const { waffle, ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { provider, deployMockContract } = waffle; const { expect } = require('chai'); const testUtils = require('./utils'); const { testCases } = require('../../vectors/merkleTestCases.json'); const MockRecipient = require('../artifacts/contracts/test/MockRecipient.sol/MockRecipient.json'); const originSLIP44 = 1000; const ownSLIP44 = 2000; const optimisticSeconds = 3; const initialCurrentRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('current'); const initialLastProcessed = 0; const mockRecipientMessageString = 'message received'; describe('Replica', async () => { let replica, signer, fakeSigner, updater, fakeUpdater, processor; const enqueueValidUpdate = async (newRoot) => { let oldRoot; if ((await replica.queueLength()) == 0) { oldRoot = await replica.current(); } else { const lastEnqueued = await replica.queueEnd(); oldRoot = lastEnqueued; } const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate(oldRoot, newRoot); await replica.update(oldRoot, newRoot, signature); }; before(async () => { [signer, fakeSigner, processor] = provider.getWallets(); updater = await optics.Updater.fromSigner(signer, originSLIP44); fakeUpdater = await optics.Updater.fromSigner(fakeSigner, originSLIP44); }); beforeEach(async () => { const Replica = await ethers.getContractFactory('TestReplica'); replica = await Replica.deploy( originSLIP44, ownSLIP44, updater.signer.address, optimisticSeconds, initialCurrentRoot, initialLastProcessed, ); await replica.deployed(); }); it('Halts on fail', async () => { await replica.setFailed(); expect(await replica.state()).to.equal(optics.State.FAILED); const newRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('new root'); await expect(enqueueValidUpdate(newRoot)) 'failed state', ); }); it('Enqueues pending updates', async () => { const firstNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('first new root'); await enqueueValidUpdate(firstNewRoot); expect(await replica.queueEnd()).to.equal(firstNewRoot); const secondNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('second next root'); await enqueueValidUpdate(secondNewRoot); expect(await replica.queueEnd()).to.equal(secondNewRoot); }); it('Returns the earliest pending update', async () => { const firstNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('first new root'); await enqueueValidUpdate(firstNewRoot); const beforeTimestamp = await replica.timestamp(); const secondNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('second next root'); await enqueueValidUpdate(secondNewRoot); const [pending, confirmAt] = await replica.nextPending(); expect(pending).to.equal(firstNewRoot); expect(confirmAt).to.equal(beforeTimestamp.add(optimisticSeconds)); }); it('Rejects update with invalid signature', async () => { const firstNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('first new root'); await enqueueValidUpdate(firstNewRoot); const secondNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('second new root'); const { signature: fakeSignature } = await fakeUpdater.signUpdate( firstNewRoot, secondNewRoot, ); await expect( replica.update(firstNewRoot, secondNewRoot, fakeSignature), )'bad sig'); }); it('Rejects initial update not building off initial root', async () => { const fakeInitialRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('fake root'); const newRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('new root'); const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate(fakeInitialRoot, newRoot); await expect( replica.update(fakeInitialRoot, newRoot, signature), )'not current update'); }); it('Rejects updates not building off latest enqueued root', async () => { const firstNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('first new root'); await enqueueValidUpdate(firstNewRoot); const fakeLatestRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('fake root'); const secondNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('second new root'); const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate( fakeLatestRoot, secondNewRoot, ); await expect( replica.update(fakeLatestRoot, secondNewRoot, signature), )'not end of queue'); }); it('Accepts a double update proof', async () => { const firstRoot = await replica.current(); const secondRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('second root'); const thirdRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('third root'); const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate(firstRoot, secondRoot); const { signature: signature2 } = await updater.signUpdate( firstRoot, thirdRoot, ); await expect( replica.doubleUpdate( firstRoot, [secondRoot, thirdRoot], signature, signature2, ), ).to.emit(replica, 'DoubleUpdate'); expect(await replica.state()).to.equal(optics.State.FAILED); }); it('Confirms a ready update', async () => { const newRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('new root'); await enqueueValidUpdate(newRoot); await testUtils.increaseTimestampBy(provider, optimisticSeconds); await replica.confirm(); expect(await replica.current()).to.equal(newRoot); }); it('Batch-confirms several ready updates', async () => { const firstNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('first new root'); await enqueueValidUpdate(firstNewRoot); const secondNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('second next root'); await enqueueValidUpdate(secondNewRoot); // Increase time enough for both updates to be confirmable await testUtils.increaseTimestampBy(provider, optimisticSeconds * 2); await replica.confirm(); expect(await replica.current()).to.equal(secondNewRoot); }); it('Rejects an early confirmation attempt', async () => { const firstNewRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('first new root'); await enqueueValidUpdate(firstNewRoot); // Don't increase time enough for update to be confirmable. // Note that we use optimisticSeconds - 2 because the call to enqueue // the valid root has already increased the timestamp by 1. await testUtils.increaseTimestampBy(provider, optimisticSeconds - 2); await expect(replica.confirm())'not time'); }); it('Proves a valid message', async () => { // Use 1st proof of 1st merkle vector test case const testCase = testCases[0]; let { leaf, index, path } = testCase.proofs[0]; await replica.setCurrentRoot(testCase.expectedRoot); // Ensure proper static call return value expect(await replica.callStatic.prove(leaf, path, index)); await replica.prove(leaf, path, index); expect(await replica.messages(leaf)).to.equal(optics.MessageStatus.PENDING); }); it('Rejects invalid message proof', async () => { // Use 1st proof of 1st merkle vector test case const testCase = testCases[0]; let { leaf, index, path } = testCase.proofs[0]; // Switch ordering of proof hashes const firstHash = path[0]; path[0] = path[1]; path[1] = firstHash; await replica.setCurrentRoot(testCase.expectedRoot); expect(await replica.callStatic.prove(leaf, path, index)); await replica.prove(leaf, path, index); expect(await replica.messages(leaf)).to.equal(optics.MessageStatus.NONE); }); it('Processes a proved message', async () => { const [sender, recipient] = provider.getWallets(); const mockRecipient = await deployMockContract( recipient, MockRecipient.abi, ); const mockVal = '0x1234abcd'; await mockRecipient.mock.handle.returns(mockVal); const sequence = (await replica.lastProcessed()).add(1); const formattedMessage = optics.formatMessage( originSLIP44, sender.address, sequence, ownSLIP44, mockRecipient.address, '0x', ); // Set message status to Message.Pending await replica.setMessagePending(formattedMessage); // Ensure proper static call return value let [success, ret] = await replica.callStatic.process(formattedMessage); expect(success); expect(ret).to.equal(mockVal); await replica.process(formattedMessage); expect(await replica.lastProcessed()).to.equal(sequence); }); it('Fails to process an unproved message', async () => { const [sender, recipient] = provider.getWallets(); const sequence = (await replica.lastProcessed()).add(1); const body = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('message'); const formattedMessage = optics.formatMessage( originSLIP44, sender.address, sequence, ownSLIP44, recipient.address, body, ); await expect(replica.process(formattedMessage)) 'not pending', ); }); it('Fails to process out-of-order message', async () => { const [sender, recipient] = provider.getWallets(); // Skip sequence ordering by adding 2 to lastProcessed const sequence = (await replica.lastProcessed()).add(2); const body = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('message'); const formattedMessage = optics.formatMessage( originSLIP44, sender.address, sequence, ownSLIP44, recipient.address, body, ); await expect(replica.process(formattedMessage)) '!sequence', ); }); it('Fails to process message with wrong destination slip44', async () => { const [sender, recipient] = provider.getWallets(); const sequence = (await replica.lastProcessed()).add(1); const body = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('message'); const formattedMessage = optics.formatMessage( originSLIP44, sender.address, sequence, // Wrong destination slip44 ownSLIP44 + 5, recipient.address, body, ); await expect(replica.process(formattedMessage)) '!destination', ); }); });