# Hyperlane Tokens and Warp Routes This repo contains contracts and SDK tooling for Hyperlane-connected ERC20 and ERC721 tokens. The contracts herein can be used to create [Hyperlane Warp Routes](https://docs.hyperlane.xyz/docs/reference/applications/warp-routes) across different chains. For instructions on deploying Warp Routes, see [the deployment documentation](https://docs.hyperlane.xyz/docs/deploy-hyperlane#deploy-a-warp-route) and the [Hyperlane CLI](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@hyperlane-xyz/cli). ## Warp Route Architecture A Warp Route is a collection of [`TokenRouter`](./contracts/libs/TokenRouter.sol) contracts deployed across a set of Hyperlane chains. These contracts leverage the `Router` pattern to implement access control and routing logic for remote token transfers. These contracts send and receive [`Messages`](./contracts/libs/Message.sol) which encode payloads containing a transfer `amount` and `recipient` address. ```mermaid %%{ init: { "theme": "neutral", "themeVariables": { "mainBkg": "#025AA1", "textColor": "white", "clusterBkg": "white" }, "themeCSS": ".edgeLabel { color: black }" }}%% graph LR subgraph "Ethereum" HYP_E[TokenRouter] style HYP_E fill:orange Mailbox_E[(Mailbox)] end subgraph "Polygon" HYP_P[TokenRouter] style HYP_P fill:orange Mailbox_P[(Mailbox)] end subgraph "Gnosis" HYP_G[TokenRouter] style HYP_G fill:orange Mailbox_G[(Mailbox)] end HYP_E -. "router" .- HYP_P -. "router" .- HYP_G ``` The Token Router contract comes in several flavors and a warp route can be composed of a combination of these flavors. - [`Native`](./contracts/HypNative.sol) - for warping native assets (e.g. ETH) from the canonical chain - [`Collateral`](./contracts/HypERC20Collateral.sol) - for warping tokens, ERC20 or ERC721, from the canonical chain - [`Synthetic`](./contracts/HypERC20.sol) - for representing tokens, Native/ERC20 or ERC721, on a non-canonical chain ## Interchain Security Models Warp routes are unique amongst token bridging solutions because they provide modular security. Because the `TokenRouter` implements the `IMessageRecipient` interface, it can be configured with a custom interchain security module. Please refer to the relevant guide to specifying interchain security modules on the [Messaging API receive docs](https://docs.hyperlane.xyz/docs/reference/messaging/messaging-interface). ## Remote Transfer Lifecycle Diagrams To initiate a remote transfer, users call the `TokenRouter.transferRemote` function with the `destination` chain ID, `recipient` address, and transfer `amount`. ```solidity interface TokenRouter { function transferRemote( uint32 destination, bytes32 recipient, uint256 amount ) public returns (bytes32 messageId); } ``` **NOTE:** The [Relayer](https://docs.hyperlane.xyz/docs/operate/relayer/run-relayer) shown below must be compensated. Please refer to the details on [paying for interchain gas](https://docs.hyperlane.xyz/docs/protocol/interchain-gas-payment). Depending on the flavor of TokenRouter on the source and destination chain, this flow looks slightly different. The following diagrams illustrate these differences. ### Transfer Alice's `amount` native ETH from Ethereum to Bob on Polygon ```mermaid %%{ init: { "theme": "neutral", "themeVariables": { "mainBkg": "#025AA1", "textColor": "white", "clusterBkg": "white" }, "themeCSS": ".edgeLabel { color: black }" }}%% graph TB Bob((Bob)) style Bob fill:black Alice((Alice)) style Alice fill:black Relayer([Relayer]) subgraph "Ethereum" HYP_E[NativeTokenRouter] style HYP_E fill:orange Mailbox_E[(Mailbox)] end Alice == "transferRemote(Polygon, Bob, amount)\n{value: amount}" ==> HYP_E linkStyle 0 color:green; HYP_E -- "dispatch(Polygon, (Bob, amount))" --> Mailbox_E subgraph "Polygon" HYP_P[SyntheticTokenRouter] style HYP_P fill:orange Mailbox_P[(Mailbox)] end Mailbox_E -. "indexing" .