import { ethers, abacus } from 'hardhat'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { Updater, AbacusState, MessageStatus } from './lib/core'; import { Signer, BytesArray } from './lib/types'; import { BadRecipient1__factory, BadRecipient2__factory, BadRecipient3__factory, BadRecipient4__factory, BadRecipient5__factory, BadRecipient6__factory, BadRecipientHandle__factory, TestReplica, TestReplica__factory, TestRecipient__factory, } from '../typechain'; const homeDomainHashTestCases = require('../../../vectors/homeDomainHash.json'); const merkleTestCases = require('../../../vectors/merkle.json'); const proveAndProcessTestCases = require('../../../vectors/proveAndProcess.json'); const localDomain = 2000; const remoteDomain = 1000; const processGas = 850000; const reserveGas = 15000; const optimisticSeconds = 3; describe('Replica', async () => { const badRecipientFactories = [ BadRecipient1__factory, BadRecipient2__factory, BadRecipient3__factory, BadRecipient4__factory, BadRecipient5__factory, BadRecipient6__factory, ]; let replica: TestReplica, signer: Signer, fakeSigner: Signer, abacusMessageSender: Signer, updater: Updater, fakeUpdater: Updater; const submitValidUpdate = async (newRoot: string) => { const oldRoot = await replica.committedRoot(); const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate(oldRoot, newRoot); await replica.update(oldRoot, newRoot, signature); }; before(async () => { [signer, fakeSigner, abacusMessageSender] = await ethers.getSigners(); updater = await Updater.fromSigner(signer, remoteDomain); fakeUpdater = await Updater.fromSigner(fakeSigner, remoteDomain); }); beforeEach(async () => { const replicaFactory = new TestReplica__factory(signer); replica = await replicaFactory.deploy(localDomain, processGas, reserveGas); await replica.initialize( remoteDomain, updater.address, ethers.constants.HashZero, optimisticSeconds, ); }); it('Cannot be initialized twice', async () => { await expect( replica.initialize( remoteDomain, updater.address, ethers.constants.HashZero, optimisticSeconds, ), )'Initializable: contract is already initialized'); }); it('Owner can transfer ownership', async () => { const oldOwner = await replica.owner(); const newOwner = fakeUpdater.address; expect(oldOwner); await replica.transferOwnership(newOwner); expect(await replica.owner()); }); it('Nonowner cannot transfer ownership', async () => { const newOwner = fakeUpdater.address; await expect( replica.connect(fakeSigner).transferOwnership(newOwner), )'!owner'); }); it('Owner can rotate updater', async () => { const newUpdater = fakeUpdater.address; await replica.setUpdater(newUpdater); expect(await replica.updater()).to.equal(newUpdater); }); it('Nonowner cannot rotate updater', async () => { const newUpdater = fakeUpdater.address; await expect( replica.connect(fakeSigner).setUpdater(newUpdater), )'!owner'); }); it('Halts on fail', async () => { await replica.setFailed(); expect(await replica.state()).to.equal(AbacusState.FAILED); const newRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('new root'); await expect(submitValidUpdate(newRoot))'failed state'); }); it('Calculated domain hash matches Rust-produced domain hash', async () => { // Compare Rust output in json file to solidity output (json file matches // hash for remote domain of 1000) for (let testCase of homeDomainHashTestCases) { // deploy replica const replicaFactory = new TestReplica__factory(signer); const tempReplica = await replicaFactory.deploy( testCase.homeDomain, processGas, reserveGas, ); await tempReplica.initialize( testCase.homeDomain, updater.address, ethers.constants.HashZero, optimisticSeconds, ); const { expectedDomainHash } = testCase; const homeDomainHash = await tempReplica.homeDomainHash(); expect(homeDomainHash).to.equal(expectedDomainHash); } }); it('Enqueues pending updates', async () => { const firstNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('first new root'); await submitValidUpdate(firstNewRoot); expect(await replica.committedRoot()).to.equal(firstNewRoot); const secondNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('second next root'); await submitValidUpdate(secondNewRoot); expect(await replica.committedRoot()).to.equal(secondNewRoot); }); it('Rejects update with invalid signature', async () => { const firstNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('first new root'); await submitValidUpdate(firstNewRoot); const secondNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('second new root'); const { signature: fakeSignature } = await fakeUpdater.signUpdate( firstNewRoot, secondNewRoot, ); await