// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 pragma solidity ^0.8.13; import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol"; import {TypeCasts} from "../../contracts/libs/TypeCasts.sol"; import {MessageUtils} from "../isms/IsmTestUtils.sol"; import {StandardHookMetadata} from "../../contracts/libs/hooks/StandardHookMetadata.sol"; import {StaticProtocolFee} from "../../contracts/hooks/StaticProtocolFee.sol"; contract StaticProtocolFeeTest is Test { using TypeCasts for address; StaticProtocolFee internal fees; address internal alice = address(0x1); // alice the user address internal bob = address(0x2); // bob the beneficiary address internal charlie = address(0x3); // charlie the crock uint32 internal constant TEST_ORIGIN_DOMAIN = 1; uint32 internal constant TEST_DESTINATION_DOMAIN = 2; uint256 internal constant MAX_FEE = 1e16; uint256 internal constant FEE = 1e16; bytes internal testMessage; function setUp() public { fees = new StaticProtocolFee(MAX_FEE, FEE, bob, address(this)); testMessage = _encodeTestMessage(); } function testConstructor() public { assertEq(fees.protocolFee(), FEE); } function testSetProtocolFee(uint256 fee) public { fee = bound(fee, 0, fees.MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE()); fees.setProtocolFee(fee); assertEq(fees.protocolFee(), fee); } function testSetProtocolFee_revertsWhen_notOwner() public { uint256 fee = 1e17; vm.prank(charlie); vm.expectRevert("Ownable: caller is not the owner"); fees.setProtocolFee(fee); assertEq(fees.protocolFee(), FEE); } function testSetProtocolFee_revertWhen_exceedsMax(uint256 fee) public { fee = bound( fee, fees.MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE() + 1, 10 * fees.MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE() ); vm.expectRevert("StaticProtocolFee: exceeds max protocol fee"); fees.setProtocolFee(fee); assertEq(fees.protocolFee(), FEE); } function testSetBeneficiary_revertWhen_notOwner() public { vm.prank(charlie); vm.expectRevert("Ownable: caller is not the owner"); fees.setBeneficiary(charlie); assertEq(fees.beneficiary(), bob); } function testQuoteDispatch() public { assertEq(fees.quoteDispatch("", testMessage), FEE); } function testFuzz_postDispatch_inusfficientFees( uint256 feeRequired, uint256 feeSent ) public { feeRequired = bound(feeRequired, 1, fees.MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE()); // bound feeSent to be less than feeRequired feeSent = bound(feeSent, 0, feeRequired - 1); vm.deal(alice, feeSent); fees.setProtocolFee(feeRequired); uint256 balanceBefore = alice.balance; vm.prank(alice); vm.expectRevert("StaticProtocolFee: insufficient protocol fee"); fees.postDispatch{value: feeSent}("", ""); assertEq(alice.balance, balanceBefore); } function testFuzz_postDispatch_sufficientFees( uint256 feeRequired, uint256 feeSent ) public { feeRequired = bound(feeRequired, 1, fees.MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE()); feeSent = bound(feeSent, feeRequired, 10 * feeRequired); vm.deal(alice, feeSent); fees.setProtocolFee(feeRequired); uint256 aliceBalanceBefore = alice.balance; vm.prank(alice); fees.postDispatch{value: feeSent}("", testMessage); assertEq(alice.balance, aliceBalanceBefore - feeRequired); } function test_postDispatch_specifyRefundAddress( uint256 feeRequired, uint256 feeSent ) public { bytes memory metadata = StandardHookMetadata.formatMetadata( 0, 0, bob, "" ); feeRequired = bound(feeRequired, 1, fees.MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE()); feeSent = bound(feeSent, feeRequired, 10 * feeRequired); vm.deal(alice, feeSent); fees.setProtocolFee(feeRequired); uint256 aliceBalanceBefore = alice.balance; uint256 bobBalanceBefore = bob.balance; vm.prank(alice); fees.postDispatch{value: feeSent}(metadata, testMessage); assertEq(alice.balance, aliceBalanceBefore - feeSent); assertEq(bob.balance, bobBalanceBefore + feeSent - feeRequired); } function testFuzz_collectProtocolFee( uint256 feeRequired, uint256 dispatchCalls ) public { feeRequired = bound(feeRequired, 1, fees.MAX_PROTOCOL_FEE()); // no of postDispatch calls to be made dispatchCalls = bound(dispatchCalls, 1, 1000); vm.deal(alice, feeRequired * dispatchCalls); fees.setProtocolFee(feeRequired); uint256 balanceBefore = bob.balance; for (uint256 i = 0; i < dispatchCalls; i++) { vm.prank(alice); fees.postDispatch{value: feeRequired}("", ""); } fees.collectProtocolFees(); assertEq(bob.balance, balanceBefore + feeRequired * dispatchCalls); } // ============ Helper Functions ============ function _encodeTestMessage() internal view returns (bytes memory) { return MessageUtils.formatMessage( uint8(0), uint32(1), TEST_ORIGIN_DOMAIN, alice.addressToBytes32(), TEST_DESTINATION_DOMAIN, alice.addressToBytes32(), abi.encodePacked("Hello World") ); } receive() external payable {} }