const { waffle, ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { provider, deployMockContract } = waffle; const { expect } = require('chai'); const NoSortition = require('../artifacts/contracts/Sortition.sol/NoSortition.json'); const originDomain = 1000; const destDomain = 2000; describe('Home', async () => { let home, signer, fakeSigner, updater, fakeUpdater, recipient; // Helper function that enqueues message and returns its root. // The message recipient is the same for all messages enqueued. const enqueueMessageAndGetRoot = async (message) => { message = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String(message); await home.enqueue( destDomain, optics.ethersAddressToBytes32(recipient.address), message, ); const [_currentRoot, latestRoot] = await home.suggestUpdate(); return latestRoot; }; before(async () => { [signer, fakeSigner, recipient] = provider.getWallets(); updater = await optics.Updater.fromSigner(signer, originDomain); fakeUpdater = await optics.Updater.fromSigner(fakeSigner, originDomain); }); beforeEach(async () => { const mockSortition = await deployMockContract(signer, NoSortition.abi); await mockSortition.mock.current.returns(signer.address); await mockSortition.mock.slash.returns(); const Home = await ethers.getContractFactory('TestHome'); home = await Home.deploy(originDomain, mockSortition.address); await home.deployed(); }); it('Halts on fail', async () => { await home.setFailed(); expect(await home.state()).to.equal(optics.State.FAILED); const message = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('message'); await expect( home.enqueue( destDomain, optics.ethersAddressToBytes32(recipient.address), message, ), )'failed state'); }); it('Enqueues a message', async () => { const message = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('message'); const sequence = (await home.sequences(originDomain)) + 1; // Format data that will be emitted from Dispatch event const destinationAndSequence = optics.calcDestinationAndSequence( destDomain, sequence, ); const formattedMessage = optics.formatMessage( originDomain, signer.address, sequence, destDomain, recipient.address, message, ); const leaf = optics.messageToLeaf(formattedMessage); const leafIndex = await home.nextLeafIndex(); // Send message with signer address as msg.sender await expect( home .connect(signer) .enqueue( destDomain, optics.ethersAddressToBytes32(recipient.address), message, ), ) .to.emit(home, 'Dispatch') .withArgs(destinationAndSequence, leafIndex, leaf, formattedMessage); }); it('Suggests current root and latest root on suggestUpdate', async () => { const currentRoot = await home.current(); const message = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('message'); await home.enqueue( destDomain, optics.ethersAddressToBytes32(recipient.address), message, ); const latestEnqueuedRoot = await home.queueEnd(); const [suggestedCurrent, suggestedNew] = await home.suggestUpdate(); expect(suggestedCurrent).to.equal(currentRoot); expect(suggestedNew).to.equal(latestEnqueuedRoot); }); it('Accepts a valid update', async () => { const currentRoot = await home.current(); const newRoot = await enqueueMessageAndGetRoot('message'); const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate(currentRoot, newRoot); await expect(home.update(currentRoot, newRoot, signature)) .to.emit(home, 'Update') .withArgs(originDomain, currentRoot, newRoot, signature); expect(await home.current()).to.equal(newRoot); }); it('Rejects update that does not build off of current root', async () => { // First root is current root const secondRoot = await enqueueMessageAndGetRoot('message'); const thirdRoot = await enqueueMessageAndGetRoot('message2'); // Try to submit update that skips the current (first) root const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate(secondRoot, thirdRoot); await expect( home.update(secondRoot, thirdRoot, signature), )'not a current update'); }); it('Rejects update that does not exist in queue', async () => { const currentRoot = await home.current(); const fakeNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('fake root'); const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate(currentRoot, fakeNewRoot); await expect(home.update(currentRoot, fakeNewRoot, signature)).to.emit( home, 'ImproperUpdate', ); expect(await home.state()).to.equal(optics.State.FAILED); }); it('Rejects update from non-updater address', async () => { const currentRoot = await home.current(); const newRoot = await enqueueMessageAndGetRoot('message'); const { signature: fakeSignature } = await fakeUpdater.signUpdate( currentRoot, newRoot, ); await expect( home.update(currentRoot, newRoot, fakeSignature), )'bad sig'); }); it('Fails on valid double update proof', async () => { const firstRoot = await home.current(); const secondRoot = await enqueueMessageAndGetRoot('message'); const thirdRoot = await enqueueMessageAndGetRoot('message2'); const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate(firstRoot, secondRoot); const { signature: signature2 } = await updater.signUpdate( firstRoot, thirdRoot, ); await expect( home.doubleUpdate( firstRoot, [secondRoot, thirdRoot], signature, signature2, ), ).to.emit(home, 'DoubleUpdate'); expect(await home.state()).to.equal(optics.State.FAILED); }); });