// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 pragma solidity ^0.8.13; import "forge-std/Test.sol"; import {IAggregationIsm} from "../../contracts/interfaces/isms/IAggregationIsm.sol"; import {StaticAggregationIsmFactory} from "../../contracts/isms/aggregation/StaticAggregationIsmFactory.sol"; import {AggregationIsmMetadata} from "../../contracts/isms/libs/AggregationIsmMetadata.sol"; import {TestIsm, ThresholdTestUtils} from "./IsmTestUtils.sol"; contract AggregationIsmTest is Test { StaticAggregationIsmFactory factory; IAggregationIsm ism; function setUp() public { factory = new StaticAggregationIsmFactory(); } function deployIsms( uint8 m, uint8 n, bytes32 seed ) internal returns (address[] memory) { bytes32 randomness = seed; address[] memory isms = new address[](n); for (uint256 i = 0; i < n; i++) { randomness = keccak256(abi.encode(randomness)); TestIsm subIsm = new TestIsm(abi.encode(randomness)); isms[i] = address(subIsm); } ism = IAggregationIsm(factory.deploy(isms, m)); return isms; } function getMetadata( uint8 m, bytes32 seed ) private view returns (bytes memory) { (address[] memory choices, ) = ism.modulesAndThreshold(""); address[] memory chosen = ThresholdTestUtils.choose(m, choices, seed); bytes memory offsets; uint32 start = 8 * uint32(choices.length); bytes memory metametadata; for (uint256 i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) { bool included = false; for (uint256 j = 0; j < chosen.length; j++) { included = included || choices[i] == chosen[j]; } if (included) { bytes memory requiredMetadata = TestIsm(choices[i]) .requiredMetadata(); uint32 end = start + uint32(requiredMetadata.length); uint64 offset = (uint64(start) << 32) | uint64(end); offsets = bytes.concat(offsets, abi.encodePacked(offset)); start = end; metametadata = abi.encodePacked(metametadata, requiredMetadata); } else { uint64 offset = 0; offsets = bytes.concat(offsets, abi.encodePacked(offset)); } } return abi.encodePacked(offsets, metametadata); } function testVerify(uint8 m, uint8 n, bytes32 seed) public { vm.assume(0 < m && m <= n && n < 10); deployIsms(m, n, seed); bytes memory metadata = getMetadata(m, seed); assertTrue(ism.verify(metadata, "")); } function testVerifyNoMetadataRequired( uint8 m, uint8 n, uint8 i, bytes32 seed ) public { vm.assume(0 < m && m <= n && n < 10 && i < n); deployIsms(m, n, seed); (address[] memory modules, ) = ism.modulesAndThreshold(""); bytes memory noMetadata; TestIsm(modules[i]).setRequiredMetadata(noMetadata); bytes memory metadata = getMetadata(m, seed); assertTrue(ism.verify(metadata, "")); } function testVerifyMissingMetadata(uint8 m, uint8 n, bytes32 seed) public { vm.assume(0 < m && m <= n && n < 10); deployIsms(m, n, seed); // Populate metadata for one fewer ISMs than needed. bytes memory metadata = getMetadata(m - 1, seed); vm.expectRevert(bytes("!threshold")); ism.verify(metadata, ""); } function testVerifyIncorrectMetadata( uint8 m, uint8 n, bytes32 seed ) public { vm.assume(0 < m && m <= n && n < 10); deployIsms(m, n, seed); bytes memory metadata = getMetadata(m, seed); // Modify the last byte in metadata. This should affect // the content of the metadata passed to the last ISM. metadata[metadata.length - 1] = ~metadata[metadata.length - 1]; vm.expectRevert(bytes("!verify")); ism.verify(metadata, ""); } function testModulesAndThreshold(uint8 m, uint8 n, bytes32 seed) public { vm.assume(0 < m && m <= n && n < 10); address[] memory expectedIsms = deployIsms(m, n, seed); (address[] memory actualIsms, uint8 actualThreshold) = ism .modulesAndThreshold(""); assertEq(abi.encode(actualIsms), abi.encode(expectedIsms)); assertEq(actualThreshold, m); } }