// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 pragma solidity >=0.6.11; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; import {TypedMemView} from "@summa-tx/memview-sol/contracts/TypedMemView.sol"; import {UsingOptics, TypeCasts} from "../UsingOptics.sol"; import {MessageRecipientI} from "../../interfaces/MessageRecipientI.sol"; import {GovernanceMessage} from "./GovernanceMessage.sol"; contract GovernanceRouter is MessageRecipientI { using TypedMemView for bytes; using TypedMemView for bytes29; using GovernanceMessage for bytes29; /* --- STATE --- */ UsingOptics public usingOptics; uint32 immutable localDomain; uint32 public governorDomain; // domain of Governor chain -- for accepting incoming messages from Governor address public governor; // the local entity empowered to call governance functions mapping(uint32 => bytes32) public routers; // registry of domain -> remote GovernanceRouter contract address uint32[] public domains; // array of all domains registered /* --- EVENTS --- */ event TransferGovernor( uint32 previousGovernorDomain, uint32 newGovernorDomain, address indexed previousGovernor, address indexed newGovernor ); event ChangeRouter( uint32 indexed domain, bytes32 previousRouter, bytes32 newRouter ); /* --- CONSTRUCTOR --- */ constructor(uint32 _localDomain) { localDomain = _localDomain; } function initialize(address _usingOptics) public { // initialize governor require( governorDomain == 0 && governor == address(0), "governor already initialized" ); address _governor = msg.sender; bool _isLocalDomain = true; _transferGovernor(localDomain, _governor, _isLocalDomain); // initialize UsingOptics setUsingOptics(_usingOptics); require( usingOptics.originDomain() == localDomain, "usingOptics incompatible domain" ); } /* --- FUNCTION MODIFIERS --- */ modifier onlyReplica() { require(usingOptics.isReplica(msg.sender), "!replica"); _; } modifier typeAssert(bytes29 _view, GovernanceMessage.Types _t) { _view.assertType(uint40(_t)); _; } modifier onlyGovernor() { require(msg.sender == governor, "Caller is not the governor"); _; } modifier onlyGovernorRouter(uint32 _domain, bytes32 _address) { require(isGovernorRouter(_domain, _address), "!governorRouter"); _; } /* --- DOMAIN/ADDRESS VALIDATION HELPERS --- */ function setUsingOptics(address _usingOptics) public onlyGovernor { usingOptics = UsingOptics(_usingOptics); } function isGovernorRouter(uint32 _domain, bytes32 _address) internal view returns (bool _isGovernorRouter) { _isGovernorRouter = _domain == governorDomain && _address == routers[_domain]; } function mustHaveRouter(uint32 _domain) internal view returns (bytes32 _router) { _router = routers[_domain]; require(_router != bytes32(0), "!router"); } function isLocalDomain(uint32 _domain) internal view returns (bool _isLocalDomain) { _isLocalDomain = _domain == localDomain; } /* --- MESSAGE HANDLING --- for all non-Governor chains to handle messages sent from the Governor chain via Optics -- Governor chain should never receive messages, because non-Governor chains are not able to send them */ function handle( uint32 _origin, bytes32 _sender, bytes memory _message ) external override onlyReplica onlyGovernorRouter(_origin, _sender) returns (bytes memory _ret) { bytes29 _msg = _message.ref(0); if (_msg.isValidCall()) { return handleCall(_msg.tryAsCall()); } else if (_msg.isValidTransferGovernor()) { return handleTransferGovernor(_msg.tryAsTransferGovernor()); } else if (_msg.isValidEnrollRouter()) { return handleEnrollRouter(_msg.tryAsEnrollRouter()); } require(false, "!valid message type"); } function handleCall(bytes29 _msg) internal typeAssert(_msg, GovernanceMessage.Types.Call) returns (bytes memory _ret) { GovernanceMessage.Call[] memory _calls = _msg.getCalls(); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _calls.length; i++) { _dispatchCall(_calls[i]); } return hex""; } function handleTransferGovernor(bytes29 _msg) internal typeAssert(_msg, GovernanceMessage.Types.TransferGovernor) returns (bytes memory _ret) { uint32 _newDomain = _msg.domain(); address _newGovernor = TypeCasts.bytes32ToAddress(_msg.governor()); bool _isLocalDomain = isLocalDomain(_newDomain); _transferGovernor(_newDomain, _newGovernor, _isLocalDomain); return hex""; } function handleEnrollRouter(bytes29 _msg) internal typeAssert(_msg, GovernanceMessage.Types.EnrollRouter) returns (bytes memory _ret) { uint32 _domain = _msg.domain(); bytes32 _router = _msg.router(); _enrollRouter(_domain, _router); return hex""; } /* --- MESSAGE DISPATCHING --- for the Governor chain to send messages to other chains via Optics -- functionality not accessible on non-Governor chains (governor is set to 0x0 on non-Governor chains) */ function callLocal(GovernanceMessage.Call[] calldata calls) external onlyGovernor { for (uint256 i = 0; i < calls.length; i++) { _dispatchCall(calls[i]); } } function callRemote( uint32 _destination, GovernanceMessage.Call[] calldata calls ) external onlyGovernor { bytes32 _router = mustHaveRouter(_destination); bytes memory _msg = GovernanceMessage.formatCalls(calls); usingOptics.enqueueHome(_destination, _router, _msg); } function transferGovernor(uint32 _newDomain, address _newGovernor) external onlyGovernor { bool _isLocalDomain = isLocalDomain(_newDomain); _transferGovernor(_newDomain, _newGovernor, _isLocalDomain); // transfer the governor locally if (_isLocalDomain) { // if the governor domain is local, we only need to change the governor address locally // no need to message remote routers; they should already have the same domain set and governor = bytes32(0) return; } bytes memory transferGovernorMessage = GovernanceMessage.formatTransferGovernor( _newDomain, TypeCasts.addressToBytes32(_newGovernor) ); _sendToAllRemoteRouters(transferGovernorMessage); } function enrollRouter(uint32 _domain, bytes32 _router) external onlyGovernor { _enrollRouter(_domain, _router); // enroll the router locally bytes memory enrollRouterMessage = GovernanceMessage.formatEnrollRouter(_domain, _router); _sendToAllRemoteRouters(enrollRouterMessage); } function _sendToAllRemoteRouters(bytes memory _msg) internal { for (uint256 i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) { if (domains[i] != uint32(0)) { usingOptics.enqueueHome(domains[i], routers[domains[i]], _msg); } } } /* --- ACTIONS IMPLEMENTATION --- implementations of local state changes performed when handling AND dispatching messages */ function _dispatchCall(GovernanceMessage.Call memory _call) internal returns (bytes memory _ret) { address _toContract = TypeCasts.bytes32ToAddress(_call.to); bool _success; (_success, _ret) = _toContract.call(_call.data); require(_success, "call failed"); } function _transferGovernor( uint32 _newDomain, address _newGovernor, bool _isLocalDomain ) internal { // require that the governor domain has a valid router if (!_isLocalDomain) { mustHaveRouter(_newDomain); } // Governor is 0x0 unless the governor is local address _governor = _isLocalDomain ? _newGovernor : address(0); emit TransferGovernor(governorDomain, _newDomain, governor, _governor); governorDomain = _newDomain; governor = _governor; } function _enrollRouter(uint32 _domain, bytes32 _newRouter) internal { bytes32 _previousRouter = routers[_domain]; emit ChangeRouter(_domain, _previousRouter, _newRouter); if (_newRouter == bytes32(0)) { _removeDomain(_domain); return; } if (_previousRouter == bytes32(0)) { _addDomain(_domain); } routers[_domain] = _newRouter; } function _addDomain(uint32 _domain) internal { domains.push(_domain); } function _removeDomain(uint32 _domain) internal { delete routers[_domain]; // find the index of the domain to remove & delete it from domains[] for (uint256 i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) { if (domains[i] == _domain) { delete domains[i]; return; } } } /* --- EXTERNAL HELPER FOR CONTRACT SETUP --- convenience function so deployer can setup the router mapping for the contract locally before transferring governorship to the remote governor */ function enrollRouterSetup(uint32 _domain, bytes32 _router) external onlyGovernor { _enrollRouter(_domain, _router); // enroll the router locally } }