name: 'Checkout Registry' description: 'Checkout the hyperlane-registry repository and move it to the parent directory' inputs: registry_version: description: 'Override the version of the hyperlane-registry to checkout' runs: using: 'composite' steps: - name: Read .registryrc if registry_version not provided shell: bash run: | if [ -z "${{ inputs.registry_version }}" ]; then REGISTRY_VERSION=$(cat .registryrc) echo "REGISTRY_VERSION=$REGISTRY_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_ENV else echo "REGISTRY_VERSION=${{ inputs.registry_version }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV fi - name: Checkout hyperlane-registry uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: repository: hyperlane-xyz/hyperlane-registry ref: ${{ env.REGISTRY_VERSION }} path: ./hyperlane-registry - name: Move hyperlane-registry to parent directory shell: bash run: mv ./hyperlane-registry ../