import { ethers, abacus } from 'hardhat'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { InterchainGasPaymaster, Outbox } from '@abacus-network/core'; import { utils } from '@abacus-network/utils'; import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers'; import { formatSetGovernor, formatCall, increaseTimestampBy, } from './lib/utils'; import { GovernanceConfig, GovernanceDeploy } from './lib/GovernanceDeploy'; import { TestSet, TestSet__factory, GovernanceRouter } from '../../types'; const recoveryTimelock = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; const localDomain = 1000; const remoteDomain = 2000; const testDomain = 3000; const domains = [localDomain, remoteDomain]; const ONLY_OWNER_REVERT_MESSAGE = 'Ownable: caller is not the owner'; describe('GovernanceRouter', async () => { let governor: SignerWithAddress, recoveryManager: SignerWithAddress, router: GovernanceRouter, remote: GovernanceRouter, testSet: TestSet, governance: GovernanceDeploy; before(async () => { [governor, recoveryManager] = await ethers.getSigners(); const testSetFactory = new TestSet__factory(governor); testSet = await testSetFactory.deploy(); await abacus.deploy(domains, governor); }); beforeEach(async () => { const config: GovernanceConfig = { signer: governor, timelock: recoveryTimelock, recoveryManager: recoveryManager.address, governor: { domain: localDomain, address: governor.address, }, }; governance = new GovernanceDeploy(config); await governance.deploy(abacus); router = governance.router(localDomain); remote = governance.router(remoteDomain); }); it('Cannot be initialized twice', async () => { await expect( router.initialize(ethers.constants.AddressZero), )'Initializable: contract is already initialized'); }); it('accepts message from enrolled inbox and router', async () => { expect(await router.governor()).to.not.equal(ethers.constants.AddressZero); const message = formatSetGovernor(ethers.constants.AddressZero); // Create a fake abacus message coming from the remote governance router. const fakeMessage = utils.formatMessage( remoteDomain, remote.address, 0, // nonce is ignored localDomain, router.address, message, ); const inbox = abacus.inbox(localDomain, remoteDomain); await inbox.setMessageProven(fakeMessage); await inbox.testProcess(fakeMessage); expect(await router.governor()).to.equal(ethers.constants.AddressZero); }); it('rejects message from unenrolled inbox', async () => { const message = formatSetGovernor(ethers.constants.AddressZero); await expect( router.handle( remoteDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(remote.address), message, ), )'!inbox'); }); it('rejects message from unenrolled router', async () => { const message = formatSetGovernor(ethers.constants.AddressZero); // Create a fake abacus message coming from the remote governance router. const fakeMessage = utils.formatMessage( remoteDomain, ethers.constants.AddressZero, 0, // nonce is ignored localDomain, router.address, message, ); const inbox = abacus.inbox(localDomain, remoteDomain); await inbox.setMessageProven(fakeMessage); // Expect inbox processing to fail when reverting in handle await expect(inbox.testProcess(fakeMessage))'!router'); }); describe('when not in recovery mode', async () => { it('governor is the owner', async () => { expect(await router.owner()).to.equal(governor.address); }); it('governor can set local recovery manager', async () => { expect(await router.recoveryManager()).to.equal(recoveryManager.address); await router.transferOwnership(router.address); expect(await router.recoveryManager()).to.equal(router.address); expect(await router.recoveryActiveAt()).to.equal(0); }); it('governor can make local calls', async () => { const value = 12; const call = await formatCall(testSet, 'set', [value]); await[call]); expect(await testSet.get()).to.equal(value); }); it('governor can set local governor', async () => { expect(await router.governor()).to.equal(governor.address); await router.setGovernor(ethers.constants.AddressZero); expect(await router.governor()).to.equal(ethers.constants.AddressZero); }); it('governor can set local xAppConnectionManager', async () => { expect(await router.xAppConnectionManager()).to.equal( abacus.xAppConnectionManager(localDomain).address, ); await router.setXAppConnectionManager(ethers.constants.AddressZero); expect(await router.xAppConnectionManager()).to.equal( ethers.constants.AddressZero, ); }); it('governor can enroll local remote router', async () => { expect(await router.routers(testDomain)).to.equal( ethers.constants.HashZero, ); const newRouter = utils.addressToBytes32(router.address); await router.enrollRemoteRouter(testDomain, newRouter); expect(await router.routers(testDomain)).to.equal(newRouter); }); it('governor can make remote calls', async () => { const value = 13; const call = await formatCall(testSet, 'set', [value]); await router.callRemote(domains[1], [call]); await abacus.processMessages(); expect(await testSet.get()).to.equal(value); }); it('governor can set remote governor', async () => { const newGovernor = governor.address; expect(await