// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 pragma solidity >=0.6.11; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; // ============ Internal Imports ============ import {Home} from "../Home.sol"; import {Version0} from "../Version0.sol"; import {XAppConnectionManager, TypeCasts} from "../XAppConnectionManager.sol"; import {IMessageRecipient} from "../../interfaces/IMessageRecipient.sol"; import {GovernanceMessage} from "./GovernanceMessage.sol"; // ============ External Imports ============ import {Initializable} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/Initializable.sol"; import {SafeMath} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol"; import {TypedMemView} from "@summa-tx/memview-sol/contracts/TypedMemView.sol"; contract GovernanceRouter is Version0, Initializable, IMessageRecipient { // ============ Libraries ============ using SafeMath for uint256; using TypedMemView for bytes; using TypedMemView for bytes29; using GovernanceMessage for bytes29; // ============ Immutables ============ uint32 public immutable localDomain; // number of seconds before recovery can be activated uint256 public immutable recoveryTimelock; // ============ Public Storage ============ // timestamp when recovery timelock expires; 0 if timelock has not been initiated uint256 public recoveryActiveAt; // the address of the recovery manager multisig address public recoveryManager; // the local entity empowered to call governance functions, set to 0x0 on non-Governor chains address public governor; // domain of Governor chain -- for accepting incoming messages from Governor uint32 public governorDomain; // xAppConnectionManager contract which stores Replica addresses XAppConnectionManager public xAppConnectionManager; // domain -> remote GovernanceRouter contract address mapping(uint32 => bytes32) public routers; // array of all domains with registered GovernanceRouter uint32[] public domains; // ============ Upgrade Gap ============ // gap for upgrade safety uint256[43] private __GAP; // ============ Events ============ /** * @notice Emitted a remote GovernanceRouter address is added, removed, or changed * @param domain the domain of the remote Router * @param previousRouter the previously registered router; 0 if router is being added * @param newRouter the new registered router; 0 if router is being removed */ event SetRouter( uint32 indexed domain, bytes32 previousRouter, bytes32 newRouter ); /** * @notice Emitted when the Governor role is transferred * @param previousGovernorDomain the domain of the previous Governor * @param newGovernorDomain the domain of the new Governor * @param previousGovernor the address of the previous Governor; 0 if the governor was remote * @param newGovernor the address of the new Governor; 0 if the governor is remote */ event TransferGovernor( uint32 previousGovernorDomain, uint32 newGovernorDomain, address indexed previousGovernor, address indexed newGovernor ); /** * @notice Emitted when the RecoveryManager role is transferred * @param previousRecoveryManager the address of the previous RecoveryManager * @param newRecoveryManager the address of the new RecoveryManager */ event TransferRecoveryManager( address indexed previousRecoveryManager, address indexed newRecoveryManager ); /** * @notice Emitted when recovery state is initiated by the RecoveryManager * @param recoveryManager the address of the current RecoveryManager who initiated the transition * @param recoveryActiveAt the block at which recovery state will be active */ event InitiateRecovery( address indexed recoveryManager, uint256 recoveryActiveAt ); /** * @notice Emitted when recovery state is exited by the RecoveryManager * @param recoveryManager the address of the current RecoveryManager who initiated the transition */ event ExitRecovery(address recoveryManager); modifier typeAssert(bytes29 _view, GovernanceMessage.Types _type) { _view.assertType(uint40(_type)); _; } // ============ Modifiers ============ modifier onlyReplica() { require(xAppConnectionManager.isReplica(msg.sender), "!replica"); _; } modifier onlyGovernorRouter(uint32 _domain, bytes32 _address) { require(_isGovernorRouter(_domain, _address), "!governorRouter"); _; } modifier onlyGovernor() { require(msg.sender == governor, "! called by governor"); _; } modifier onlyRecoveryManager() { require(msg.sender == recoveryManager, "! called by recovery manager"); _; } modifier onlyInRecovery() { require(inRecovery(), "! in recovery"); _; } modifier onlyNotInRecovery() { require(!inRecovery(), "in recovery"); _; } modifier onlyGovernorOrRecoveryManager() { if (!inRecovery()) { require(msg.sender == governor, "! called by governor"); } else { require( msg.sender == recoveryManager, "! called by recovery manager" ); } _; } // ============ Constructor ============ constructor(uint32 _localDomain, uint256 _recoveryTimelock) { localDomain = _localDomain; recoveryTimelock = _recoveryTimelock; } // ============ Initializer ============ function initialize( address _xAppConnectionManager, address _recoveryManager ) public initializer { // initialize governor address _governorAddr = msg.sender; bool _isLocalGovernor = true; _transferGovernor(localDomain, _governorAddr, _isLocalGovernor); // initialize recovery manager recoveryManager = _recoveryManager; // initialize XAppConnectionManager setXAppConnectionManager(_xAppConnectionManager); require( xAppConnectionManager.localDomain() == localDomain, "XAppConnectionManager bad domain" ); } // ============ External Functions ============ /** * @notice Handle Abacus messages * For all non-Governor chains to handle messages * sent from the Governor chain via Abacus. * Governor chain should never receive messages, * because non-Governor chains are not able to send them * @param _origin The domain (of the Governor Router) * @param _sender The message sender (must be the Governor Router) * @param _message The message */ function handle( uint32 _origin, bytes32 _sender, bytes memory _message ) external override onlyReplica onlyGovernorRouter(_origin, _sender) { bytes29 _msg = _message.ref(0); if (_msg.isValidCall()) { _handleCall(_msg.tryAsCall()); } else if (_msg.isValidTransferGovernor()) { _handleTransferGovernor(_msg.tryAsTransferGovernor()); } else if (_msg.isValidSetRouter()) { _handleSetRouter(_msg.tryAsSetRouter()); } else { require(false, "!valid message type"); } } /** * @notice Dispatch calls locally * @param _calls The calls */ function callLocal(GovernanceMessage.Call[] calldata _calls) external onlyGovernorOrRecoveryManager { for (uint256 i = 0; i < _calls.length; i++) { _dispatchCall(_calls[i]); } } /** * @notice Dispatch calls on a remote chain via the remote GovernanceRouter * @param _destination The domain of the remote chain * @param _calls The calls */ function callRemote( uint32 _destination, GovernanceMessage.Call[] calldata _calls ) external onlyGovernor onlyNotInRecovery { // ensure that destination chain has enrolled router bytes32 _router = _mustHaveRouter(_destination); // format call message bytes memory _msg = GovernanceMessage.formatCalls(_calls); // dispatch call message using Abacus Home(xAppConnectionManager.home()).dispatch( _destination, _router, _msg ); } /** * @notice Transfer governorship * @param _newDomain The domain of the new governor * @param _newGovernor The address of the new governor */ function transferGovernor(uint32 _newDomain, address _newGovernor) external onlyGovernor onlyNotInRecovery { bool _isLocalGovernor = _isLocalDomain(_newDomain); // transfer the governor locally _transferGovernor(_newDomain, _newGovernor, _isLocalGovernor); // if the governor domain is local, we only need to change the governor address locally // no need to message remote routers; they should already have the same domain set and governor = bytes32(0) if (_isLocalGovernor) { return; } // format transfer governor message bytes memory _transferGovernorMessage = GovernanceMessage .formatTransferGovernor( _newDomain, TypeCasts.addressToBytes32(_newGovernor) ); // send transfer governor message to all remote routers // note: this assumes that the Router is on the global GovernorDomain; // this causes a process error when relinquishing governorship // on a newly deployed domain which is not the GovernorDomain _sendToAllRemoteRouters(_transferGovernorMessage); } /** * @notice Transfer recovery manager role * @dev callable by the recoveryManager at any time to transfer the role * @param _newRecoveryManager The address of the new recovery manager */ function transferRecoveryManager(address _newRecoveryManager) external onlyRecoveryManager { emit TransferRecoveryManager(recoveryManager, _newRecoveryManager); recoveryManager = _newRecoveryManager; } /** * @notice Set the router address for a given domain and * dispatch the change to all remote routers * @param _domain The domain * @param _router The address of the new router */ function setRouter(uint32 _domain, bytes32 _router) external onlyGovernor onlyNotInRecovery { // set the router locally _setRouter(_domain, _router); // format message to set the router on all remote routers bytes memory _setRouterMessage = GovernanceMessage.formatSetRouter( _domain, _router ); _sendToAllRemoteRouters(_setRouterMessage); } /** * @notice Set the router address *locally only* * for the deployer to setup the router mapping locally * before transferring governorship to the "true" governor * @dev External helper for contract setup * @param _domain The domain * @param _router The new router */ function setRouterLocal(uint32 _domain, bytes32 _router) external onlyGovernorOrRecoveryManager { // set the router locally _setRouter(_domain, _router); } /** * @notice Set the address of the XAppConnectionManager * @dev Domain/address validation helper * @param _xAppConnectionManager The address of the new xAppConnectionManager */ function setXAppConnectionManager(address _xAppConnectionManager) public onlyGovernorOrRecoveryManager { xAppConnectionManager = XAppConnectionManager(_xAppConnectionManager); } /** * @notice Initiate the recovery timelock * @dev callable by the recovery manager */ function initiateRecoveryTimelock() external onlyNotInRecovery onlyRecoveryManager { require(recoveryActiveAt == 0, "recovery already initiated"); // set the time that recovery will be active recoveryActiveAt = block.timestamp.add(recoveryTimelock); emit InitiateRecovery(recoveryManager, recoveryActiveAt); } /** * @notice Exit recovery mode * @dev callable by the recovery manager to end recovery mode */ function exitRecovery() external onlyRecoveryManager { require(recoveryActiveAt != 0, "recovery not initiated"); delete recoveryActiveAt; emit ExitRecovery(recoveryManager); } // ============ Public Functions ============ /** * @notice Check if the contract is in recovery mode currently * @return TRUE iff the contract is actively in recovery mode currently */ function inRecovery() public view returns (bool) { uint256 _recoveryActiveAt = recoveryActiveAt; bool _recoveryInitiated = _recoveryActiveAt != 0; bool _recoveryActive = _recoveryActiveAt <= block.timestamp; return _recoveryInitiated && _recoveryActive; } // ============ Internal Functions ============ /** * @notice Handle message dispatching calls locally * @param _msg The message */ function _handleCall(bytes29 _msg) internal typeAssert(_msg, GovernanceMessage.Types.Call) { GovernanceMessage.Call[] memory _calls = _msg.getCalls(); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _calls.length; i++) { _dispatchCall(_calls[i]); } } /** * @notice Handle message transferring governorship to a new Governor * @param _msg The message */ function _handleTransferGovernor(bytes29 _msg) internal typeAssert(_msg, GovernanceMessage.Types.TransferGovernor) { uint32 _newDomain = _msg.domain(); address _newGovernor = TypeCasts.bytes32ToAddress(_msg.governor()); bool _isLocalGovernor = _isLocalDomain(_newDomain); _transferGovernor(_newDomain, _newGovernor, _isLocalGovernor); } /** * @notice Handle message setting the router address for a given domain * @param _msg The message */ function _handleSetRouter(bytes29 _msg) internal typeAssert(_msg, GovernanceMessage.Types.SetRouter) { uint32 _domain = _msg.domain(); bytes32 _router = _msg.router(); _setRouter(_domain, _router); } /** * @notice Dispatch message to all remote routers * @param _msg The message */ function _sendToAllRemoteRouters(bytes memory _msg) internal { Home _home = Home(xAppConnectionManager.home()); for (uint256 i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) { if (domains[i] != uint32(0)) { _home.dispatch(domains[i], routers[domains[i]], _msg); } } } /** * @notice Dispatch call locally * @param _call The call * @return _ret */ function _dispatchCall(GovernanceMessage.Call memory _call) internal returns (bytes memory _ret) { address _toContract = TypeCasts.bytes32ToAddress(_call.to); // attempt to dispatch using low-level call bool _success; (_success, _ret) = _toContract.call(_call.data); // revert if the call failed require(_success, "call failed"); } /** * @notice Transfer governorship within this contract's state * @param _newDomain The domain of the new governor * @param _newGovernor The address of the new governor * @param _isLocalGovernor True if the newDomain is the localDomain */ function _transferGovernor( uint32 _newDomain, address _newGovernor, bool _isLocalGovernor ) internal { // require that the governor domain has a valid router if (!_isLocalGovernor) { _mustHaveRouter(_newDomain); } // Governor is 0x0 unless the governor is local address _newGov = _isLocalGovernor ? _newGovernor : address(0); // emit event before updating state variables emit TransferGovernor(governorDomain, _newDomain, governor, _newGov); // update state governorDomain = _newDomain; governor = _newGov; } /** * @notice Set the router for a given domain * @param _domain The domain * @param _newRouter The new router */ function _setRouter(uint32 _domain, bytes32 _newRouter) internal { bytes32 _previousRouter = routers[_domain]; // emit event at beginning in case return after remove emit SetRouter(_domain, _previousRouter, _newRouter); // if the router is being removed, remove the domain if (_newRouter == bytes32(0)) { _removeDomain(_domain); return; } // if the router is being added, add the domain if (_previousRouter == bytes32(0)) { _addDomain(_domain); } // update state with new router routers[_domain] = _newRouter; } /** * @notice Add a domain that has a router * @param _domain The domain */ function _addDomain(uint32 _domain) internal { domains.push(_domain); } /** * @notice Remove a domain and its associated router * @param _domain The domain */ function _removeDomain(uint32 _domain) internal { delete routers[_domain]; // find the index of the domain to remove & delete it from domains[] for (uint256 i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) { if (domains[i] == _domain) { delete domains[i]; return; } } } /** * @notice Determine if a given domain and address is the Governor Router * @param _domain The domain * @param _address The address of the domain's router * @return _ret True if the given domain/address is the * Governor Router. */ function _isGovernorRouter(uint32 _domain, bytes32 _address) internal view returns (bool) { return _domain == governorDomain && _address == routers[_domain]; } /** * @notice Determine if a given domain is the local domain * @param _domain The domain * @return _ret - True if the given domain is the local domain */ function _isLocalDomain(uint32 _domain) internal view returns (bool) { return _domain == localDomain; } /** * @notice Require that a domain has a router and returns the router * @param _domain The domain * @return _router - The domain's router */ function _mustHaveRouter(uint32 _domain) internal view returns (bytes32 _router) { _router = routers[_domain]; require(_router != bytes32(0), "!router"); } }