expect( replica.update(firstNewRoot, secondNewRoot, fakeSignature), )'!updater sig'); }); it('Rejects initial update not building off initial root', async () => { const fakeInitialRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('fake root'); const newRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('new root'); const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate(fakeInitialRoot, newRoot); await expect( replica.update(fakeInitialRoot, newRoot, signature), )'not current update'); }); it('Rejects updates not building off latest enqueued root', async () => { const firstNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('first new root'); await submitValidUpdate(firstNewRoot); const fakeLatestRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('fake root'); const secondNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('second new root'); const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate( fakeLatestRoot, secondNewRoot, ); await expect( replica.update(fakeLatestRoot, secondNewRoot, signature), )'not current update'); }); it('Accepts a double update proof', async () => { const firstRoot = await replica.committedRoot(); const secondRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('second root'); const thirdRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('third root'); const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate(firstRoot, secondRoot); const { signature: signature2 } = await updater.signUpdate( firstRoot, thirdRoot, ); await expect( replica.doubleUpdate( firstRoot, [secondRoot, thirdRoot], signature, signature2, ), ).to.emit(replica, 'DoubleUpdate'); expect(await replica.state()).to.equal(AbacusState.FAILED); }); it('Proves a valid message', async () => { // Use 1st proof of 1st merkle vector test case const testCase = merkleTestCases[0]; let { leaf, index, path } = testCase.proofs[0]; await replica.setCommittedRoot(testCase.expectedRoot); // Ensure proper static call return value expect(await replica.callStatic.prove(leaf, path as BytesArray, index)).to .be.true; await replica.prove(leaf, path as BytesArray, index); expect(await replica.messages(leaf)).to.equal(MessageStatus.PENDING); }); it('Rejects an already-proven message', async () => { const testCase = merkleTestCases[0]; let { leaf, index, path } = testCase.proofs[0]; await replica.setCommittedRoot(testCase.expectedRoot); // Prove message, which changes status to MessageStatus.Pending await replica.prove(leaf, path as BytesArray, index); expect(await replica.messages(leaf)).to.equal(MessageStatus.PENDING); // Try to prove message again await expect( replica.prove(leaf, path as BytesArray, index), )'!MessageStatus.None'); }); it('Rejects invalid message proof', async () => { // Use 1st proof of 1st merkle vector test case const testCase = merkleTestCases[0]; let { leaf, index, path } = testCase.proofs[0]; // Switch ordering of proof hashes const firstHash = path[0]; path[0] = path[1]; path[1] = firstHash; await replica.setCommittedRoot(testCase.expectedRoot); expect(await replica.callStatic.prove(leaf, path as BytesArray, index)).to .be.false; await replica.prove(leaf, path as BytesArray, index); expect(await replica.messages(leaf)).to.equal(MessageStatus.NONE); }); it('Processes a proved message', async () => { const sender = abacusMessageSender; const testRecipientFactory = new TestRecipient__factory(signer); const testRecipient = await testRecipientFactory.deploy(); const nonce = 0; const abacusMessage = abacus.formatMessage( remoteDomain, sender.address, nonce, localDomain, testRecipient.address, '0x', ); // Set message status to MessageStatus.Pending await replica.setMessageProven(abacusMessage); // Ensure proper static call return value const success = await replica.callStatic.process(abacusMessage); expect(success); const processTx = replica.process(abacusMessage); await expect(processTx) .to.emit(replica, 'Process') .withArgs(abacus.messageHash(abacusMessage), true, '0x'); }); it('Fails to process an unproved message', async () => { const [sender, recipient] = await ethers.getSigners(); const nonce = 0; const body = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('message'); const abacusMessage = abacus.formatMessage( remoteDomain, sender.address, nonce, localDomain, recipient.address, body, ); await expect(replica.process(abacusMessage))'!proven'); }); for (let i = 0; i < badRecipientFactories.length; i++) { it(`Processes a message from a badly implemented recipient (${ i + 1 })`, async () => { const sender = abacusMessageSender; const factory = new