import { ethers } from 'hardhat'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { types, utils, Validator } from '@abacus-network/utils'; import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers'; import { Outbox__factory, Outbox, ValidatorManager__factory, ValidatorManager, } from '../types'; const domainHashCases = require('../../../vectors/domainHash.json'); const localDomain = 1000; describe('ValidatorManager', async () => { let signer: SignerWithAddress, fakeSigner: SignerWithAddress, validatorManager: ValidatorManager, validator: Validator, fakeValidator: Validator; before(async () => { [signer, fakeSigner] = await ethers.getSigners(); validator = await Validator.fromSigner(signer, localDomain); fakeValidator = await Validator.fromSigner(fakeSigner, localDomain); }); beforeEach(async () => { const validatorManagerFactory = new ValidatorManager__factory(signer); validatorManager = await validatorManagerFactory.deploy(); await validatorManager.enrollValidator(localDomain, validator.address); }); it('Accepts validator signature', async () => { const root = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('root'); const index = 1; const { signature } = await validator.signCheckpoint(root, index); const isValid = await validatorManager.isValidatorSignature( localDomain, root, index, signature, ); expect(isValid); }); it('Rejects non-validator signature', async () => { const root = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('root'); const index = 1; const { signature } = await fakeValidator.signCheckpoint(root, index); const isValid = await validatorManager.isValidatorSignature( localDomain, root, index, signature, ); expect(isValid); }); it('Calculated domain hash matches Rust-produced domain hash', async () => { // Compare Rust output in json file to solidity output (json file matches // hash for local domain of 1000) for (let testCase of domainHashCases) { const { expectedDomainHash } = testCase; const domainHash = await validatorManager.domainHash( testCase.outboxDomain, ); expect(domainHash).to.equal(expectedDomainHash); } }); describe('improper checkpoints', async () => { let outbox: Outbox; beforeEach(async () => { const outboxFactory = new Outbox__factory(signer); outbox = await outboxFactory.deploy(localDomain); await outbox.initialize(validatorManager.address); }); it('Accepts improper checkpoint from validator', async () => { const root = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('root'); const index = 1; const { signature } = await validator.signCheckpoint(root, index); // Send message with signer address as msg.sender await expect( validatorManager.improperCheckpoint( outbox.address, root, index, signature, ), ) .to.emit(validatorManager, 'ImproperCheckpoint') .withArgs( outbox.address, localDomain, validator.address, root, index, signature, ); expect(await outbox.state()).to.equal(types.AbacusState.FAILED); }); it('Rejects improper checkpoint from non-validator', async () => { const root = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String('root'); const index = 1; const { signature } = await fakeValidator.signCheckpoint(root, index); // Send message with signer address as msg.sender await expect( validatorManager.improperCheckpoint( outbox.address, root, index, signature, ), )'!validator sig'); }); it('Rejects proper checkpoint from validator', async () => { const message = `0x${Buffer.alloc(10).toString('hex')}`; await outbox.dispatch( localDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(signer.address), message, ); await outbox.checkpoint(); const [root, index] = await outbox.latestCheckpoint(); const { signature } = await validator.signCheckpoint( root, index.toNumber(), ); // Send message with signer address as msg.sender await expect( validatorManager.improperCheckpoint( outbox.address, root, index, signature, ), )'!improper'); }); }); });