const { waffle, ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { provider } = waffle; const { expect } = require('chai'); const { testCases } = require('../../../vectors/domainHashTestCases.json'); const originDomain = 1000; describe('Common', async () => { let common, signer, fakeSigner, updater, fakeUpdater; before(async () => { [signer, fakeSigner] = provider.getWallets(); updater = await optics.Updater.fromSigner(signer, originDomain); fakeUpdater = await optics.Updater.fromSigner(fakeSigner, originDomain); }); beforeEach(async () => { const { contracts } = await optics.deployProxyWithImplementation( 'TestCommon', [originDomain], [updater.signer.address], ); common = contracts.proxyWithImplementation; }); it('Accepts updater signature', async () => { const oldRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('old root'); const newRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('new root'); const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate(oldRoot, newRoot); expect(await common.testCheckSig(oldRoot, newRoot, signature)); }); it('Rejects non-updater signature', async () => { const oldRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('old root'); const newRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('new root'); const { signature: fakeSignature } = await fakeUpdater.signUpdate( oldRoot, newRoot, ); expect(await common.testCheckSig(oldRoot, newRoot, fakeSignature)) .false; }); it('Fails on valid double update proof', async () => { const oldRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('old root'); const newRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('new root 1'); const newRoot2 = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('new root 2'); const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate(oldRoot, newRoot); const { signature: signature2 } = await updater.signUpdate( oldRoot, newRoot2, ); await expect( common.doubleUpdate(oldRoot, [newRoot, newRoot2], signature, signature2), ).to.emit(common, 'DoubleUpdate'); expect(await common.state()).to.equal(optics.State.FAILED); }); it('Does not fail contract on invalid double update proof', async () => { const oldRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('old root'); const newRoot = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('new root'); const { signature } = await updater.signUpdate(oldRoot, newRoot); // Double update proof uses same roots and signatures await common.doubleUpdate( oldRoot, [newRoot, newRoot], signature, signature, ); // State should not be failed because double update proof does not // demonstrate fraud const state = await common.state(); expect(state); expect(state).to.equal(optics.State.ACTIVE); }); it('Calculates domain hashes from originDomain', async () => { // Compare Rust output in json file to solidity output for (let testCase of testCases) { const { originDomain, expectedDomainHash } = testCase; const solidityDomainHash = await common.testDomainHash(originDomain); expect(solidityDomainHash).to.equal(expectedDomainHash); } }); });