The home for Hyperlane core contracts, sdk packages, and other infrastructure
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apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ include "agent-common.fullname" . }}
{{- include "agent-common.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
RUN_ENV: {{ .Values.hyperlane.runEnv | quote }}
{{- define "runDomains" -}}
{{- range .Values.hyperlane.chains}}{{ print .name }},{{ end }}
{{- end }}
RUN_DOMAINS: {{ include "runDomains" . | trimSuffix "," | quote }}
BASE_CONFIG_{{ .name | upper }}: {{ printf "%s_config.json" (.Values.hyperlane.runEnv | lower ) | quote }}
RUST_BACKTRACE: {{ .Values.hyperlane.rustBacktrace }}
HYP_BASE_DB: {{ .Values.hyperlane.dbPath }}
HYP_BASE_TRACING_FMT: {{ .Values.hyperlane.tracing.format }}
HYP_BASE_TRACING_LEVEL: {{ .Values.hyperlane.tracing.level }}
{{- range .Values.hyperlane.chains }}
{{- include "agent-common.config-env-vars" (dict "config" . "agent_name" "base" "key_name_prefix" (printf "CHAINS_%s_" (.name | upper)) "format" "config_map") | indent 2 }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.hyperlane.tracing.uri }}
HYP_BASE_TRACING_JAEGER_COLLECTOR_URI: {{ .Values.hyperlane.tracing.uri }}
{{- end }}
HYP_BASE_METRICS: {{ .Values.hyperlane.metrics.port | quote }}