badRecipientFactories[i](signer); const badRecipient = await factory.deploy(); const nonce = 0; const abacusMessage = abacus.formatMessage( remoteDomain, sender.address, nonce, localDomain, badRecipient.address, '0x', ); // Set message status to MessageStatus.Pending await replica.setMessageProven(abacusMessage); await replica.process(abacusMessage); }); } it('Fails to process message with wrong destination Domain', async () => { const [sender, recipient] = await ethers.getSigners(); const nonce = 0; const body = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('message'); const abacusMessage = abacus.formatMessage( remoteDomain, sender.address, nonce, // Wrong destination Domain localDomain + 5, recipient.address, body, ); await expect(replica.process(abacusMessage)) '!destination', ); }); it('Processes message sent to a non-existent contract address', async () => { const nonce = 0; const body = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('message'); const abacusMessage = abacus.formatMessage( remoteDomain, abacusMessageSender.address, nonce, localDomain, '0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890', // non-existent contract address body, ); // Set message status to MessageStatus.Pending await replica.setMessageProven(abacusMessage); await expect(replica.process(abacusMessage)); }); it('Fails to process an undergased transaction', async () => { const [sender, recipient] = await ethers.getSigners(); const nonce = 0; const body = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('message'); const abacusMessage = abacus.formatMessage( remoteDomain, sender.address, nonce, localDomain, recipient.address, body, ); // Set message status to MessageStatus.Pending await replica.setMessageProven(abacusMessage); // Required gas is >= 510,000 (we provide 500,000) await expect( replica.process(abacusMessage, { gasLimit: 500000 }), )'!gas'); }); it('Returns false when processing message for bad handler function', async () => { const sender = abacusMessageSender; const [recipient] = await ethers.getSigners(); const factory = new BadRecipientHandle__factory(recipient); const testRecipient = await factory.deploy(); const nonce = 0; const abacusMessage = abacus.formatMessage( remoteDomain, sender.address, nonce, localDomain, testRecipient.address, '0x', ); // Set message status to MessageStatus.Pending await replica.setMessageProven(abacusMessage); // Ensure bad handler function causes process to return false let success = await replica.callStatic.process(abacusMessage); expect(success); }); it('Proves and processes a message', async () => { const sender = abacusMessageSender; const testRecipientFactory = new TestRecipient__factory(signer); const testRecipient = await testRecipientFactory.deploy(); const nonce = 0; // Note that hash of this message specifically matches leaf of 1st // proveAndProcess test case const abacusMessage = abacus.formatMessage( remoteDomain, sender.address, nonce, localDomain, testRecipient.address, '0x', ); // Assert above message and test case have matching leaves const { path, index } = proveAndProcessTestCases[0]; const messageHash = abacus.messageHash(abacusMessage); // Set replica's current root to match newly computed root that includes // the new leaf (normally root will have already been computed and path // simply verifies leaf is in tree but because it is cryptographically // impossible to find the inputs that create a pre-determined root, we // simply recalculate root with the leaf using branchRoot) const proofRoot = await replica.testBranchRoot( messageHash, path as BytesArray, index, ); await replica.setCommittedRoot(proofRoot); await replica.proveAndProcess(abacusMessage, path as BytesArray, index); expect(await replica.messages(messageHash)).to.equal( MessageStatus.PROCESSED, ); }); it('Has proveAndProcess fail if prove fails', async () => { const [sender, recipient] = await ethers.getSigners(); const nonce = 0; // Use 1st proof of 1st merkle vector test case const testCase = merkleTestCases[0]; let { leaf, index, path } = testCase.proofs[0]; // Create arbitrary message (contents not important) const abacusMessage = abacus.formatMessage( remoteDomain, sender.address, nonce, localDomain, recipient.address, '0x', ); // Ensure root given in proof and actual root don't match so that // replica.prove(...) will fail const actualRoot = await replica.committedRoot(); const proofRoot = await replica.testBranchRoot( leaf, path as BytesArray, index, ); expect(proofRoot).to.not.equal(actualRoot); await expect( replica.proveAndProcess(abacusMessage, path as BytesArray, index), )'!prove'); }); });