remote.governor()).to.not.equal(newGovernor); await router.setGovernorRemote(remoteDomain, newGovernor); await abacus.processMessages(); expect(await remote.governor()).to.equal(newGovernor); }); it('governor can set remote xAppConnectionManager', async () => { const newConnectionManager = ethers.constants.AddressZero; expect(await remote.xAppConnectionManager()).to.not.equal( newConnectionManager, ); await router.setXAppConnectionManagerRemote( remoteDomain, newConnectionManager, ); await abacus.processMessages(); expect(await remote.xAppConnectionManager()).to.equal( newConnectionManager, ); }); it('governor can enroll remote remote router', async () => { expect(await remote.routers(testDomain)).to.equal( ethers.constants.HashZero, ); const newRouter = utils.addressToBytes32(router.address); await router.enrollRemoteRouterRemote( remoteDomain, testDomain, newRouter, ); await abacus.processMessages(); expect(await remote.routers(testDomain)).to.equal(newRouter); }); it('governor cannot initiate recovery', async () => { await expect(router.initiateRecoveryTimelock()) '!recoveryManager', ); }); it('governor cannot exit recovery', async () => { await expect(router.exitRecovery())'!recovery'); }); it('recoveryManager can set local recovery manager', async () => { expect(await router.recoveryManager()).to.equal(recoveryManager.address); await router.connect(recoveryManager).transferOwnership(router.address); expect(await router.recoveryManager()).to.equal(router.address); expect(await router.recoveryActiveAt()).to.equal(0); }); it('recovery manager cannot make local calls', async () => { const value = 12; const call = await formatCall(testSet, 'set', [value]); await expect( router.connect(recoveryManager).call([call]), ); }); it('recovery manager cannot set local governor', async () => { await expect( router .connect(recoveryManager) .setGovernor(ethers.constants.AddressZero), ); }); it('recovery manager cannot set local xAppConnectionManager', async () => { await expect( router .connect(recoveryManager) .setXAppConnectionManager(router.address), ); }); it('recovery manager cannot enroll local remote router', async () => { await expect( router .connect(recoveryManager) .enrollRemoteRouter( testDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(router.address), ), ); }); it('recovery manager cannot make remote calls', async () => { const value = 13; const call = await formatCall(testSet, 'set', [value]); await expect( router.connect(recoveryManager).callRemote(domains[1], [call]), )'!governor'); }); it('recovery manager cannot set remote governor', async () => { await expect( router .connect(recoveryManager) .setGovernorRemote(remoteDomain, router.address), )'!governor'); }); it('recovery manager cannot set remote xAppConnectionManager', async () => { await expect( router .connect(recoveryManager) .setXAppConnectionManagerRemote(remoteDomain, router.address), )'!governor'); }); it('recovery manager cannot enroll remote remote router', async () => { await expect( router .connect(recoveryManager) .enrollRemoteRouterRemote( testDomain, testDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(router.address), ), )'!governor'); }); it('recovery manager can initiate recovery', async () => { await expect( router.connect(recoveryManager).initiateRecoveryTimelock(), ).to.emit(router, 'InitiateRecovery'); }); it('recovery manager cannot exit recovery', async () => { await expect( router.connect(recoveryManager).exitRecovery(), )'!recovery'); }); }); describe('when in recovery mode', async () => { beforeEach(async () => { router = router.connect(recoveryManager); await router.initiateRecoveryTimelock(); expect(await router.inRecovery()); await increaseTimestampBy(ethers.provider, recoveryTimelock); expect(await router.inRecovery()); }); it('recovery manager is the owner', async () => { expect(await router.owner()).to.equal(recoveryManager.address); }); it('recovery manager can set local recovery manager', async () => { const recoveryActiveAt = await router.recoveryActiveAt(); expect(await router.recoveryManager()).to.equal(recoveryManager.address); await router.transferOwnership(router.address); expect(await router.recoveryManager()).to.equal(router.address); expect(await router.recoveryActiveAt()).to.equal(recoveryActiveAt); }); it('recovery manager can make local calls', async () => { const value = 12; const call = await formatCall(testSet, 'set', [value]); await[call]); expect(await testSet.get()).to.equal(value); }); it('recovery manager can set local governor', async () => { expect(await router.governor()).to.equal(governor.address); await router.setGovernor(ethers.constants.AddressZero); expect(await router.governor()).to.equal(ethers.constants.AddressZero); }); it('recovery manager can set local xAppConnectionManager', async () => { expect(await router.xAppConnectionManager()).to.equal( abacus.xAppConnectionManager(localDomain).address, ); await router.setXAppConnectionManager(ethers.constants.AddressZero); expect(await router.xAppConnectionManager()).to.equal( ethers.constants.AddressZero, ); }); it('recovery