use async_trait::async_trait; use cosmrs::{ proto::{ cosmos::{ auth::v1beta1::{ query_client::QueryClient as QueryAccountClient, BaseAccount, QueryAccountRequest, }, base::{ abci::v1beta1::TxResponse, tendermint::v1beta1::{service_client::ServiceClient, GetLatestBlockRequest}, }, tx::v1beta1::{ service_client::ServiceClient as TxServiceClient, BroadcastMode, BroadcastTxRequest, SimulateRequest, TxRaw, }, }, cosmwasm::wasm::v1::{ query_client::QueryClient as WasmQueryClient, MsgExecuteContract, QuerySmartContractStateRequest, }, traits::Message, }, tx::{self, Fee, MessageExt, SignDoc, SignerInfo}, Amount, Coin, }; use hyperlane_core::{ChainCommunicationError, ChainResult, ContractLocator, U256}; use serde::Serialize; use tonic::transport::{Channel, Endpoint}; use crate::address::CosmosAddress; use crate::HyperlaneCosmosError; use crate::{signers::Signer, ConnectionConf}; /// The gas price to use for transactions. /// TODO: is there a nice way to get a suggested price dynamically? const DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE: f64 = 0.05; /// A multiplier applied to a simulated transaction's gas usage to /// calculate the estimated gas. const GAS_ESTIMATE_MULTIPLIER: f64 = 1.25; /// The number of blocks in the future in which a transaction will /// be valid for. const TIMEOUT_BLOCKS: u64 = 1000; #[async_trait] /// Cosmwasm GRPC Provider pub trait WasmProvider: Send + Sync { /// Get latest block height. /// Note that in Tendermint, validators come to consensus on a block /// before they execute the transactions in that block. This means that /// we may not be able to make state queries against this block until /// the next one is committed! async fn latest_block_height(&self) -> ChainResult; /// Perform a wasm query against the stored contract address. async fn wasm_query( &self, payload: T, block_height: Option, ) -> ChainResult>; /// Perform a wasm query against a specified contract address. async fn wasm_query_to( &self, to: String, payload: T, block_height: Option, ) -> ChainResult>; /// Send a wasm tx. async fn wasm_send( &self, payload: T, gas_limit: Option, ) -> ChainResult; /// Estimate gas for a wasm tx. async fn wasm_estimate_gas(&self, payload: T) -> ChainResult; } #[derive(Debug)] /// CosmWasm GRPC provider. pub struct WasmGrpcProvider { /// Connection configuration. conf: ConnectionConf, /// A contract address that can be used as the default /// for queries / sends / estimates. contract_address: CosmosAddress, /// Signer for transactions. signer: Option, /// GRPC Channel that can be cheaply cloned. /// See channel: Channel, } impl WasmGrpcProvider { /// Create new CosmWasm GRPC Provider. pub fn new( conf: ConnectionConf, locator: ContractLocator, signer: Option, ) -> ChainResult { let endpoint = Endpoint::new(conf.get_grpc_url()).map_err(Into::::into)?; let channel = endpoint.connect_lazy(); let contract_address = CosmosAddress::from_h256(locator.address, &conf.get_prefix())?; Ok(Self { conf, contract_address, signer, channel, }) } /// Gets a signer, or returns an error if one is not available. fn get_signer(&self) -> ChainResult<&Signer> { self.signer .as_ref() .ok_or(ChainCommunicationError::SignerUnavailable) } } impl WasmGrpcProvider { /// Generates an unsigned SignDoc for a transaction. async fn generate_unsigned_sign_doc( &self, msgs: Vec, gas_limit: u64, ) -> ChainResult { // As this function is only used for estimating gas or sending transactions, // we can reasonably expect to have a signer. let signer = self.get_signer()?; let account_info = self.account_query(signer.address.clone()).await?; let current_height = self.latest_block_height().await?; let timeout_height = current_height + TIMEOUT_BLOCKS; let tx_body = tx::Body::new( msgs, String::default(), TryInto::::try_into(timeout_height) .map_err(ChainCommunicationError::from_other)?, ); let signer_info = SignerInfo::single_direct(Some(signer.public_key), account_info.sequence); let auth_info = signer_info.auth_info(Fee::from_amount_and_gas( Coin::new( Amount::from((gas_limit as f64 * DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE) as u64), self.conf.get_canonical_asset().as_str(), ) .map_err(Into::::into)?, gas_limit, )); let chain_id = self .conf .get_chain_id() .parse() .map_err(Into::::into)?; Ok( SignDoc::new(&tx_body, &auth_info, &chain_id, account_info.account_number) .map_err(Into::::into)?, ) } /// Generates a raw signed transaction including `msgs`, estimating gas if a limit is not provided. async fn generate_raw_signed_tx( &self, msgs: Vec, gas_limit: Option, ) -> ChainResult> { let gas_limit = if let Some(l) = gas_limit { l } else { self.estimate_gas(msgs.clone()).await? }; let sign_doc = self.generate_unsigned_sign_doc(msgs, gas_limit).await?; let