import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { BigNumber } from 'ethers'; import { ethers } from 'hardhat'; import { InterchainGasPaymaster, InterchainGasPaymaster__factory, } from '../types'; const MESSAGE_ID = '0x6ae9a99190641b9ed0c07143340612dde0e9cb7deaa5fe07597858ae9ba5fd7f'; const DESTINATION_DOMAIN = 1234; const GAS_PAYMENT_AMOUNT = 123456789; const GAS_AMOUNT = 4444; const REFUND_ADDRESS = '0xc0ffee0000000000000000000000000000000000'; const OWNER = '0xdeadbeef00000000000000000000000000000000'; describe('InterchainGasPaymaster', async () => { let paymaster: InterchainGasPaymaster, signer: SignerWithAddress; before(async () => { [signer] = await ethers.getSigners(); }); beforeEach(async () => { const paymasterFactory = new InterchainGasPaymaster__factory(signer); paymaster = await paymasterFactory.deploy(); }); describe('#initialize', () => { it('should not be callable twice', async () => { await expect(paymaster.initialize()); }); }); describe('#payForGas', () => { it('deposits the required amount into the contract', async () => { const refundAddressBalanceBefore = await signer.provider!.getBalance( REFUND_ADDRESS, ); const paymasterBalanceBefore = await signer.provider!.getBalance( paymaster.address, ); await paymaster.payForGas( MESSAGE_ID, DESTINATION_DOMAIN, GAS_AMOUNT, REFUND_ADDRESS, { value: GAS_PAYMENT_AMOUNT, }, ); const requiredPayment = await paymaster.quoteGasPayment( DESTINATION_DOMAIN, GAS_AMOUNT, ); const paymasterBalanceAfter = await signer.provider!.getBalance( paymaster.address, ); expect(paymasterBalanceAfter.sub(paymasterBalanceBefore)).equals( requiredPayment, ); // Ensure that any overpayment was refunded to the refund address const refundAddressBalanceAfter = await signer.provider!.getBalance( REFUND_ADDRESS, ); expect(refundAddressBalanceAfter.sub(refundAddressBalanceBefore)).equals( BigNumber.from(GAS_PAYMENT_AMOUNT).sub(requiredPayment), ); }); it('emits the GasPayment event', async () => { await expect( paymaster.payForGas( MESSAGE_ID, DESTINATION_DOMAIN, GAS_AMOUNT, REFUND_ADDRESS, { value: GAS_PAYMENT_AMOUNT, }, ), ) .to.emit(paymaster, 'GasPayment') .withArgs(MESSAGE_ID, GAS_AMOUNT, GAS_PAYMENT_AMOUNT); }); }); describe('#quoteGasPayment', () => { it('returns 1 wei', async () => { const quotedPayment = await paymaster.quoteGasPayment( DESTINATION_DOMAIN, GAS_AMOUNT, ); expect(quotedPayment).equals(1); }); }); describe('#claim', () => { it('sends the entire balance of the contract to the owner', async () => { // First pay some ether into the contract await paymaster.payForGas( MESSAGE_ID, DESTINATION_DOMAIN, GAS_AMOUNT, REFUND_ADDRESS, { value: GAS_PAYMENT_AMOUNT, }, ); const requiredPayment = await paymaster.quoteGasPayment( DESTINATION_DOMAIN, GAS_AMOUNT, ); // Set the owner to a different address so we aren't paying gas with the same // address we want to observe the balance of await paymaster.transferOwnership(OWNER); const ownerBalanceBefore = await signer.provider!.getBalance(OWNER); expect(ownerBalanceBefore).equals(0); const paymasterBalanceBefore = await signer.provider!.getBalance( paymaster.address, ); expect(paymasterBalanceBefore).equals(requiredPayment); await paymaster.claim(); const ownerBalanceAfter = await signer.provider!.getBalance(OWNER); expect(ownerBalanceAfter).equals(requiredPayment); const paymasterBalanceAfter = await signer.provider!.getBalance( paymaster.address, ); expect(paymasterBalanceAfter).equals(0); }); }); });