/* * Deploy the contracts for an upgradable TestGovernanceRouter contract (Implementation + UpgradeBeacon + Proxy) * on the given domain * * @param localDomain - domain on which the Home contract will be deployed * @param controller - ethers Contract of the UpgradeBeaconController contract * @param XAappConnectionManagerAddress - address of the XAappConnectionManager contract for the TestGovernanceRouter * @param isTestDeploy - boolean, true to deploy the test contract, false otherwise * * @return contracts - UpgradableContractSetup type for the GovernanceRouter contracts */ async function devDeployGovernanceRouter( localDomain, controller, xAppConnectionManagerAddress, isTestDeploy, ) { const contractStr = isTestDeploy ? 'TestGovernanceRouter' : 'GovernanceRouter'; const { contracts } = await optics.deployUpgradeSetupAndProxy( contractStr, [localDomain], [xAppConnectionManagerAddress], controller, ); return contracts; } /* * Deploy the XAppConnectionManager contract * * @return xAppConnectionManager - ethers Contract for the XAppConnectionManager contract */ async function deployXAppConnectionManager() { return optics.deployImplementation('XAppConnectionManager'); } /* * Deploy the UpdaterManager contract * with the given initial updater * * @param updater - address of the Updater for this chain * * @return updaterManager - ethers Contract for the UpdaterManager contract */ async function deployUpdaterManager(updater) { return await optics.deployImplementation('UpdaterManager', [updater]); } /* * Deploy the contracts for an upgradable Home contract (Implementation + UpgradeBeacon + Proxy) * on the given domain * * @param localDomain - domain on which the Home contract will be deployed * @param controller - ethers Contract of the UpgradeBeaconController contract * @param updaterManager - address of the UpdaterManager contract * @param isTestDeploy - boolean, true to deploy the test contract, false otherwise * * @return contracts - UpgradableContractSetup type for the Home contracts */ async function devDeployHome( localDomain, controller, updaterManagerAddress, isTestDeploy, ) { const contractStr = isTestDeploy ? 'TestHome' : 'Home'; const { contracts } = await optics.deployUpgradeSetupAndProxy( contractStr, [localDomain], [updaterManagerAddress], controller, ); return contracts; } /* * Deploy the TestReplica Implementation and UpgradeBeacon * which will be used to spawn ReplicaProxies for each remote chain * * @param localDomain - domain that the TestReplica setup will be deployed on * @param controller - ethers Contract for the UpgradeBeaconController * @param isTestDeploy - boolean, true to deploy the test contract, false otherwise * * @return contracts - UpgradeSetup type */ async function devDeployReplicaUpgradeSetup( localDomain, controller, isTestDeploy, ) { const contractStr = isTestDeploy ? 'TestReplica' : 'Replica'; const contracts = await optics.deployUpgradeSetup( contractStr, [localDomain], controller, ); return contracts; } /* * Deploy the Replica Proxy which points to the given UpgradeBeacon * and "listens" to the given remote chain * * @param upgradeBeaconAddress - address of the Replica Upgrade Beacon contract * @param remote - ChainConfig for the remote chain that the Replica will receive updates from * @param isTestDeploy - boolean, true to deploy the test contract, false otherwise * * @return contracts - UpgradableProxy type */ async function devDeployReplicaProxy( upgradeBeaconAddress, remote, isTestDeploy, ) { const contractStr = isTestDeploy ? 'TestReplica' : 'Replica'; // Construct initialize args const { domain, updater, currentRoot, nextToProcessIndex, optimisticSeconds, } = remote; const proxyInitializeArgs = [ domain, updater, currentRoot, optimisticSeconds, nextToProcessIndex, ]; // Deploy Proxy Contract and initialize const { proxy, proxyWithImplementation, } = await optics.deployProxyWithImplementation( upgradeBeaconAddress, contractStr, proxyInitializeArgs, 'initialize(uint32, address, bytes32, uint256, uint256)', ); const contracts = { proxy, proxyWithImplementation, }; return contracts; } /* * Deploy, initialize, and configure the entire * suite of Optics contracts for a single chain * specified by the config information * * @param local - a single ChainConfig for the local chain * @param remotes - an array of ChainConfigs for each of the remote chains * @param isTestDeploy - boolean, true to deploy the test contracts, false otherwise * * @return contracts - OpticsContracts type for the suite of Optics contract on this chain */ async function devDeployOptics(local, remotes, isTestDeploy) { const { domain, updater: localUpdaterAddress } = local; // Deploy UpgradeBeaconController // Note: initial owner will be the signer that's deploying const upgradeBeaconController = await optics.deployUpgradeBeaconController(); const updaterManager = await deployUpdaterManager(localUpdaterAddress); // Deploy XAppConnectionManager // Note: initial owner will be the signer that's deploying const xAppConnectionManager = await deployXAppConnectionManager(); // Deploy Home and setHome on XAppConnectionManager const home = await devDeployHome( domain, upgradeBeaconController, updaterManager.address, isTestDeploy, ); await xAppConnectionManager.setHome(home.proxy.address); await updaterManager.setHome(home.proxy.address); // Deploy GovernanceRouter // Note: initial governor will be the signer that's deploying const governanceRouter = await devDeployGovernanceRouter( domain, upgradeBeaconController, xAppConnectionManager.address, isTestDeploy, ); // Deploy Replica Upgrade Setup const replicaSetup = await devDeployReplicaUpgradeSetup( domain, upgradeBeaconController, isTestDeploy, ); // Deploy Replica Proxies and enroll in XAppConnectionManager const replicaProxies = {}; for (let remote of remotes) { const { domain: remoteDomain, watchers } = remote; const replica = await devDeployReplicaProxy( replicaSetup.upgradeBeacon.address, remote, isTestDeploy, ); replicaProxies[remoteDomain] = replica; // Enroll Replica Proxy on XAppConnectionManager await xAppConnectionManager.ownerEnrollReplica( replica.proxy.address, remoteDomain, ); // Add watcher permissions for Replica for (let watcher in watchers) { await xAppConnectionManager.setWatcherPermission( watcher, remoteDomain, true, ); } } // Delegate permissions to governance router await updaterManager.transferOwnership(governanceRouter.proxy.address); await xAppConnectionManager.transferOwnership(governanceRouter.proxy.address); await upgradeBeaconController.transferOwnership( governanceRouter.proxy.address, ); await home.proxyWithImplementation.transferOwnership( governanceRouter.proxy.address, ); const contracts = { upgradeBeaconController, xAppConnectionManager, governanceRouter, updaterManager, home, replicaSetup, replicaProxies, }; return contracts; } module.exports = { devDeployGovernanceRouter, devDeployReplicaUpgradeSetup, devDeployReplicaProxy, devDeployHome, devDeployOptics, };