import { expect } from 'chai'; import { ethers } from 'hardhat'; import { utils } from '@hyperlane-xyz/utils'; import { MockMailbox__factory, TestRecipient__factory } from '../types'; const ORIGIN_DOMAIN = 1000; const DESTINATION_DOMAIN = 2000; describe('MockMailbox', function () { it('should be able to mock sending and receiving a message', async function () { const [signer] = await ethers.getSigners(); const mailboxFactory = new MockMailbox__factory(signer); const testRecipientFactory = new TestRecipient__factory(signer); const originMailbox = await mailboxFactory.deploy(ORIGIN_DOMAIN); const destinationMailbox = await mailboxFactory.deploy(DESTINATION_DOMAIN); await originMailbox.addRemoteMailbox( DESTINATION_DOMAIN, destinationMailbox.address, ); const recipient = await testRecipientFactory.deploy(); const body = ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes('This is a test message'); await originMailbox.dispatch( DESTINATION_DOMAIN, utils.addressToBytes32(recipient.address), body, ); await destinationMailbox.processNextInboundMessage(); const dataReceived = await recipient.lastData(); expect(dataReceived).to.eql(ethers.utils.hexlify(body)); }); });