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use std::{fmt::Debug, str::FromStr, time::Duration};
use crate::rpc_clients::{categorize_client_response, CategorizedResponse};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use ethers::providers::{Http, JsonRpcClient, ProviderError};
use ethers_prometheus::json_rpc_client::{
PrometheusJsonRpcClient, PrometheusJsonRpcClientConfigExt,
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
use serde_json::Value;
use thiserror::Error;
use tokio::time::sleep;
use tracing::{debug, error, instrument, trace, warn_span};
/// An HTTP Provider with a simple naive exponential backoff built-in
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RetryingProvider<P> {
max_requests: u32,
base_retry_ms: u64,
inner: P,
impl<P> RetryingProvider<P> {
/// Instantiate a RetryingProvider
pub fn new(inner: P, max_requests: Option<u32>, base_retry_ms: Option<u64>) -> Self {
Self {
max_requests: max_requests.unwrap_or(6),
base_retry_ms: base_retry_ms.unwrap_or(50),
/// Set the max_requests (and by extension the total time a request can
/// take).
pub fn set_max_requests(&mut self, max_requests: u32) {
assert!(max_requests >= 1);
self.max_requests = max_requests;
/// Set what the base amount of backoff time there should be.
pub fn set_base_retry_ms(&mut self, base_retry_ms: u64) {
assert!(base_retry_ms >= 1);
self.base_retry_ms = base_retry_ms;
/// Get the max_requests
pub fn max_requests(&self) -> u32 {
/// Get the base retry duration in ms.
pub fn base_retry_ms(&self) -> u64 {
/// How to handle the result from the underlying provider
enum HandleMethod<R, PE> {
impl<P> RetryingProvider<P>
P: JsonRpcClient,
/// The retrying provider logic which accepts a matcher function that can
/// handle specific cases for different underlying provider
/// implementations.
#[instrument(skip_all, fields(method = %method))]
async fn request_with_retry<T, R>(
method: &str,
params: T,
matcher: impl Fn(
// result from the provider request
Result<R, P::Error>,
// which attempt this is
// what the next backoff will be in ms
) -> HandleMethod<R, P::Error>,
) -> Result<R, RetryingProviderError<P>>
T: Debug + Serialize + Send + Sync,
R: DeserializeOwned,
let params = serde_json::to_value(params).expect("valid");
let mut last_err;
let mut i = 1;
loop {
let mut rate_limited = false;
let backoff_ms = self.base_retry_ms * 2u64.pow(i - 1);
trace!(params = %serde_json::to_string(&params).unwrap_or_default(), "Dispatching request with params");
debug!(attempt = i, "Dispatching request");
let fut = match params {
Value::Null => self.inner.request(method, ()),
_ => self.inner.request(method, &params),
match matcher(fut.await, i, backoff_ms) {
HandleMethod::Accept(v) => {
return Ok(v);
HandleMethod::Halt(e) => {
return Err(RetryingProviderError::JsonRpcClientError(e));
HandleMethod::Retry(e) => {
last_err = e;
HandleMethod::RateLimitedRetry(e) => {
last_err = e;
rate_limited = true;
i += 1;
if i <= self.max_requests {
let backoff_ms = if rate_limited {
backoff_ms.max(20 * 1000) // 20s timeout
} else {
trace!(backoff_ms, rate_limited, "Retrying provider going to sleep");
} else {
requests_made = self.max_requests,
"Retrying provider reached max requests"
return Err(RetryingProviderError::MaxRequests(last_err));
/// Error type for the RetryingProvider
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum RetryingProviderError<P>
P: JsonRpcClient,
/// An internal error in the JSON RPC Client which we did not want to retry
/// on.
/// Hit max requests
#[error("Hit max requests")]
impl<P> From<RetryingProviderError<P>> for ProviderError
P: JsonRpcClient + 'static,
<P as JsonRpcClient>::Error: Send + Sync,
fn from(src: RetryingProviderError<P>) -> Self {
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", async_trait(?Send))]
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), async_trait)]
impl JsonRpcClient for RetryingProvider<PrometheusJsonRpcClient<Http>> {
type Error = RetryingProviderError<PrometheusJsonRpcClient<Http>>;
#[instrument(skip(self), fields(provider_host = %self.inner.node_host(), chain_name = %self.inner.chain_name()))]
async fn request<T, R>(&self, method: &str, params: T) -> Result<R, Self::Error>
T: Debug + Serialize + Send + Sync,
R: DeserializeOwned,
use CategorizedResponse::*;
use HandleMethod::*;
self.request_with_retry::<T, R>(method, params, |res, attempt, next_backoff_ms| {
let _span = warn_span!(
retries_remaining = self.max_requests - attempt
match categorize_client_response(method, res) {
IsOk(res) => Accept(res),
RetryableErr(e) => Retry(e),
RateLimitErr(e) => RateLimitedRetry(e),
NonRetryableErr(e) => Halt(e),
impl<P> FromStr for RetryingProvider<P>
P: JsonRpcClient + FromStr,
type Err = <P as FromStr>::Err;
fn from_str(src: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
Ok(Self::new(src.parse()?, None, None))