signer = self.get_signer()?; let tx_signed = sign_doc .sign(&signer.signing_key()?) .map_err(Into::::into)?; Ok(tx_signed .to_bytes() .map_err(Into::::into)?) } /// Estimates gas for a transaction containing `msgs`. async fn estimate_gas(&self, msgs: Vec) -> ChainResult { // Get a sign doc with 0 gas, because we plan to simulate let sign_doc = self.generate_unsigned_sign_doc(msgs, 0).await?; let raw_tx = TxRaw { body_bytes: sign_doc.body_bytes, auth_info_bytes: sign_doc.auth_info_bytes, // The poorly documented trick to simuluating a tx without a valid signature is to just pass // in a single empty signature. Taken from cosmjs: // signatures: vec![vec![]], }; let mut client = TxServiceClient::new(; let tx_bytes = raw_tx .to_bytes() .map_err(ChainCommunicationError::from_other)?; #[allow(deprecated)] let sim_req = tonic::Request::new(SimulateRequest { tx: None, tx_bytes }); let gas_used = client .simulate(sim_req) .await .map_err(ChainCommunicationError::from_other)? .into_inner() .gas_info .ok_or_else(|| ChainCommunicationError::from_other_str("gas info not present"))? .gas_used; let gas_estimate = (gas_used as f64 * GAS_ESTIMATE_MULTIPLIER) as u64; Ok(gas_estimate) } /// Queries an account. async fn account_query(&self, account: String) -> ChainResult { let mut client = QueryAccountClient::new(; let request = tonic::Request::new(QueryAccountRequest { address: account }); let response = client .account(request) .await .map_err(ChainCommunicationError::from_other)? .into_inner(); let account = BaseAccount::decode( response .account .ok_or_else(|| ChainCommunicationError::from_other_str("account not present"))? .value .as_slice(), ) .map_err(Into::::into)?; Ok(account) } } #[async_trait] impl WasmProvider for WasmGrpcProvider { async fn latest_block_height(&self) -> ChainResult { let mut client = ServiceClient::new(; let request = tonic::Request::new(GetLatestBlockRequest {}); let response = client .get_latest_block(request) .await .map_err(ChainCommunicationError::from_other)? .into_inner(); let height = response .block .ok_or_else(|| ChainCommunicationError::from_other_str("block not present"))? .header .ok_or_else(|| ChainCommunicationError::from_other_str("header not present"))? .height; Ok(height as u64) } async fn wasm_query(&self, payload: T, block_height: Option) -> ChainResult> where T: Serialize + Send + Sync, { self.wasm_query_to(self.contract_address.address(), payload, block_height) .await } async fn wasm_query_to( &self, to: String, payload: T, block_height: Option, ) -> ChainResult> where T: Serialize + Send + Sync, { let mut client = WasmQueryClient::new(; let mut request = tonic::Request::new(QuerySmartContractStateRequest { address: to, query_data: serde_json::to_string(&payload)?.as_bytes().to_vec(), }); if let Some(block_height) = block_height { request .metadata_mut() .insert("x-cosmos-block-height", block_height.into()); } let response = client .smart_contract_state(request) .await .map_err(ChainCommunicationError::from_other)? .into_inner(); Ok( } async fn wasm_send(&self, payload: T, gas_limit: Option) -> ChainResult where T: Serialize + Send + Sync, { let signer = self.get_signer()?; let mut client = TxServiceClient::new(; let msgs = vec![MsgExecuteContract { sender: signer.address.clone(), contract: self.contract_address.address(), msg: serde_json::to_string(&payload)?.as_bytes().to_vec(), funds: vec![], } .to_any() .map_err(ChainCommunicationError::from_other)?]; // We often use U256s to represent gas limits, but Cosmos expects u64s. Try to convert, // and if it fails, just fallback to None which will result in gas estimation. let gas_limit: Option = gas_limit.and_then(|limit| match limit.try_into() { Ok(limit) => Some(limit), Err(err) => { tracing::warn!( ?err, "failed to convert gas_limit to u64, falling back to estimation" ); None } }); let tx_req = BroadcastTxRequest { tx_bytes: self.generate_raw_signed_tx(msgs, gas_limit).await?, mode: BroadcastMode::Sync as i32, }; let tx_res = client .broadcast_tx(tx_req) .await .map_err(Into::::into)? .into_inner() .tx_response .ok_or_else(|| ChainCommunicationError::from_other_str("Empty tx_response"))?; Ok(tx_res) } async fn wasm_estimate_gas(&self, payload: T) -> ChainResult where T: Serialize + Send + Sync, { // Estimating gas requires a signer, which we can reasonably expect to have // since we need one to send a tx with the estimated gas anyways. let signer = self.get_signer()?; let msg = MsgExecuteContract { sender: signer.address.clone(), contract: self.contract_address.address(), msg: serde_json::to_string(&payload)?.as_bytes().to_vec(), funds: vec![], }; let response = self .estimate_gas(vec![msg .to_any() .map_err(ChainCommunicationError::from_other)?]) .await?; Ok(response) } }