apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1 kind: ExternalSecret metadata: name: {{ include "agent-common.fullname" . }}-external-secret labels: {{- include "agent-common.labels" . | nindent 4 }} annotations: update-on-redeploy: "{{ now }}" spec: secretStoreRef: name: {{ include "agent-common.cluster-secret-store.name" . }} kind: ClusterSecretStore refreshInterval: "1h" # The secret that will be created target: name: {{ include "agent-common.fullname" . }}-secret template: type: Opaque metadata: labels: {{- include "agent-common.labels" . | nindent 10 }} data: {{- /* * For each network, create an environment variable with the RPC endpoint. * The templating of external-secrets will use the data section below to know how * to replace the correct value in the created secret. */}} {{- range .Values.hyperlane.chains }} {{- if not .disabled }} {{- if or (eq .connection.type "httpQuorum") (eq .connection.type "httpFallback") }} HYP_BASE_CHAINS_{{ .name | upper }}_CONNECTION_URLS: {{ printf "'{{ .%s_rpcs | fromJson | join \",\" }}'" .name }} {{- else }} HYP_BASE_CHAINS_{{ .name | upper }}_CONNECTION_URL: {{ printf "'{{ .%s_rpc | toString }}'" .name }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} data: {{- /* * For each network, load the secret in GCP secret manager with the form: environment-rpc-endpoint-network, * and associate it with the secret key networkname_rpc. */}} {{- range .Values.hyperlane.chains }} {{- if not .disabled }} {{- if or (eq .connection.type "httpQuorum") (eq .connection.type "httpFallback") }} - secretKey: {{ printf "%s_rpcs" .name }} remoteRef: key: {{ printf "%s-rpc-endpoints-%s" $.Values.hyperlane.runEnv .name }} {{- else }} - secretKey: {{ printf "%s_rpc" .name }} remoteRef: key: {{ printf "%s-rpc-endpoint-%s" $.Values.hyperlane.runEnv .name }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }}