import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { ethers } from 'hardhat'; import { types, utils } from '@abacus-network/utils'; import { TestOutbox, TestOutbox__factory } from '../types'; const localDomain = 1000; const destDomain = 2000; describe('Outbox', async () => { let outbox: TestOutbox, signer: SignerWithAddress, recipient: SignerWithAddress; before(async () => { [signer, recipient] = await ethers.getSigners(); }); beforeEach(async () => { // redeploy the outbox before each test run const outboxFactory = new TestOutbox__factory(signer); outbox = await outboxFactory.deploy(localDomain); // The ValidatorManager is unused in these tests *but* needs to be a // contract. await outbox.initialize(outbox.address); }); it('Cannot be initialized twice', async () => { await expect(outbox.initialize(outbox.address)) 'Initializable: contract is already initialized', ); }); it('ValidatorManager can fail', async () => { await outbox.testSetValidatorManager(signer.address); await; expect(await outbox.state()).to.equal(types.AbacusState.FAILED); const message = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('message'); await expect( outbox.dispatch( destDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(recipient.address), message, ), )'failed state'); }); it('Non ValidatorManager cannot fail', async () => { await expect(outbox.connect(recipient).fail()) '!validatorManager', ); }); describe('#dispatch', () => { const testMessageValues = async () => { const message = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('message'); const abacusMessage = utils.formatMessage( localDomain, signer.address, destDomain, recipient.address, message, ); const leafIndex = await outbox.tree(); const hash = utils.messageHash(abacusMessage, leafIndex.toNumber()); return { message, destDomain, abacusMessage, hash, leafIndex, }; }; it('Does not dispatch too large messages', async () => { const message = `0x${Buffer.alloc(3000).toString('hex')}`; await expect( outbox.dispatch( destDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(recipient.address), message, ), )'msg too long'); }); it('Dispatches a message', async () => { const { message, destDomain, abacusMessage, leafIndex } = await testMessageValues(); // Send message with signer address as msg.sender await expect( outbox .connect(signer) .dispatch( destDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(recipient.address), message, ), ) .to.emit(outbox, 'Dispatch') .withArgs(leafIndex, abacusMessage); }); it('Returns the leaf index of the dispatched message', async () => { const { message, leafIndex } = await testMessageValues(); const dispatchLeafIndex = await outbox .connect(signer) .callStatic.dispatch( destDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(recipient.address), message, ); expect(dispatchLeafIndex).equals(leafIndex); }); }); it('Caches a checkpoint', async () => { const message = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('message'); const count = 2; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { await outbox.dispatch( destDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(recipient.address), message, ); } await outbox.cacheCheckpoint(); const root = await outbox.latestCachedRoot(); expect(root).to.not.equal(ethers.constants.HashZero); expect(await outbox.cachedCheckpoints(root)).to.equal(count - 1); }); it('does not allow caching a checkpoint with index 0', async () => { const message = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('message'); await outbox.dispatch( destDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(recipient.address), message, ); await expect(outbox.cacheCheckpoint())'!index'); }); });