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import { ethers, abacus } from 'hardhat';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { utils } from '@abacus-network/utils';
import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers';
import { BridgeDeploy } from './lib/BridgeDeploy';
const localDomain = 1000;
const remoteDomain = 2000;
const domains = [localDomain, remoteDomain];
describe('EthHelper', async () => {
let bridge: BridgeDeploy;
let deployer: SignerWithAddress;
let recipient: SignerWithAddress;
let recipientId: string;
const value = 1;
before(async () => {
[deployer, recipient] = await ethers.getSigners();
recipientId = utils.addressToBytes32(recipient.address);
await abacus.deploy(domains, deployer);
bridge = new BridgeDeploy(deployer);
await bridge.deploy(abacus);
it('send function', async () => {
let sendTx = bridge.helper(localDomain).send(remoteDomain, {
await expect(sendTx).to.emit(abacus.outbox(localDomain), 'Dispatch');
it('sendTo function', async () => {
let sendTx = bridge.helper(localDomain).sendTo(remoteDomain, recipientId, {
await expect(sendTx).to.emit(abacus.outbox(localDomain), 'Dispatch');
it('sendToEVMLike function', async () => {
let sendTx = bridge
.sendToEVMLike(remoteDomain, recipient.address, {
await expect(sendTx).to.emit(abacus.outbox(localDomain), 'Dispatch');