// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 pragma solidity ^0.8.13; import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol"; import {InterchainGasPaymaster} from "../../contracts/igps/InterchainGasPaymaster.sol"; import {StorageGasOracle} from "../../contracts/igps/gas-oracles/StorageGasOracle.sol"; import {IGasOracle} from "../../interfaces/IGasOracle.sol"; contract InterchainGasPaymasterTest is Test { InterchainGasPaymaster igp; StorageGasOracle oracle; address constant beneficiary = address(0x444444); uint32 constant testDestinationDomain = 11111; uint256 constant testGasAmount = 300000; bytes32 constant testMessageId = 0x6ae9a99190641b9ed0c07143340612dde0e9cb7deaa5fe07597858ae9ba5fd7f; address constant testRefundAddress = address(0xc0ffee); event GasPayment( bytes32 indexed messageId, uint256 gasAmount, uint256 payment ); event GasOracleSet(uint32 indexed remoteDomain, address gasOracle); event BeneficiarySet(address beneficiary); function setUp() public { igp = new InterchainGasPaymaster(beneficiary); oracle = new StorageGasOracle(); setGasOracle(testDestinationDomain, address(oracle)); } // ============ constructor ============ function testConstructorSetsBeneficiary() public { assertEq(igp.beneficiary(), beneficiary); } // ============ initialize ============ function testInitializeRevertsIfCalledTwice() public { vm.expectRevert("Initializable: contract is already initialized"); igp.initialize(beneficiary); } // ============ payForGas ============ function testPayForGas() public { setRemoteGasData( testDestinationDomain, 1 * 1e10, // 1.0 exchange rate (remote token has exact same value as local) 1 // 1 wei gas price ); uint256 _igpBalanceBefore = address(igp).balance; uint256 _refundAddressBalanceBefore = testRefundAddress.balance; uint256 _quote = igp.quoteGasPayment( testDestinationDomain, testGasAmount ); // Intentional overpayment uint256 _overpayment = 54321; vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true); emit GasPayment(testMessageId, testGasAmount, _quote); igp.payForGas{value: _quote + _overpayment}( testMessageId, testDestinationDomain, testGasAmount, testRefundAddress ); uint256 _igpBalanceAfter = address(igp).balance; uint256 _refundAddressBalanceAfter = testRefundAddress.balance; assertEq(_igpBalanceAfter - _igpBalanceBefore, _quote); assertEq( _refundAddressBalanceAfter - _refundAddressBalanceBefore, _overpayment ); } function testPayForGasRevertsIfPaymentInsufficient() public { setRemoteGasData( testDestinationDomain, 1 * 1e10, // 1.0 exchange rate (remote token has exact same value as local) 1 // 1 wei gas price ); vm.expectRevert("insufficient interchain gas payment"); // Pay no msg.value igp.payForGas{value: 0}( testMessageId, testDestinationDomain, testGasAmount, testRefundAddress ); } // ============ quoteGasPayment ============ function testQuoteGasPaymentSimilarExchangeRate() public { // Testing when exchange rates are relatively close setRemoteGasData( testDestinationDomain, 2 * 1e9, // 0.2 exchange rate (remote token less valuable) 150 * 1e9 // 150 gwei gas price ); // 300,000 destination gas // 150 gwei = 150000000000 wei // 300,000 * 150000000000 = 45000000000000000 (0.045 remote eth) // Using the 0.2 token exchange rate, meaning the local native token // is 5x more valuable than the remote token: // 45000000000000000 * 0.2 = 9000000000000000 (0.009 local eth) assertEq( igp.quoteGasPayment(testDestinationDomain, testGasAmount), 9000000000000000 ); } function testQuoteGasPaymentRemoteVeryExpensive() public { // Testing when the remote token is much more valuable & there's a super high gas price setRemoteGasData( testDestinationDomain, 5000 * 1e10, // 5000 exchange rate (remote token much more valuable) 1500 * 1e9 // 1500 gwei gas price ); // 300,000 destination gas // 1500 gwei = 1500000000000 wei // 300,000 * 1500000000000 = 450000000000000000 (0.45 remote eth) // Using the 5000 token exchange rate, meaning the remote native token // is 5000x more valuable than the local token: // 450000000000000000 * 5000 = 2250000000000000000000 (2250 local