-> Relayer Relayer == "process(Ethereum, (Bob, amount))" ==> Mailbox_P Mailbox_P -- "handle(Ethereum, (Bob, amount))" --> HYP_P HYP_E -. "router" .- HYP_P HYP_P -- "mint(Bob, amount)" --> Bob linkStyle 6 color:green; ``` ### Transfer Alice's ERC20 `amount` from Ethereum to Bob on Polygon ```mermaid %%{ init: { "theme": "neutral", "themeVariables": { "mainBkg": "#025AA1", "textColor": "white", "clusterBkg": "white" }, "themeCSS": ".edgeLabel { color: black }" }}%% graph TB Alice((Alice)) Bob((Bob)) style Alice fill:black style Bob fill:black Relayer([Relayer]) subgraph "Ethereum" Token_E[ERC20] style Token_E fill:green HYP_E[CollateralTokenRouter] style HYP_E fill:orange Mailbox_E[(Mailbox)] end Alice == "approve(CollateralTokenRouter, infinity)" ==> Token_E Alice == "transferRemote(Polygon, Bob, amount)" ==> HYP_E Token_E -- "transferFrom(Alice, amount)" --> HYP_E linkStyle 2 color:green; HYP_E -- "dispatch(Polygon, (Bob, amount))" --> Mailbox_E subgraph "Polygon" HYP_P[SyntheticRouter] style HYP_P fill:orange Mailbox_P[(Mailbox)] end Mailbox_E -. "indexing" .-> Relayer Relayer == "process(Ethereum, (Bob, amount))" ==> Mailbox_P Mailbox_P -- "handle(Ethereum, (Bob, amount))" --> HYP_P HYP_E -. "router" .- HYP_P HYP_P -- "mint(Bob, amount)" --> Bob linkStyle 8 color:green; ``` ### Transfer Alice's `amount` synthetic MATIC from Ethereum back to Bob as native MATIC on Polygon ```mermaid %%{ init: { "theme": "neutral", "themeVariables": { "mainBkg": "#025AA1", "textColor": "white", "clusterBkg": "white" }, "themeCSS": ".edgeLabel { color: black }" }}%% graph TB Bob((Bob)) style Bob fill:black Alice((Alice)) style Alice fill:black Relayer([Relayer]) subgraph "Ethereum" HYP_E[SyntheticTokenRouter] style HYP_E fill:orange Mailbox_E[(Mailbox)] end Alice == "transferRemote(Polygon, Bob, amount)" ==> HYP_E Alice -- "burn(Alice, amount)" --> HYP_E linkStyle 1 color:green; HYP_E -- "dispatch(Polygon, (Bob, amount))" --> Mailbox_E subgraph "Polygon" HYP_P[NativeTokenRouter] style HYP_P fill:orange Mailbox_P[(Mailbox)] end Mailbox_E -. "indexing" .-> Relayer Relayer == "process(Ethereum, (Bob, amount))" ==> Mailbox_P Mailbox_P -- "handle(Ethereum, (Bob, amount))" --> HYP_P HYP_E -. "router" .- HYP_P HYP_P -- "transfer(){value: amount}" --> Bob linkStyle 7 color:green; ``` **NOTE:** ERC721 collateral variants are assumed to [enumerable](https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/4.x/api/token/erc721#IERC721Enumerable) and [metadata](https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/4.x/api/token/erc721#IERC721Metadata) compliant. ## Versions | Git Ref | Release Date | Notes | | ------------------------ | ------------ | ------------------------------ | | [audit-v2-remediation]() | 2023-02-15 | Hyperlane V2 Audit remediation | | [main]() | ~ | Bleeding edge | ## Learn more For more information, see the [Hyperlane introduction documentation](https://docs.hyperlane.xyz/docs/intro).