import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { ethers } from 'hardhat'; import { TestCommon, TestCommon__factory } from '../types'; const localDomain = 1000; const ONLY_OWNER_REVERT_MSG = 'Ownable: caller is not the owner'; describe('Common', async () => { let owner: SignerWithAddress, nonowner: SignerWithAddress, common: TestCommon; before(async () => { [owner, nonowner] = await ethers.getSigners(); }); beforeEach(async () => { const commonFactory = new TestCommon__factory(owner); common = await commonFactory.deploy(localDomain); // The ValidatorManager is unused in these tests *but* needs to be a // contract. await common.initialize(common.address); expect(await common.validatorManager()).to.equal(common.address); }); it('Cannot be initialized twice', async () => { await expect(common.initialize(common.address)) 'Initializable: contract is already initialized', ); }); it('Allows owner to update the ValidatorManager', async () => { const commonFactory = new TestCommon__factory(owner); const newValidatorManager = await commonFactory.deploy(localDomain); await common.setValidatorManager(newValidatorManager.address); expect(await common.validatorManager()).to.equal( newValidatorManager.address, ); }); it('Does not allow nonowner to update the ValidatorManager', async () => { await expect( common.connect(nonowner).setValidatorManager(common.address), ); }); });