import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers'; import { assert } from 'chai'; import * as ethers from 'ethers'; import * as types from './types'; import { Updater } from './core'; import { TestHome, TestHome__factory, UpdaterManager, UpdaterManager__factory, UpgradeBeaconController, UpgradeBeaconController__factory, XAppConnectionManager, XAppConnectionManager__factory, TestReplica, TestReplica__factory, } from '../../typechain'; export interface AbacusInstance { domain: types.Domain; updater: Updater; updaterManager: UpdaterManager; home: TestHome; connectionManager: XAppConnectionManager; ubc: UpgradeBeaconController; replicas: Record; } const processGas = 850000; const reserveGas = 15000; const optimisticSeconds = 0; export class AbacusDeployment { constructor( public readonly domains: types.Domain[], public readonly instances: Record, public readonly signer: ethers.Signer, ) {} static async fromDomains(domains: types.Domain[], signer: ethers.Signer) { const instances: Record = {}; for (const local of domains) { const instance = await AbacusDeployment.deployInstance( local, domains.filter((d) => d !== local), signer, ); instances[local] = instance; } return new AbacusDeployment(domains, instances, signer); } static async deployInstance( local: types.Domain, remotes: types.Domain[], signer: ethers.Signer, ): Promise { const updaterManagerFactory = new UpdaterManager__factory(signer); const updaterManager = await updaterManagerFactory.deploy( await signer.getAddress(), ); const ubcFactory = new UpgradeBeaconController__factory(signer); const ubc = await ubcFactory.deploy(); const homeFactory = new TestHome__factory(signer); const home = await homeFactory.deploy(local); await home.initialize(updaterManager.address); await updaterManager.setHome(home.address); const connectionManagerFactory = new XAppConnectionManager__factory(signer); const connectionManager = await connectionManagerFactory.deploy(); await connectionManager.setHome(home.address); const replicaFactory = new TestReplica__factory(signer); const replicas: Record = {}; const deploys = (remoteDomain) => { const replica = await replicaFactory.deploy( local, processGas, reserveGas, ); await replica.initialize( remoteDomain, await signer.getAddress(), ethers.constants.HashZero, optimisticSeconds, ); await connectionManager.ownerEnrollReplica(replica.address, remoteDomain); replicas[remoteDomain] = replica; }); await Promise.all(deploys); return { domain: local, updater: await Updater.fromSigner(signer, local), home, connectionManager, updaterManager, replicas, ubc, }; } async transferOwnership(domain: types.Domain, address: types.Address) { await this.home(domain).transferOwnership(address); await this.ubc(domain).transferOwnership(address); await this.connectionManager(domain).transferOwnership(address); await this.updaterManager(domain).transferOwnership(address); for (const remote of { if (remote !== domain) { await this.replica(domain, remote).transferOwnership(address); } } } home(domain: types.Domain): TestHome { return this.instances[domain].home; } ubc(domain: types.Domain): UpgradeBeaconController { return this.instances[domain].ubc; } updater(domain: types.Domain): Updater { return this.instances[domain].updater; } replica(local: types.Domain, remote: types.Domain): TestReplica { return this.instances[local].replicas[remote]; } connectionManager(domain: types.Domain): XAppConnectionManager { return this.instances[domain].connectionManager; } updaterManager(domain: types.Domain): UpdaterManager { return this.instances[domain].updaterManager; } async processMessages() { await Promise.all( => this.processMessagesFromDomain(d)), ); } async processMessagesFromDomain(local: types.Domain) { const home = this.home(local); const [committedRoot, latestRoot] = await home.suggestUpdate(); // Find the block number of the last update submitted on Home. const updateFilter = home.filters.Update(null, null, committedRoot); const updates = await home.queryFilter(updateFilter); assert(updates.length === 0 || updates.length === 1); const fromBlock = updates.length === 0 ? 0 : updates[0].blockNumber; // Update the Home and Replicas to the latest roots. // This is technically not necessary given that we are not proving against // a root in the TestReplica. const updater = this.updater(local); const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate(committedRoot, latestRoot); await home.update(committedRoot, latestRoot, signature); for (const remote of { if (remote !== local) { const replica = this.replica(remote, local); await replica.update(committedRoot, latestRoot, signature); } } // Find all messages dispatched on the home since the previous update. const dispatchFilter = home.filters.Dispatch(); const dispatches = await home.queryFilter(dispatchFilter, fromBlock); for (const dispatch of dispatches) { const destination = dispatch.args.destinationAndNonce.shr(32).toNumber(); if (destination !== local) { const replica = this.replica(destination, local); await replica.setMessageProven(dispatch.args.message); await replica.testProcess(dispatch.args.message); } } } } export const abacus: any = { AbacusDeployment, };