESTINATION_DOMAIN, utils.addressToBytes32(multisigIsm.address), 'hello', ); message = dispatch.message; }); it('returns the validators and threshold', async () => { expect(await multisigIsm.validatorsAndThreshold(message)).to.deep.equal([ validators.map((v) => v.address), threshold, ]); }); }); describe('#validatorCount', () => { beforeEach(async () => { // Must be done sequentially so gas estimation is correct. for (const v of validators) { await multisigIsm.enrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, v.address); } }); it('returns the number of validators enrolled in the validator set', async () => { expect(await multisigIsm.validatorCount(ORIGIN_DOMAIN)).to.equal( validators.length, ); }); }); describe('#verify', () => { let metadata: string, message: string, recipient: string; before(async () => { const recipientF = new TestRecipient__factory(signer); recipient = (await recipientF.deploy()).address; }); beforeEach(async () => { // Must be done sequentially so gas estimation is correct // and so that signatures are produced in the same order. for (const v of validators) { await multisigIsm.enrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, v.address); } await multisigIsm.setThreshold(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators.length - 1); ({ message, metadata } = await dispatchMessageAndReturnMetadata( mailbox, multisigIsm, DESTINATION_DOMAIN, recipient, 'hello world', validators.slice(1), )); }); it('returns true when valid metadata is provided', async () => { expect(await multisigIsm.verify(metadata, message)).to.be.true; }); it('allows for message processing when valid metadata is provided', async () => { const mailboxFactory = new TestMailbox__factory(signer); const destinationMailbox = await mailboxFactory.deploy( DESTINATION_DOMAIN, ); await destinationMailbox.initialize(signer.address, multisigIsm.address); await destinationMailbox.process(metadata, message); }); it('reverts when non-validator signatures are provided', async () => { const nonValidator = await Validator.fromSigner( signer, ORIGIN_DOMAIN, mailbox.address, ); const parsedMetadata = utils.parseMultisigIsmMetadata(metadata); const nonValidatorSignature = ( await signCheckpoint( parsedMetadata.checkpointRoot, parsedMetadata.checkpointIndex, mailbox.address, [nonValidator], ) )[0]; parsedMetadata.signatures.push(nonValidatorSignature); const modifiedMetadata = utils.formatMultisigIsmMetadata({ ...parsedMetadata, signatures: parsedMetadata.signatures.slice(1), }); await expect( multisigIsm.verify(modifiedMetadata, message), ).to.be.revertedWith('!threshold'); }); it('reverts when the provided validator set does not match the stored commitment', async () => { const parsedMetadata = utils.parseMultisigIsmMetadata(metadata); const modifiedMetadata = utils.formatMultisigIsmMetadata({ ...parsedMetadata, validators: parsedMetadata.validators.slice(1), }); await expect( multisigIsm.verify(modifiedMetadata, message), ).to.be.revertedWith('!commitment'); }); it('reverts when an invalid merkle proof is provided', async () => { const parsedMetadata = utils.parseMultisigIsmMetadata(metadata); const modifiedMetadata = utils.formatMultisigIsmMetadata({ ...parsedMetadata, proof: parsedMetadata.proof.reverse(), }); await expect( multisigIsm.verify(modifiedMetadata, message), ).to.be.revertedWith('!merkle'); }); }); describe('#isEnrolled', () => { beforeEach(async () => { await multisigIsm.enrollValidator(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address); }); it('returns true if an address is enrolled in the validator set', async () => { expect(await multisigIsm.isEnrolled(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[0].address)) .to.be.true; }); it('returns false if an address is not enrolled in the validator set', async () => { expect(await multisigIsm.isEnrolled(ORIGIN_DOMAIN, validators[1].address)) .to.be.false; }); }); // TODO: Update rust code to output v2 domain hashes // TODO: Update rust code to output checkpoint digests describe.skip('#_getDomainHash', () => { it('matches Rust-produced domain hashes', async () => { // Compare Rust output in json file to solidity output (json file matches // hash for local domain of 1000) for (const testCase of domainHashTestCases) { const { expectedDomainHash } = testCase; // This public function on TestMultisigIsm exposes // the internal _domainHash on MultisigIsm. const domainHash = await multisigIsm.getDomainHash( testCase.originDomain, testCase.originMailbox, ); expect(domainHash).to.equal(expectedDomainHash); } }); }); });