use std::collections::BTreeSet; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; use inflector::Inflector; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum BuildType { Ethers, Fuels, } /// A `` tool for building a directory of ABIs. This will parse the /// `abi_dir` for ABI files ending in `.json` and write the generated rust code /// to `output_dir` and create an appropriate `` file to. pub fn generate_bindings_for_dir( abi_dir: impl AsRef, output_dir: impl AsRef, build_type: BuildType, ) { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", abi_dir.as_ref().display()); // clean old bindings if let Err(e) = fs::remove_dir_all(&output_dir) { println!("cargo:warning=Could not delete old bindings dir: {}", e); }; fs::create_dir_all(&output_dir).expect("could not create bindings dir"); // generate bindings and get a list of the module names let modules: BTreeSet = fs::read_dir(abi_dir) .expect("could not read ABI folder") .filter_map(Result::ok) .map(|entry| entry.path()) .filter(|path| { let ending_str = ".abi.json"; path.to_str() .map(|p| p.ends_with(ending_str)) .unwrap_or_default() }) .map(|contract_path| { println!("Generating bindings for {:?}", &contract_path); generate_bindings(&contract_path, &output_dir, build_type) }) .collect(); // create file let mod_file_path = { let mut p = output_dir.as_ref().to_path_buf(); p.push(""); p }; println!("Creating module file at {}", mod_file_path.display()); let mut mod_file = File::create(&mod_file_path).expect("could not create modfile"); writeln!(mod_file, "#![allow(clippy::all)]").unwrap(); write!(mod_file, "#![allow(missing_docs)]\n\n").unwrap(); for m in modules { writeln!(mod_file, "pub(crate) mod {};", m).expect("failed to write to modfile"); } drop(mod_file); } /// Generate the bindings for a given ABI and return the new module name. Will /// create a file within the designated path with the correct `{module_name}.rs` /// format. pub fn generate_bindings( contract_path: impl AsRef, output_dir: impl AsRef, build_type: BuildType, ) -> String { println!("path {:?}", contract_path.as_ref().display()); // contract name is the first let contract_name = contract_path .as_ref() .file_name() .and_then(OsStr::to_str) .expect("contract filename not is not valid unicode.") .split('.') .next() .expect("missing extension in path"); let module_name = contract_name.to_snake_case(); let output_file = { let mut p = output_dir.as_ref().to_path_buf(); p.push(format!("{module_name}.rs")); p }; let abi_source = contract_path.as_ref().to_str().expect("valid utf8 path"); #[cfg(feature = "ethers")] if build_type == BuildType::Ethers { ethers::contract::Abigen::new(contract_name, abi_source) .expect("could not instantiate Abigen") .generate() .expect("could not generate bindings") .write_to_file(&output_file) .expect("Could not write bindings to file"); } #[cfg(feature = "fuels")] if build_type == BuildType::Fuels { fuels::core::code_gen::abigen::Abigen::new(contract_name, abi_source) .expect("could not instantiate Abigen") .generate() .expect("could not generate bindings") .write_to_file(&output_file) .expect("Could not write bindings to file"); // apparently fuels was too lazy to do this for us fmt_file(&output_file); } module_name } #[cfg(feature = "fmt")] fn fmt_file(path: &Path) { if let Err(err) = std::process::Command::new(rustfmt_path()) .args(["--edition", "2021"]) .arg(path) .output() { println!("cargo:warning=Failed to run rustfmt for {path:?}, ignoring ({err})"); } } /// Get the rustfmt binary path. #[cfg(feature = "fmt")] fn rustfmt_path() -> &'static Path { use std::path::PathBuf; // lazy static var static mut PATH: Option = None; if let Some(path) = unsafe { PATH.as_ref() } { return path; } if let Ok(path) = std::env::var("RUSTFMT") { unsafe { PATH = Some(PathBuf::from(path)); PATH.as_ref().unwrap() } } else { // assume it is in PATH unsafe { PATH = Some(which::which("rustmft").unwrap_or_else(|_| "rustfmt".into())); PATH.as_ref().unwrap() } } }