/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises */ import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { ethers } from 'hardhat'; import { types, utils } from '@abacus-network/utils'; import { BadRecipient1__factory, BadRecipient2__factory, BadRecipient3__factory, BadRecipient5__factory, BadRecipient6__factory, TestInbox, TestInbox__factory, TestOutbox, TestOutbox__factory, TestRecipient__factory, TestValidatorManager, TestValidatorManager__factory, } from '../types'; import { MerkleProof, dispatchMessageAndReturnProof } from './lib/mailboxes'; const localDomain = 3000; const remoteDomain = 1000; describe('Inbox', async () => { const badRecipientFactories = [ BadRecipient1__factory, BadRecipient2__factory, BadRecipient3__factory, BadRecipient5__factory, BadRecipient6__factory, ]; let inbox: TestInbox, signer: SignerWithAddress, validatorManager: TestValidatorManager, helperOutbox: TestOutbox, recipient: string, proof: MerkleProof; before(async () => { [signer] = await ethers.getSigners(); // Inbox.initialize will ensure the validator manager is a contract. // TestValidatorManager doesn't have any special logic, it just forwards // calls to Inbox.process. const testValidatorManagerFactory = new TestValidatorManager__factory( signer, ); validatorManager = await testValidatorManagerFactory.deploy(); const recipientF = new TestRecipient__factory(signer); recipient = utils.addressToBytes32((await recipientF.deploy()).address); // Deploy a helper outbox contract so that we can easily construct merkle // proofs. const outboxFactory = new TestOutbox__factory(signer); helperOutbox = await outboxFactory.deploy(localDomain); await helperOutbox.initialize(validatorManager.address); proof = await dispatchMessageAndReturnProof( helperOutbox, remoteDomain, recipient, 'hello world', ); }); beforeEach(async () => { const inboxFactory = new TestInbox__factory(signer); inbox = await inboxFactory.deploy(remoteDomain); await inbox.initialize(localDomain, validatorManager.address); }); it('Cannot be initialized twice', async () => { await expect( inbox.initialize(localDomain, validatorManager.address), ).to.be.revertedWith('Initializable: contract is already initialized'); }); it('processes a message', async () => { await expect( validatorManager.process( inbox.address, proof.root, proof.index, proof.message, proof.proof, proof.index, ), ).to.emit(inbox, 'Process'); expect(await inbox.messages(proof.leaf)).to.eql( types.MessageStatus.PROCESSED, ); }); it('Rejects an already-processed message', async () => { await inbox.setMessageStatus(proof.leaf, types.MessageStatus.PROCESSED); // Try to process message again await expect( validatorManager.process( inbox.address, proof.root, proof.index, proof.message, proof.proof, proof.index, ), ).to.be.revertedWith('!MessageStatus.None'); }); it('Rejects invalid message proof', async () => { // Switch ordering of proof hashes // NB: We copy 'path' here to avoid mutating the test cases for // other tests. const newProof = proof.proof.slice().reverse(); expect( validatorManager.process( inbox.address, proof.root, proof.index, proof.message, newProof, proof.index, ), ).to.be.revertedWith('!proof'); expect(await inbox.messages(proof.leaf)).to.equal(types.MessageStatus.NONE); }); it('Fails to process message when not called by validator manager', async () => { await expect( inbox.process( proof.root, proof.index, proof.message, proof.proof, proof.index, ), ).to.be.revertedWith('!validatorManager'); }); for (let i = 0; i < badRecipientFactories.length; i++) { it(`Fails to process a message for a badly implemented recipient (${ i + 1 })`, async () => { const factory = new badRecipientFactories[i](signer); const badRecipient = await factory.deploy(); const badProof = await dispatchMessageAndReturnProof( helperOutbox, localDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(badRecipient.address), 'hello world', ); await expect( validatorManager.process( inbox.address, badProof.root, badProof.index, badProof.message, badProof.proof, badProof.index, ), ).to.be.reverted; }); } it('Fails to process message with wrong origin Domain', async () => { const outboxFactory = new TestOutbox__factory(signer); const originOutbox = await outboxFactory.deploy(localDomain + 1); await originOutbox.initialize(validatorManager.address); const proof = await dispatchMessageAndReturnProof( originOutbox, localDomain, recipient, 'hello world', ); await expect( validatorManager.process( inbox.address, proof.root, proof.index, proof.message, proof.proof, proof.index, ), ).to.be.revertedWith('!origin'); }); it('Fails to process message with wrong destination Domain', async () => { const badProof = await dispatchMessageAndReturnProof( helperOutbox, localDomain + 1, recipient, 'hello world', ); await expect( validatorManager.process( inbox.address, badProof.root, badProof.index, badProof.message, badProof.proof, badProof.index, ), ).to.be.revertedWith('!destination'); }); it('Fails to process message sent to a non-existent contract address', async () => { const badProof = await dispatchMessageAndReturnProof( helperOutbox, localDomain, utils.addressToBytes32('0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890'), // non-existent contract address 'hello world', ); await expect( validatorManager.process( inbox.address, badProof.root, badProof.index, badProof.message, badProof.proof, badProof.index, ), ).to.be.reverted; }); });