async function reportTxOutcome(tx, confs) { confs = confs ? confs : 1; console.log(`\tSent tx with ID ${tx.hash} to ${}`); console.log(`\tWaiting for ${confs} confs`); return await tx.wait(confs); } // turn a tightly packed proof into an array async function parseProof(rawProof) { return ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(['bytes32[32]'], rawProof); } async function validateUpdate(oldRoot, newRoot, signature, domain) { if (!ethers.utils.isHexString(oldRoot, 32)) { throw new Error('oldRoot must be a 32-byte 0x prefixed hex string'); } if (!ethers.utils.isHexString(newRoot, 32)) { throw new Error('newRoot must be a 32-byte 0x prefixed hex string'); } if (!ethers.utils.isHexString(signature, 65)) { throw new Error('signature must be a 65-byte 0x prefixed hex string'); } if (domain) { // TODO: validate the signature } return { oldRoot, newRoot, signature, }; } module.exports = { reportTxOutcome, parseProof, validateUpdate, };