import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { ethers } from 'hardhat'; import { utils } from '@hyperlane-xyz/utils'; import { BadRecipient1__factory, BadRecipient2__factory, BadRecipient3__factory, BadRecipient5__factory, BadRecipient6__factory, TestIsm, TestIsm__factory, TestMailbox, TestMailbox__factory, TestRecipient__factory, } from '../types'; import { inferMessageValues } from './lib/mailboxes'; const originDomain = 1000; const destDomain = 2000; const ONLY_OWNER_REVERT_MSG = 'Ownable: caller is not the owner'; describe('Mailbox', async () => { let mailbox: TestMailbox, module: TestIsm, signer: SignerWithAddress, nonOwner: SignerWithAddress; beforeEach(async () => { [signer, nonOwner] = await ethers.getSigners(); const moduleFactory = new TestIsm__factory(signer); module = await moduleFactory.deploy(); const mailboxFactory = new TestMailbox__factory(signer); mailbox = await mailboxFactory.deploy(originDomain); await mailbox.initialize(module.address); }); it('Cannot be initialized twice', async () => { await expect(mailbox.initialize(module.address)) 'Initializable: contract is already initialized', ); }); describe('#dispatch', () => { let recipient: SignerWithAddress, message: string, id: string, body: string; before(async () => { [, recipient] = await ethers.getSigners(); ({ message, id, body } = await inferMessageValues( mailbox, signer.address, destDomain, recipient.address, 'message', )); }); it('Does not dispatch too large messages', async () => { const longMessage = `0x${Buffer.alloc(3000).toString('hex')}`; await expect( mailbox.dispatch( destDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(recipient.address), longMessage, ), )'msg too long'); }); it('Dispatches a message', async () => { // Send message with signer address as msg.sender const recipientBytes = utils.addressToBytes32(recipient.address); await expect( mailbox.connect(signer).dispatch(destDomain, recipientBytes, body), ) .to.emit(mailbox, 'Dispatch') .withArgs(signer.address, destDomain, recipientBytes, message) .to.emit(mailbox, 'DispatchId') .withArgs(utils.messageId(message)); }); it('Returns the id of the dispatched message', async () => { const actualId = await mailbox .connect(signer) .callStatic.dispatch( destDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(recipient.address), body, ); expect(actualId).equals(id); }); }); describe('#process', () => { const badRecipientFactories = [ BadRecipient1__factory, BadRecipient2__factory, BadRecipient3__factory, BadRecipient5__factory, BadRecipient6__factory, ]; let message: string, id: string, recipient: string; beforeEach(async () => { await module.setAccept(true); const recipientF = new TestRecipient__factory(signer); recipient = utils.addressToBytes32((await recipientF.deploy()).address); ({ message, id } = await inferMessageValues( mailbox, signer.address, originDomain, recipient, 'message', )); }); it('processes a message', async () => { await expect(mailbox.process('0x', message)) .to.emit(mailbox, 'Process') .withArgs( originDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(signer.address), recipient, ) .to.emit(mailbox, 'ProcessId') .withArgs(id); expect(await mailbox.delivered(id)); }); it('Rejects an already-processed message', async () => { await expect(mailbox.process('0x', message)).to.emit(mailbox, 'Process'); // Try to process message again await expect(mailbox.process('0x', message)) 'delivered', ); }); it('Fails to process message when rejected by module', async () => { await module.setAccept(false); await expect(mailbox.process('0x', message)) '!module', ); }); for (let i = 0; i < badRecipientFactories.length; i++) { it(`Fails to process a message for a badly implemented recipient (${ i + 1 })`, async () => { const factory = new badRecipientFactories[i](signer); const badRecipient = await factory.deploy(); ({ message } = await inferMessageValues( mailbox, signer.address, originDomain, badRecipient.address, 'message', )); await expect(mailbox.process('0x', message)); }); } // TODO: Fails to process with wrong version.. it('Fails to process message with wrong destination Domain', async () => { ({ message } = await inferMessageValues( mailbox, signer.address, originDomain + 1, recipient, 'message', )); await expect(mailbox.process('0x', message)) '!destination', ); }); it('Fails to process message with wrong version', async () => { const version = await mailbox.VERSION(); ({ message } = await inferMessageValues( mailbox, signer.address, originDomain, recipient, 'message', version + 1, )); await expect(mailbox.process('0x', message)) '!version', ); }); it('Fails to process message sent to a non-existent contract address', async () => { ({ message } = await inferMessageValues( mailbox, signer.address, originDomain, '0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890', // non-existent contract address 'message', )); await expect(mailbox.process('0x', message)); }); }); describe('#setDefaultIsm', async () => { let newIsm: TestIsm; before(async () => { const moduleFactory = new TestIsm__factory(signer); newIsm = await moduleFactory.deploy(); }); it('Allows owner to update the default ISM', async () => { await expect(mailbox.setDefaultIsm(newIsm.address)) .to.emit(mailbox, 'DefaultIsmSet') .withArgs(newIsm.address); expect(await mailbox.defaultIsm()).to.equal(newIsm.address); }); it('Does not allow non-owner to update the default ISM', async () => { await expect( mailbox.connect(nonOwner).setDefaultIsm(newIsm.address), ); }); it('Reverts if the provided ISM is not a contract', async () => { await expect(mailbox.setDefaultIsm(signer.address)) '!contract', ); }); }); describe('#pause', () => { it('should revert on non-owner', async () => { await expect(mailbox.connect(nonOwner).pause()) ONLY_OWNER_REVERT_MSG, ); await expect(mailbox.connect(nonOwner).unpause()) ONLY_OWNER_REVERT_MSG, ); }); it('should emit events', async () => { await expect(mailbox.pause()).to.emit(mailbox, 'Paused'); await expect(mailbox.unpause()).to.emit(mailbox, 'Unpaused'); }); it('should prevent dispatch and process', async () => { await mailbox.pause(); await expect( mailbox.dispatch( destDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(nonOwner.address), '0x', ), )'paused'); await expect(mailbox.process('0x', '0x'))'paused'); }); it('isPaused should be true', async () => { await mailbox.pause(); const paused = await mailbox.isPaused(); expect(paused); }); }); });