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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity >=0.8.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC4626.sol";
import {TokenMessage} from "../libs/TokenMessage.sol";
import {HypERC20Collateral} from "../HypERC20Collateral.sol";
import {TypeCasts} from "../../libs/TypeCasts.sol";
* @title Hyperlane ERC4626 Token Collateral with deposits collateral to a vault
* @author Abacus Works
contract HypERC4626Collateral is HypERC20Collateral {
using TypeCasts for address;
using TokenMessage for bytes;
using Math for uint256;
// Address of the ERC4626 compatible vault
ERC4626 public immutable vault;
uint256 public constant PRECISION = 1e10;
bytes32 public constant NULL_RECIPIENT =
ERC4626 _vault,
address _mailbox
) HypERC20Collateral(_vault.asset(), _mailbox) {
vault = _vault;
function initialize(
address _hook,
address _interchainSecurityModule,
address _owner
) public override initializer {
_MailboxClient_initialize(_hook, _interchainSecurityModule, _owner);
function _transferRemote(
uint32 _destination,
bytes32 _recipient,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _value,
bytes memory _hookMetadata,
address _hook
) internal virtual override returns (bytes32 messageId) {
// Can't override _transferFromSender only because we need to pass shares in the token message
uint256 _shares = _depositIntoVault(_amount);
uint256 _exchangeRate = PRECISION.mulDiv(
bytes memory _tokenMetadata = abi.encode(_exchangeRate);
bytes memory _tokenMessage = TokenMessage.format(
messageId = _Router_dispatch(
emit SentTransferRemote(_destination, _recipient, _shares);
* @dev Deposits into the vault and increment assetDeposited
* @param _amount amount to deposit into vault
function _depositIntoVault(uint256 _amount) internal returns (uint256) {
wrappedToken.approve(address(vault), _amount);
return vault.deposit(_amount, address(this));
* @dev Transfers `_amount` of `wrappedToken` from this contract to `_recipient`, and withdraws from vault
* @inheritdoc HypERC20Collateral
function _transferTo(
address _recipient,
uint256 _amount,
bytes calldata
) internal virtual override {
// withdraw with the specified amount of shares
vault.redeem(_amount, _recipient, address(this));
* @dev Update the exchange rate on the synthetic token by accounting for additional yield accrued to the underlying vault
* @param _destinationDomain domain of the vault
function rebase(uint32 _destinationDomain) public payable {
// force a rebase with an empty transfer to 0x1