manager can enroll local remote router', async () => { expect(await router.routers(testDomain)).to.equal( ethers.constants.HashZero, ); const newRouter = utils.addressToBytes32(router.address); await router.enrollRemoteRouter(testDomain, newRouter); expect(await router.routers(testDomain)).to.equal(newRouter); }); it('recovery manager cannot make remote calls', async () => { const value = 13; const call = await formatCall(testSet, 'set', [value]); await expect(router.callRemote(domains[1], [call])) '!governor', ); }); it('recovery manager cannot set remote governor', async () => { await expect( router.setGovernorRemote(remoteDomain, router.address), )'!governor'); }); it('recovery manager cannot set remote xAppConnectionManager', async () => { await expect( router.setXAppConnectionManagerRemote(remoteDomain, router.address), )'!governor'); }); it('recovery manager cannot enroll remote remote router', async () => { await expect( router.enrollRemoteRouterRemote( remoteDomain, testDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(router.address), ), )'!governor'); }); it('recovery manager cannot initiate recovery', async () => { await expect(router.initiateRecoveryTimelock()) 'recovery', ); }); it('recovery manager can exit recovery ', async () => { await expect(router.exitRecovery()).to.emit(router, 'ExitRecovery'); expect(await router.inRecovery()); }); it('governor cannot make local calls', async () => { const value = 12; const call = await formatCall(testSet, 'set', [value]); await expect(router.connect(governor).call([call])) ONLY_OWNER_REVERT_MESSAGE, ); }); it('governor cannot set local governor', async () => { await expect( router.connect(governor).setGovernor(ethers.constants.AddressZero), ); }); it('governor cannot set local recovery manager', async () => { await expect( router.connect(governor).transferOwnership(router.address), ); }); it('governor cannot set local xAppConnectionManager', async () => { await expect( router.connect(governor).setXAppConnectionManager(router.address), ); }); it('governor cannot enroll local remote router', async () => { await expect( router .connect(governor) .enrollRemoteRouter( testDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(router.address), ), ); }); it('governor cannot make remote calls', async () => { const value = 13; const call = await formatCall(testSet, 'set', [value]); await expect( router.connect(governor).callRemote(domains[1], [call]), )'recovery'); }); it('governor cannot set remote governor', async () => { await expect( router .connect(governor) .setGovernorRemote(remoteDomain, router.address), )'recovery'); }); it('governor cannot set remote xAppConnectionManager', async () => { await expect( router .connect(governor) .setXAppConnectionManagerRemote(remoteDomain, router.address), )'recovery'); }); it('governor cannot enroll remote remote router', async () => { await expect( router .connect(governor) .enrollRemoteRouterRemote( remoteDomain, testDomain, utils.addressToBytes32(router.address), ), )'recovery'); }); it('governor cannot initiate recovery', async () => { await expect( router.connect(governor).initiateRecoveryTimelock(), )'recovery'); }); it('governor cannot exit recovery', async () => { await expect(router.connect(governor).exitRecovery()) '!recoveryManager', ); }); }); describe('interchain gas payments for dispatched messages', async () => { const testInterchainGasPayment = 123456789; let outbox: Outbox; let interchainGasPaymaster: InterchainGasPaymaster; before(() => { outbox = abacus.outbox(localDomain); interchainGasPaymaster = abacus.interchainGasPaymaster(localDomain); }); it('allows interchain gas payment for remote calls', async () => { const leafIndex = await outbox.count(); const call = await formatCall(testSet, 'set', [13]); await expect( await router.callRemote(domains[1], [call], { value: testInterchainGasPayment, }), ) .to.emit(interchainGasPaymaster, 'GasPayment') .withArgs(leafIndex, testInterchainGasPayment); }); it('allows interchain gas payment when setting a remote governor', async () => { const leafIndex = await outbox.count(); await expect( router.setGovernorRemote(remoteDomain, governor.address, { value: testInterchainGasPayment, }), ) .to.emit(interchainGasPaymaster, 'GasPayment') .withArgs(leafIndex, testInterchainGasPayment); }); it('allows interchain gas payment when setting a remote xAppConnectionManager', async () => { const leafIndex = await outbox.count(); await expect( router.setXAppConnectionManagerRemote( remoteDomain, ethers.constants.AddressZero, { value: testInterchainGasPayment }, ), ) .to.emit(interchainGasPaymaster, 'GasPayment') .withArgs(leafIndex, testInterchainGasPayment); }); it('allows interchain gas payment when enrolling a remote router', async () => { const leafIndex = await outbox.count(); const newRouter = utils.addressToBytes32(router.address); await expect( router.enrollRemoteRouterRemote(remoteDomain, testDomain, newRouter, { value: testInterchainGasPayment, }), ) .to.emit(interchainGasPaymaster, 'GasPayment') .withArgs(leafIndex, testInterchainGasPayment); }); }); });