eth) assertEq( igp.quoteGasPayment(testDestinationDomain, testGasAmount), 2250000000000000000000 ); } function testQuoteGasPaymentRemoteVeryCheap() public { // Testing when the remote token is much less valuable & there's a low gas price setRemoteGasData( testDestinationDomain, 4 * 1e8, // 0.04 exchange rate (remote token much less valuable) 1 * 1e8 // 0.1 gwei gas price ); // 300,000 destination gas // 0.1 gwei = 100000000 wei // 300,000 * 100000000 = 30000000000000 (0.00003 remote eth) // Using the 0.04 token exchange rate, meaning the remote native token // is 0.04x the price of the local token: // 30000000000000 * 0.04 = 1200000000000 (0.0000012 local eth) assertEq( igp.quoteGasPayment(testDestinationDomain, testGasAmount), 1200000000000 ); } function testQuoteGasPaymentRevertsIfNoGasOracleSet() public { uint32 _unknownDomain = 22222; vm.expectRevert("!gas oracle"); igp.quoteGasPayment(_unknownDomain, testGasAmount); } // ============ setGasOracles ============ function testSetGasOracle() public { uint32 _remoteDomain = 22222; vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true); emit GasOracleSet(_remoteDomain, address(oracle)); setGasOracle(_remoteDomain, address(oracle)); assertEq(address(igp.gasOracles(_remoteDomain)), address(oracle)); } function testSetGasOracleRevertsIfNotOwner() public { uint32 _remoteDomain = 22222; // Repurpose the refund address as a non-owner to prank as vm.prank(testRefundAddress); vm.expectRevert("Ownable: caller is not the owner"); setGasOracle(_remoteDomain, address(oracle)); } // ============ setBeneficiary ============ function testSetBeneficiary() public { address _newBeneficiary = address(0xbeeeeee); vm.expectEmit(true, false, false, true); emit BeneficiarySet(_newBeneficiary); igp.setBeneficiary(_newBeneficiary); assertEq(igp.beneficiary(), _newBeneficiary); } function testSetBeneficiaryRevertsIfNotOwner() public { address _newBeneficiary = address(0xbeeeeee); // Repurpose the refund address as a non-owner to prank as vm.prank(testRefundAddress); vm.expectRevert("Ownable: caller is not the owner"); igp.setBeneficiary(_newBeneficiary); } // ============ claim ============ function testClaim() public { setRemoteGasData( testDestinationDomain, 1 * 1e10, // 1.0 exchange rate (remote token has exact same value as local) 1 // 1 wei gas price ); // Pay some funds into the IGP uint256 _quote = igp.quoteGasPayment( testDestinationDomain, testGasAmount ); igp.payForGas{value: _quote}( testMessageId, testDestinationDomain, testGasAmount, testRefundAddress ); uint256 _beneficiaryBalanceBefore = beneficiary.balance; igp.claim(); uint256 _beneficiaryBalanceAfter = beneficiary.balance; assertEq(_beneficiaryBalanceAfter - _beneficiaryBalanceBefore, _quote); assertEq(address(igp).balance, 0); } // ============ getExchangeRateAndGasPrice ============ function testGetExchangeRateAndGasPrice() public { // 1.0 exchange rate (remote token has exact same value as local) uint128 _tokenExchangeRate = 1 * 1e10; // 1 wei gas price uint128 _gasPrice = 1; setRemoteGasData(testDestinationDomain, _tokenExchangeRate, _gasPrice); (uint128 _actualTokenExchangeRate, uint128 _actualGasPrice) = igp .getExchangeRateAndGasPrice(testDestinationDomain); assertEq(_actualTokenExchangeRate, _tokenExchangeRate); assertEq(_actualGasPrice, _gasPrice); } function testGetExchangeRateAndGasPriceRevertsIfNoGasOracleSet() public { uint32 _unknownDomain = 22222; vm.expectRevert("!gas oracle"); igp.getExchangeRateAndGasPrice(_unknownDomain); } // ============ Helper functions ============ function setGasOracle(uint32 _remoteDomain, address _gasOracle) internal { InterchainGasPaymaster.GasOracleConfig[] memory _configs = new InterchainGasPaymaster.GasOracleConfig[](1); _configs[0] = InterchainGasPaymaster.GasOracleConfig({ remoteDomain: _remoteDomain, gasOracle: _gasOracle }); igp.setGasOracles(_configs); } function setRemoteGasData( uint32 _remoteDomain, uint128 _tokenExchangeRate, uint128 _gasPrice ) internal { oracle.setRemoteGasData( StorageGasOracle.RemoteGasDataConfig({ remoteDomain: _remoteDomain, tokenExchangeRate: _tokenExchangeRate, gasPrice: _gasPrice }) ); } }