// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 pragma solidity >=0.8.0; /*@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ HYPERLANE @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@*/ /** * Format of metadata: * * [0:2] variant * [2:34] msg.value * [34:66] Gas limit for message (IGP) * [66:86] Refund address for message (IGP) * [86:] Custom metadata */ library StandardHookMetadata { struct Metadata { uint16 variant; uint256 msgValue; uint256 gasLimit; address refundAddress; } uint8 private constant VARIANT_OFFSET = 0; uint8 private constant MSG_VALUE_OFFSET = 2; uint8 private constant GAS_LIMIT_OFFSET = 34; uint8 private constant REFUND_ADDRESS_OFFSET = 66; uint256 private constant MIN_METADATA_LENGTH = 86; uint16 public constant VARIANT = 1; /** * @notice Returns the variant of the metadata. * @param _metadata ABI encoded standard hook metadata. * @return variant of the metadata as uint8. */ function variant(bytes calldata _metadata) internal pure returns (uint16) { if (_metadata.length < VARIANT_OFFSET + 2) return 0; return uint16(bytes2(_metadata[VARIANT_OFFSET:VARIANT_OFFSET + 2])); } /** * @notice Returns the specified value for the message. * @param _metadata ABI encoded standard hook metadata. * @param _default Default fallback value. * @return Value for the message as uint256. */ function msgValue( bytes calldata _metadata, uint256 _default ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (_metadata.length < MSG_VALUE_OFFSET + 32) return _default; return uint256(bytes32(_metadata[MSG_VALUE_OFFSET:MSG_VALUE_OFFSET + 32])); } /** * @notice Returns the specified gas limit for the message. * @param _metadata ABI encoded standard hook metadata. * @param _default Default fallback gas limit. * @return Gas limit for the message as uint256. */ function gasLimit( bytes calldata _metadata, uint256 _default ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (_metadata.length < GAS_LIMIT_OFFSET + 32) return _default; return uint256(bytes32(_metadata[GAS_LIMIT_OFFSET:GAS_LIMIT_OFFSET + 32])); } /** * @notice Returns the specified refund address for the message. * @param _metadata ABI encoded standard hook metadata. * @param _default Default fallback refund address. * @return Refund address for the message as address. */ function refundAddress( bytes calldata _metadata, address _default ) internal pure returns (address) { if (_metadata.length < REFUND_ADDRESS_OFFSET + 20) return _default; return address( bytes20( _metadata[REFUND_ADDRESS_OFFSET:REFUND_ADDRESS_OFFSET + 20] ) ); } /** * @notice Returns the specified refund address for the message. * @param _metadata ABI encoded standard hook metadata. * @return Refund address for the message as address. */ function getCustomMetadata( bytes calldata _metadata ) internal pure returns (bytes calldata) { if (_metadata.length < MIN_METADATA_LENGTH) return _metadata[0:0]; return _metadata[MIN_METADATA_LENGTH:]; } /** * @notice Formats the specified gas limit and refund address into standard hook metadata. * @param _msgValue msg.value for the message. * @param _gasLimit Gas limit for the message. * @param _refundAddress Refund address for the message. * @param _customMetadata Additional metadata to include in the standard hook metadata. * @return ABI encoded standard hook metadata. */ function formatMetadata( uint256 _msgValue, uint256 _gasLimit, address _refundAddress, bytes memory _customMetadata ) internal pure returns (bytes memory) { return abi.encodePacked( VARIANT, _msgValue, _gasLimit, _refundAddress, _customMetadata ); } /** * @notice Formats the specified gas limit and refund address into standard hook metadata. * @param _msgValue msg.value for the message. * @return ABI encoded standard hook metadata. */ function overrideMsgValue( uint256 _msgValue ) internal view returns (bytes memory) { return formatMetadata(_msgValue, uint256(0), msg.sender, ""); } /** * @notice Formats the specified gas limit and refund address into standard hook metadata. * @param _gasLimit Gas limit for the message. * @return ABI encoded standard hook metadata. */ function overrideGasLimit( uint256 _gasLimit ) internal view returns (bytes memory) { return formatMetadata(uint256(0), _gasLimit, msg.sender, ""); } /** * @notice Formats the specified refund address into standard hook metadata. * @param _refundAddress Refund address for the message. * @return ABI encoded standard hook metadata. */ function overrideRefundAddress( address _refundAddress ) internal pure returns (bytes memory) { return formatMetadata(uint256(0), uint256(0), _refundAddress, ""); } }